Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6764811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4848 >>4950 >>4984 >>5128

From the very beginning — going back to June of 2015 on the very day that The Donald declared his candidacy for POTUS — we knew in our bones that Donald J. Trump was not quite right.


We knew that it was absolutely critical for the continuity of the American Republic that Hillary Clinton was defeated in the 2016 election.


Now we see that President Trump has transparently broken every major campaign promise that he made OVER and OVER and OVER again like the “Energizer Bunny” during the 2016 election cycle.


Not only has he broken every single promise, he has actually gone in the opposite direction of the most important ones such as his promise to make peace, not war.


For the diehard Trumpsters, especially, please understand that Trump quite knowingly created a hardcore War Cabinet full of Neocon warmongers. What follows are just a few of the worst of these criminally insane warmongering psychopaths who were personally appointed or approved of by this POTUS.


Mike Pence — Vice President


John Bolton — National Security Advisor (United States)


Mike Pompeo — Secretary of State


Gina Haspel — Director of the Central Intelligence Agency


Dan Coats — Director of National Intelligence


Steven Mnuchin — Secretary of the Treasury


Jared Kushner — Senior Advisor to the President


Elliot Abrams — United States Special Representative for Venezuela


Elan Carr — Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.6764831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5136

Please take a close look at the extremely important positions that each of these warmongers currently holds in the Trump administration. Hence, there’s no question that Trump was installed by his Neocon Zionist handlers to wage war … against any target Israel chooses (e.g. Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, etc.).


KEY POINT: Perhaps the major reason why Trump was installed in the White House by Israel was to first withdraw the United States from the Nuclear Deal so that the stage could be set to wage full-scale war against Iran for the sake of advancing the Greater Israel project. Even today the prez is recklessly sounding off about Iran as only a coerced (or mind-controlled) warmongering pawn would do.

See: As if on cue, President Trump falsely accuses Iran for an obvious false flag attack executed by the U.S. and Israel The critical point is that If Trump does not fire Bolton by Election Day, war with Iran is guaranteed if he’s re-elected!

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.6764854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4862 >>4865 >>4875 >>4887 >>5145

And that’s the ‘good news’!


The bad news is that Donald Trump was specifically chosen to ensure that 5G technology was deployed across America as quickly and efficiently and improperly as possible. Which is why The 5G Roll-out is Trump’s 9/11.


And do you know he’s doing just that?!?! In spite of the hard scientific evidence that proves this about the 5G Super-Hotspots: You better know where the “kill zones” are located.


Essentially, The Donald was used as a puppet to corral the entire Right into the pen of compliance with regard to blindly accepting 5G. In other words, if the DON (aka The Donald) says 5G is okay, then it’s okay. Just go along to get along with the rest of your Qtard and Trumptard compatriots while the extremely dangerous radio-frequency levels and microwave radiation necessary for 5G activation fry your brains as they cook your insides.


Now, if you really want to see the GREATEST CON MAN at work, please watch the following video very carefully. What you will hear is our President even singing the praises of the ultra-dangerous 6G technology, while he is surrounded by a perfectly stage-crafted set designed to convince and deceive every American watching this highly deceitful production. Even Ivanka comes on stage to do her own duplicitous dog and pony show.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 10:52 a.m. No.6764871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4886

That the POTUS would take such a dramatic initiative to foist the extremely dangerous 5G paradigm on these United States of America is as treacherous as it is treasonous. His conduct in this matter — both presidential and personal — is way beyond contempt and deeply disturbing.


What Trump has done — through his own words and actions — is profoundly violate the public trust and irreparably break the social contract. By voiding the sacred covenant that exists between the governed and the government, he has made himself totally irrelevant going forward. In other words, his 2020 aspirations are toast.


2017 Inaugural Address


It’s truly inconceivable that President Trump could give the Inaugural Address that he gave on January 20, 2017 with a straight face. This was the moment when he took in so many across the nation into his web of premeditated deception and extraordinary perfidy.


