>>6765224 lb
Is that a threat?
I call out a deleted notable and you threaten deleting more?
Guess what. Will repost this bread and next bread!
You leaving masonry is the only decision you can make that will have an impact.
>>6765224 lb
Is that a threat?
I call out a deleted notable and you threaten deleting more?
Guess what. Will repost this bread and next bread!
You leaving masonry is the only decision you can make that will have an impact.
Many shills admitted being mason, many shills use mason symbolism (nightshift).
Masonry is the only groups of people with a reason to shill here.
Masons/Illuminati/DS elite is what Q and anons are bringing down.
They are the butthurt ones seeing their sick and evil world collapse, they are the only group with a reason to shill here.
Repost to make more anons aware.
In bread 8551 it is shown in notbles of 8549, in bread 8552 it is gone from 8549.
>>6686470 lb, 8551
>>6687213 lb, 8552
>>6685212 lb Anon's guide on REDPILLING
Obviously the post itself is still there, but anons coming to QR and checking notables will not find it anymore. And this is the whole point of notables: getting more eyes on relevant info. Deleting a baked notable is shilly AF.
And lb baker (shill baker RGB known for pushing muh jew and leaving out info) fought hard to explain the shillery.
>>6687605 lb, shill baker
>>6687687 lb, me
>>6687706 lb, shill baker
>>6687758 lb, me
>>6687348 lb
>>6687555 lb
>Fight for the narrative.
>Anons are the news.
>ARCHIVE important info offline, repost from time to time.
>Call out shillery in the kitchen and call for important info bakers 'miss'.
The illuminati amd every other litte cult of the DS IS MASONIC.
Masonry is the base for all the evil.
Masonry is not good guys being influenced.
Masonry is pure evil and Lucifer worship.
Happy to post more memes if you newshills go on with
<most masons are nice guys, pizza just means pizza, no secrecy at all, all fine, trust me
Yss sure, its all the jooos bc the talmud and rabbis and stuff.
Joooos, all of them, all 8 million, JK too, joooos (not the masons really, despite Q posting the opposite.)
You shills glow and will be ded soon.
Why not just leave masonry?
The masons are the bad apples having spoiled a lot of organozations.
Masonry is the base for the global illuminati DS.
Masonry is the base for symbolism and secrecy.
Q said so clearly. "Cult, Satan, Lucifer, Owls"
NWO politicians, advisers - masons.
Bad intel agencys - masons.
Fake news reporters - masons.
FF guys - masons.
"The cult runs the world. Fanrasy land."
A is not anon but sticking out glowing and it´s been called out by many anons all the time.
Not being anon but typing "A" in the namefield is namefagging/famefagging.
It´s done to establish a "known, reliable" charachter to be able to shill with later afterwards.
It´s just the same as shills trying to establish CTA / HWanon or the other shills namefagging as McThiste, Nasim, …
Anons don´t need a name, truth doesn´t need a name - it´s the informaton provided that counts.
>ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.
Why is it done?
(((echo))) (((shills))) (((glow))).
Why do muh jew shills back up nameshills?
Does the shill script say to first establish namefag A, McThistle, Nasim and then use those for muh jew shilling?
you glow, nasim famefag shill.
there are no anons defending namefagging.
but there are a lot of shills seeing clearly that no a single one of their tactics was successful.
there are a lot of shills desperately backing up namefagging shills.
w/o you saucing it, most definitly not.