Did shitty Jew memer post yet ?
Shitty Jew memer really wants buttseks from serial killer politician memer
That's the magic of bilbo milking alien corpses from your volcano till you xenu
Milk his volcano for alien corpses till he xenus all over shitty Jew memer
Bilbo his volcano real hard to get all the alien corpses from his volcano
Shitty Jew memer wants to be covered in xenu
Hi shitty Jew memer
Trump is getting worked over by bilbo
When we get all the alien corpses ready
He is gonna xenu all over your backchannel
100k sealed and an unknown non-sealed number says
Your inner homo is tarded
Prol larped drumpf
Drumpf larper wants some bilbo in volcano too
Rideing bilbo into the volcano full of alien corpses is a bigly step in securing your inner tard
Bilbo your jewhole to remove alien corpses from your volcano till your covered in xenu and ride into the sunset like a lesbian seagull
Your inner tard deserves it
Order danielfaggot lotion with your bilbo from prime jootube
Your inner tard needs its homo
For $25k Scientology can turn your inner tard into a inner homo with outer space 🚀 bilbos shaped like 747
Gets all the volcano milk first time
There will be xenu all over everywhere
Who needs handjobs when bilbos are milking the xenu out of volcanos full of ancient alien corpses
Bilbo your volcano real deep to get the Jew gold out
Bilbos in holes
Your volcano 🌋 prol needs danielfaggot lotion
Your inner tard needs to accept the bilbo into its jewhole volcano
This gaytriot found his inner tard through this jewhole volcano thanks to Scientology
Maybe you are not useing real danielfaggot lotion with your bilbo
No one believed your inner tard
Not even several thousand loafs ago
Trust bilbo in your volcano
These old berliners found their inner tard with bilbos in their jewhole volcano
And so can (you)
This tard ordered the electric bilbo for milking his xenu
Saurkrauters auf dem berliners lederhosen sagt "trust bilbos in volcanos for alien corpses and xenu milking"
Wash your bilbos after volcano milking
Go slow if it's your first time with volcano milking
Jesus had too many alien corpses in his volcano so scientologists hung him up to drain his xenu milk
Maybe you won a golden ticket to the fudge packing factory
Cheesy Jew porks on unleavened dough 🍕
Maybe Scientology can molest your us18rico settlement with a bilbo and shitty Jew memer
Well RBG always wanted to bury these judas faggot chimera corpses in the moria uranium mine with a bigly bucket of yeast in case it floods
There is plenty of room in the haystack mountain mine also
Down the way from the cibola school shooting practice range
Queer pedo protests for high gas prices
Homo pedo cocaine ghosts swearing Jew jibberish is not a form of government