It was also the moment that has proved him to be “By Far The Biggest Con Man in U.S. Presidential History”. It’s why he was installed by his Neocon Zionist masters—he will lie through his teeth about anything, to anyone, at anytime, to further his own political goals. In short, Donald Trump has become dangerous to the extreme to the Republic and to the American people. A second term for him will totally ruin the American Republic just as his approved financial terrorism and economic sabotage against nations large and small have made the USA — BY FAR — the most hated country on Earth.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.6764895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5008



All the evidence has been stacking up for years that proves circumstantially Trump is being controlled by his Mossad handlers via blackmail and bribery directly related to Pedogate. As follows:


His long association with convicted pedophile and MOSSAD agent Jeffrey Epstein provides the indisputable prima facie evidence that Trump is one of them, not one of us. His name even showed up in Epstein’s little black book along with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz among hundreds other VIPs. See: Why is Donald Trump’s Name in Pedophile Epstein’s Little Black Book?


Now many will say that there are so many people in Epstein’s records and that some of them could be perfectly innocent business and personal contacts. Oh, really? Super-Mossad Pedogate blackmailer par excellence Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book? Innocent?!?! See: Trump and Epstein accused of raping 13-year-old girl in complaint filed with United States District Court for the Southern District

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6764914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4922 >>5067 >>5248

Now here’s the real kicker: Trump appointed Alex Acosta as his Labor Secretary knowing that he was the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida who offered Epstein what was essentially an illegal plea deal which clearly violated the civil rights of the victims. To be clear, Acosta knew that such a deal also violated federal law requiring the underage victims be informed of such an unjust plea bargain in advance of the offer.


Why would Trump ever make such an odious choice for Labor Secretary in view of Acosta’s repugnant behavior and official misconduct?


The historical record found in the public domain paints a picture of Donald Trump that unequivocally indicates he was deeply involved in Pedogate activities, perhaps spanning his entire lifetime. And, that this is the primary means by which he is being secretly controlled and manipulated by Israel. In point of fact, Israel owns and operates the Trump White House as never before in POTUS history. And that’s, Dear Patriots, spells

D I S A S T E R for the American people—UTTER DISASTER!.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.6764931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4938 >>4955 >>4958

Israel & the Mossad


This is exactly how the Mossad controls nearly every VIP politician in the U.S. Federal Government, as they control the all heads of state and top officials in the G20 nations and beyond.


There’s now every reason to believe that Donald Trump was literally installed in the White House by the Mossad. Trump and Netanyahu are so close that the treason the Left accuses him of in collaboration with Russia is really true about his collusion with Israel. After all, who doesn’t know that Trump bombed Syria — TWICE — for Israel based on a transparent lie and false flag chemical attack carried by Israel. See Trump Bombed Syria For Israel


Everything points to the great likelihood that Israel has so much dirt on Trump from his many years of dubious dealings in the New York City real estate market, and especially the Atlantic City and Las Vegas gambling casinos that they own him lock, sock and barrel.


The absurd misconception that Trump is his own man because he’s a supposed billionaire is so ridiculous only because he’s so friggin’ exposed legally, financially, and materially through his many buildings, golf courses, resorts and other properties. In other words, they can burn down one of his Trump Towers in a New York minute just as they can destroy his brand anywhere in the world they so choose, as they have successfully done to date.


So, Trump is anything but independent and free from extortion, blackmail or bribery. Because of his past bankruptcies, he’s particularly vulnerable to financial coercion and/or economic graft. As a matter of fact, he is much more controllable than a POTUS who has nothing because Trump has everything — A LOT — to lose. Once he leaves high office, he will be especially susceptible to a whole range of criminal and civil prosecutions due to his deep and diverse business portfolio currently under investigation by the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6764953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4966 >>4969

Much more significantly, however, is that Donald Trump is NOT a self-made man—he was a made man by the many rich and powerful Jewish power-brokers who completely controlled his destiny during his many years in the cutthroat New York City real estate market. Not only did this tight-knit cabal of Jewish bankers, lawyers, judges, accountants, developers, politicians and builders mentor and protect him, they basically owned him through the borrowed billions of dollars that he needed to fund his many business ventures.


