fuk McAfee, he's a fame fag.
Holy Shiteโฆhappening in LA. Underground bunkers? Elon Musk tunnels? PlayBoy mansion tunnels?
Map of Elon's LA Tunnels
Elon's LA Tunnels sauce https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/elon-musk-just-released-map-boring-tunnels-that-may-transform-las-underground-1650132
Near the 200 S Hill in LA
The Lost Tunnels of LA
.."the city introduced the Hill Street tunnels. Dual tubes for trolleys and autos first bore through the northeastern part of Bunker Hill (sometimes referred to as Court Hill.) Hill Street then intersected with Temple Street aboveground. Automobiles could continue north on Castelar Street (since renamed Hill Street), while streetcars plunged beneath Fort Moore Hill through a second tunnel."
So they will vote for someone who winn never win the R vote and help a Dem take all the guns? Single issue 2A voters need to grow the fuck up or start the civil war.
Every hard core 1 issue 2A voters I know could fucking care less about the bump stocks, they will rise up (as will I and I don't like guns) if they try to take the guns - most folks who vote on multiple issues could care less if the bump stocks are banned.
You're the dumb fukc. Trump supporters are keeping low as they aare being identified and persecuted. There is no POLL that will ever show the true numbers of his suppoerters across the nation. Only libs feel "safe" polling