In point of fact, with each billion of indebtedness to those NYC banksters and German banks such as Deutsche Bank, Trump is perhaps one of the most financially exposed and, therefore, highly vulnerable businessmen in the USA. It is always this type of financial exposure that the MOSSAD will always exploit by which to control and coerce elected representatives and government officials. The more their victim owns and owes, the more susceptible they are to multiple versions of blackmail and bribery of every sort and kind. Clearly, this is Trump’s life at this very moment as Israel attempts to coerce him to start an unlawful and unprovoked war of naked aggression against Iran.




If there’s one dead giveaway that proves that Trump is a total fraud, it’s his extraordinary commitment to MIGA. As a matter of historical fact, no other president in U.S. history has gone so far out of their way to “Make Israel Great Again”. There’s not even a close second, even though crypto-Jewish President Lyndon B. Johnson permitted Israel to get away with the deadly and destructive attack on the USS Liberty. Just as Johnson ensured that Israel would be secretly and illegally given America’s nuclear weapon technology.


The critical point here is that Trump’s foreign policy is quite obviously dictated by his masters in Tel Aviv. When they say jump, Trump asks “How high, sir!” Yes, Netanyahu’s total control of him is that bad… and much worse.


The two unlawful missile strikes on Syria, which were obviously based on patently false pretexts, are glaring examples of Trump slavishly carrying water for Israel. Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory are two other egregious cases where Trump has unlawfully acted on behalf of his Zionist masters.


The fact that Trump has flipped yet again by keeping an occupying force in Syria also shows his true intent not to vacate that war-torn nation. No other POTUS has ever gotten away with so much flip-flopping, and yet it’s perfectly tolerated, even by the ever-dissembling Mainstream Media.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.6764973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4979 >>5016

This typical Trumpian tactic has kept everyone off-balance and guessing what he will do next when in fact he has known exactly what Israel’s plans for Syria have been and are to this day. The Neocon warmongers now bomb that country at will, using Israel’s US-protected impunity to slowly degrade Syria’s defensive military positions.


Donald Trump made his first major mistake when he completely abandoned MAGA and replaced it with MIGA. The sheer number of Israel Firsters strategically positioned throughout his administration cannot be denied. In addition to those Neocon Zionists listed above, there are many others who have been stealthily placed to carry out Israel’s nefarious agenda against the American people including the military deployment of 5G. This also explains why 5G is not even permitted in Israel. As follows:

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.6764980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4993

Russian Jewish Mafia


While there was evidently no Russiagate conspiracy to collude with Russia to influence the 2016 election outcome, Trump’s ties to the Russian Jewish Mafia go back decades. Brighton Beach operatives such as Felix Sater tell a completely different story about Donald Trump’s real business background. Were the Right to become aware of the business practices that Trump routinely engaged in, they would jump off the Trump train in a heartbeat.


Likewise, Trump’s true relationship with the mob that has run both Las Vegas and Atlantic City for many decades would expose him as a just another gambling casino mobster. Why else would he kneel before the king of Vegas — Sheldon Adelson — prior to his election? In reality, Trump has had to kiss the ring of many unsavory characters within the Casino Industry over the years to accomplish whatever he has done … just as he had to in the cut-throat New York City development arena.


Going back to his years as a NYC developer, it was notorious lawyer Roy Cohn who was one of Trump’s first mentors. Just a photo of Cohn (see the preceding photograph) reveals the badass character that he truly was, particularly wherever he aimed his legal weaponry for the benefit of The Donald.


The sordid back story here is so deep and so broad that folks would refuse to believe it. Nevertheless, Trump’s close relationship with Cohn while the notorious attorney was alive represents the very nexus of the MOSSAD, the Jewish Mafia, the Zionists Neocons and Israel’s influence first in the making of Donald Trump a 2016 POTUS candidate, and then the President.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6765000   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jared Kushner & Bibi Netanyahu


The definitive manifestation of Trump’s wholly inappropriate loyalty to Israel can be seen in his relationship with Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu. The bond between these two war criminals is so improper that it’s clear who owns who. However, it’s son-in-law Jared Kushner who really does the dirty work on behalf of both mafia dons—Netanyahu and Trump.


This is where Trump’s son-in-law — Jared Kushner comes in. Really, what is this kid even doing there. A Chabad-affiliated Zionist and ultra-liberal NYC Jewish Neo-liberal Neocon is jet-setting around the world making deals for the POTUS … … … after taking direction from Netanyahu. This arrangement is so wrong it screams with influence-buying, malfeasance and unseemly collusion whenever it’s necessary for these “Three Amigos” to close an illicit deal.


Whenever it concerns Trump, Netanyahu and Kushner, the only thing that comes to mind is “thicker than thieves”; and it doesn’t get thicker than these 3 amigos. After all, Trump gave his daughter to the Kushner family years ago to cement the alliance with various Israeli crime families, as well as the all-powerful MOSSAD. The Kushner family headed by Charles Kushner was well-known as a Jewish Mafia type.


Dear reader, this is the only way to look at the current predicament: America is totally ruled by crime families, and the Trump-Kushner Crime Syndicate happens to be the one that occupies the White House at this time. As far as Trump’s partner-in-crime Bibi Netanyahu is concerned, have a look below at his secret strategy.


“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do. America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s God’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” — PM Benjamin Netanyahu

(Benjamin Netanyahu was in a meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording, which was witnessed and which has been 100% fully authenticated.)

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.6765028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5049 >>5172

Javanka, the Fric and Frac of the Trump Administration


There is perhaps no more graphic illustration of Trump’s shocking betrayal of his base than the appointment of his daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared to key White House advisory positions. These two ultra-progressive New Yorkers have ripped the guts out of Trump’s MAGA agenda. Both of them have stealthily undermined any attempt by Trump to implement a conservative plan to take back the USA.


First of all, what is Ivanaka doing anywhere near the West Wing?! This girl has only one interest and that is the enrichment of her family and their investment portfolio over any other goal or concern. Her casual yet ardent support of the 5G roll-out clearly showed she’s just another Trump airhead who doesn’t know the difference between 4G and 5G.


These two bad actors — Jared and Ivanka — even weighed in heavily to ensure Trump maintained taxpayer payments for the outrageous transgendering of American servicemen. What else needs to be said about these two covert agents of Cultural Marxism? Javanka represents all that is seriously wrong with America today, as well as what is likely to bring about this nation’s downfall unless they are both frogmarched out of the West Wing post-haste.


By the way, her relationship with her father is quite likely something out of the annals of the CIA’s MK-Ultra Monarch mind-control program. And the many photos of Trump with his daughter tells the story that no one can deny.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.6765043   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump: The First Jewish President


Just as Bill Clinton was the first BLACK president, Barack Obama was the first GAY president, Donald Trump is the first JEWISH president.


It’s indisputable that all of Trump’s children are either married or formerly married to Jews, or in dating relationship with them. It has been asserted by Trump genealogy researchers that Donald Trump was born into a crypto-Jewish family, and that he may not even know it. However, one thing is for certain, Trump’s religious life is conducted as a zealous Christian Zionist who subscribes to the all the fabricated predictions associated with Zionism.


This highly consequential data point is precisely why Trump appointed his son-in-law Jared to a senior advisor position in the White House. Likewise, his ultra-liberal daughter Ivanaka wields more power in the West Wing than any president’s child should ever possess. In so doing, Javanka have effectively hijacked the fake MAGA agenda and furtively replaced it with a cultural marxist one. In this way, the fundamentally Jewish creation of Cultural Marxism continues to run amuck across America, with the LGBT Mafia leading the charge.


There is a great likelihood that the strategic marriage between the Kushner Crime Family and Trump’s daughter was a well-planned political alliance ordered by the Jewish Mafia so that Netanyahu would have an inside man in the White House. Jared Kushner is transparently running Trump’s foreign policy especially where it concerns the Middle East. He’s even [APPEARS] to be dictating the terms of the new and extremely one-sided peace plan for Palestine.


It’s also important to note that, not only did Trump move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, he has also sided with Israel against Palestine in every instance of disagreement. This is why a special coin has been minted in Israel with Trump’s likeness on it and a New Golan Heights community — “Trump Heights” — is named after him. Truly, Donald J. Trump is the “first Jewish president”… to the great detriment of the American people.


KEY POINT: Trump’s appointment of rabid Neocon Zionist Nikki Haley as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations was the lowest point in U.S. diplomatic history. How such a bellicose and brazen politician ever got appointed to such a sensitive post can only be explained by direct Israeli intervention. See NIKKI HALEY: The Scariest US Ambassador to the UN Ever!

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:26 a.m. No.6765068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5090 >>5110

Trump’s Decadent Lifestyle


There’s no question that Donald Trump’s decadent lifestyle – to this very day – has contributed majorly to his failed presidency. Anyone who eats at MacDonald every other day — at 73 years old especially — is setting themselves up for a HUGE fall…into the grave. And yet this is the least of his bad habits.


For the uninitiated, you become like the company you keep. If you hang with thieves you become a thief; conversely, if you congregate with saints you will eventually become a saint. In Trump’s case, it’s clear from the foul characters he has surrounded himself with in the Executive branch that he really likes the bad actors. Just look at the list of warmongers posted above. When the entire administration is comprised of murderers, thieves, torturers and other maniacal sociopaths, what can the body politic expect?! The crux of the matter is that they all reflect the highly flawed character of President Trump. And, the resulting mayhem and strife prove it.


Of course, Trump’s well-known affairs with so many women over the years indicate a man OUT OF CONTROL. The many dramas associated with three marriages and his ownership of the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant further demonstrate both a lack of restraint and bold recklessness. How he was able to successfully con the Christian Right of his rectitude provides a serious study into the perilous nexus of sociopathic criminality and institutional ponerization.


Perhaps his greatest Achilles’s heel was exposed in Trump’s preoccupation with his gambling casinos. This business can turn even a saint into a sinner in a Vegas moment. His kissing the ring of casino magnate Sheldon Adelson right before his election is just one case of the unsavory characters he is beholden to… … …for the rest of his natural life.


What’s of paramount importance to comprehend is that Trump is really not in his right mind. He refused to release his medical records because of the powerful prescription drugs that he regularly takes for years. Between his unusually bad diet and the toxic meds, Donald Trump has clearly been pushed into an early-onset dementia profile of which he may be totally unaware. His famous lack of proper sleep only further exacerbates this situation as seen by his 3:00 AM tweets that send the stock market shooting up or crashing down. WOW ! ! !


One last essential point is that Trump is no friend of the environment or good health practice. His shocking disregard for the Earth is displayed by his obsessive desire to sell LNG around the globe while tearing up the American landscape with fracking and other highly destructive shale gas extraction methods. He then forces other countries to buy our expensive natural gas when they can acquire it much cheaper from sources much closer than the USA.


Trump also recently deregulated GMO agriculture for Big Agra and even he speaks about the need to receive regular vaccinations in spite of his Barron showing signs of vaccine-induced autism. His serial flip-flopping on so many similar issues indicates no commitment to health or a clean environment which will ultimately be his undoing. His corrupt EPA Administrators have been anything but protective of the fragile environment. But, hey, don’t even think of upsetting the posh atmosphere at Mar-a-lago. Even Palm Beach, Florida is conveniently exempt from 5G wireless law while Trump fervently hard-sells 5G everywhere else.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.6765083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5099

Trump’s disastrous foreign policy


From the very beginning, President’s Trump’s foreign policy has been ruinous for the USA. Not only has it wrecked America’s international relations with friends and foes alike, the whole world has been plunged into a state of unparalleled chaos and conflict. In this particular regard, Trump fully deserves his moniker—the WRECKING BALL


Team Trump knows only one method—gunboat diplomacy, as though “might makes right”. Trump’s War Cabinet has taken American exceptionalism to new levels of hubris and imperialism. It’s as though Trump’s masters have given him strict orders to enforce Pax Americana at the barrel of a gun or through war-triggering economic sanctions. Exactly who are his masters and where are they located? Chicago?


KEY POINT: The Military-Industrial Complex is headquartered in Chicago, IL. Chicago is also home to the extremely powerful Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Accordingly, Chicago is the planned capital of the North American Union once the borders are dissolved as they have been doing for decades. What isn’t well known is the intimate connection between the Modern State of Israel and the many Neocon Zionists who dominate the Chicago sphere of global power and influence. See this important exposé for more details: STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination


The cataclysmic trade war with China is just one example where Trump was set up to irreparably destroy a vital relationship with America’s biggest trading partner. His every arrogant move has been made to offend and outrage, prick and provoke. However, Trump’s deeply offensive policies are already producing enormous blowback As follows:


The grim realities that have emerged from this unparalleled trade war are many and profound. One of the many unintended consequences for America is that the Chinese and their trading partners are quickly reorganizing themselves into an international economic and financial bloc determined to forever undermine the US petrodollar as the world’s primary reserve currency. For all intents and purposes, this massive multi-nation initiative is a fait accompli—the reign of the once Almighty Dollar is effectively over. Now, the whole world waits with bated breath as the Neocon warmongers in total control of the White House make their next move.


Really, where is this all going but to hell in a handbasket. Clearly, Trump is being used to push the world community of nations into the hot phase of World War III on behalf of the Military-Industrial Complex … and he’s doing a heckuva good job for them. See: The Only Remaining Option for the NWO Globalist Cabal is World War III

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:33 a.m. No.6765106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5178

Broken Promises by President Trump


What follows is a list of broken promises and failed policies that have occurred on Trump’s watch:


The last Spending Bill was a HUGE political disaster for Trump as it was a catastrophe for the American people. The Military-Industrial Complex as always was the BIG winner.


The National Debt has ballooned under Trump. It’s now well over $21,000,000,000,000! The US Govt borrowed over $1 trillion in 2018 and much more in 2019.


Trillion Dollar Budget Deficits are returning according to the CBO.


Trade Deficits are also hitting a 10-year high.


The so-called ‘successful’ Tax Bill was mainly a giveaway to Corporate America and the super wealthy. The rich and powerful will only get richer from that Democrat-approved legislation. Really, why would the Democrats ever give Trump a legislative win unless their own unconscionable enrichment was guaranteed.


Obamacare was not repealed even with Republican majorities in both chambers. Why not? And now we’re stuck with it forever because of Trump’s willful incompetence.


The Border Wall remains as elusive today as it was when Trump first promised it. He really has no intention of building a wall or a fence or anything…and never did!


The DACA debate remains just that—a debate. There’s been no real movement.


As for federal Immigration Policy, almost every Trump executive order has been thwarted. He floats measures that are destined to fail… … …by purposeful design.


As for Abortion, not only is the criminal Planned Parenthood abortion factory still up and running, Infanticide-permitting laws are now approved in states both large and small.


Next, there is President Trump’s Gun Control, and the right to bear arms. Yes, he’s already foisting his own version of gun control stealthily on the nation. For instance, Trump directed AG Sessions to craft a new federal policy that was quietly restrictive. The right to purchase bump stocks has been revoked; so have silencers been shut down. Even the age allowed to buy assault weapons has been raised, but they can still go to war. There are other serious gun control measures in the works that have not yet been put out by the POTUS but we’ve heard his strong support of the state’s Red Flag Laws.


Draining the swamp was the most important promise that Trump made — REPEATEDLY — during the 2016 election cycle. “Lock her up!” was his campaign mantra that compelled many to get on the Trump train that is now a out-an-out train wreck. Not only did he not lock up Hillary, she’s out and about stomping the campaign circuit as though she’s running for POTUS in 2020. Only Trump associates have been arrested, prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated for crimes they did not even commit. Meanwhile, the self-incriminated coup plotters and obvious traitors are still on the loose conducted their soft coup. Quite UNBELIEVABLE ! ! !


Contrary to draining the swamp, the Trump administration has aggressively gone after the most courageous whistleblowers of our times such as Julian Assange. Trump’s DoJ has promised to put Assange behind bars for the rest of his natural life (Remember, without WikiLeaks Trump would have lost 2016). Furthermore, Trump has only tweeted about the countless and profound violations of the Second Amendment where it is conservatives exclusively who are illicitly censored, never liberals. His stunning lack of executive action in this regard is as reprehensible as it is despicable (as long as Trump still has his own Twitter account he cares not a whit about the intensifying censorship of the Right).

(Source: TRUMP Reality Check)


This is just a partial list of broken promises and failed policy-making. A comprehensive list would be 10 times as long. Here’s another excellent takes on Trump’s broken promises.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.6765148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Many on the Right now correctly perceive that Trump’s promises were all fake. Just like “fake news”, Trump promised the world knowing he could not deliver on them but thoroughly understanding they would get him elected. And so they did.


Of course, his hidden sponsors pulling his strings and funding his campaign told him straight up: You can do whatever you want domestically as long as you give Israel free rein in the Middle East. And so he has right up today with this new development about his surreptitiously planned war with Iran.


How’s that for a stunningly treacherous betrayal of the American people? He promised to make peace and yet promotes war whenever it serves Israel of his own selfish business interests. He especially pushes America’s quiet wars on behalf of the all-powerful Military-Industrial Complex…for it is also the MIC that made sure of Trump’s victory so his payback obligation is quite HUGE. And the MIC is getting everything they want like no other administration in U.S history.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:47 a.m. No.6765179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5235 >>5247

Trump’s 9/11 Betrayal


Donald Trump blatantly lied during the 2016 campaign by talking about the “dancing Muslims” who were photographed on September 11, 2001 capturing video of the burning Twin Towers. They were not Muslims; as a matter of the historical record they were Israelis who knew about the terrorist attacks well in advance. They also knew that it was a cruise missile launched by the U.S. military that penetrated the Pentagon, not American Airlines Flight 77.


Trump also went from indicting the Saudis for their integral role in financing the 9/11 black operation to making them his closest friends. His outright (and unlawful) support of the Saudi war on Yemen created the worst humanitarian disaster of the Third Millennium. That shift in policy only occurred with the uncompromising demand (read: coercion) of the Apartheid State of Israel who has since made common cause with the tyrannical KSA monarchy.


Trump also surrounded himself with the biggest Neocon Zionist movers and shakers who were really behind 9/11 attacks. Mayor Rudy Giuliani was, in fact, the New York City point man for both the stealthy execution of the controlled demolitions of World Trade Centers 1, 2 and 7 as well as the multiple ongoing cover-ups


The bottom line regarding 9/11 truth is that Trump knows that many of his closest NYC friends were intimately involved in the 9/11 false flag operation. Many of these covert perpetrators were the actual brains and brawn that pulled it off. And, there are photos on the Internet that clearly show just how chummy Trump is with these criminally insane psychopaths.


KEY POINT: Where it concerns the 9/11 inside job, President Trump has proven himself to be a truly contemptible traitor to the American Republic of the highest order. Not only has he quite stealthily continued the massive 9/11 cover-up for Israel, Saudi Arabia and Great Britain, he has taken every opportunity to falsely accuse the Muslims for the epic crime spree committed by Israel.

Anonymous ID: a6027c June 16, 2019, 11:49 a.m. No.6765192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

By the way, does it get any worse than this 9/11 betrayal?! Here Trump is shmoozing with many of the Neocon Zionists who were directly responsible for the greatest terrorist attack on American soil—EVER! How does any real patriot even begin to justify such treasonous and repugnant behavior. That’s right: it can’t be justified, not even with the utterly absurd 5D chess that the Qtards insist is being played. What a total joke … on them and the Trumptards who are following their pied piper right over the cliff of a Zionist-engineered Armageddon.