>>6763755 (lb) IMO should have been notable (even if turns out later to be nothing).
We are erring on the wrong side with the notables. Better to include something that turns out unimportant than to let something important be obfuscated. When someone says "there's no there there", but we aren't sure, we should err on including instead of letting (((them))) win with their censorship attempts.
But the real point of this post is that the coincidences in this are really knawing at me. Yes this is a reach, but I can't shake the strange connections, and the anon who said we aren't learning (((their))) coms was right on:
DJT tweets about (points us to) NYT & Wapo.
>>6763753 (pb)
Anons find good stuff on NYT including Anthony Bourdain tweet exactly 1 year before HRC's Tony tweet.
Anthony Bourdain was called Renegade and also called "a Symphony" in the tweet. So possibly pointing to Obamination & music.
Bourdain had just tweeted about A Rising Sun Blues (aka House of the Rising Sun) mix a few days before his death.
Song is about a place in New Orleans (voodoo capital of US) and may have voodoo ritual rythms.
Hard not to be reminded of all the Gumbo weirdness & voodoo connections: Renegade's Leah Chase & Dooky Chase tweet, Booker's black dog gumbo tweets, Donna Brazille's gumbo tweet, and @Zaikiro & @NeonRevolt twitter threads & GAP posts about it being a last ditch call for a voodoo ritual against DJT.
Note that @Zaikiro's feed is now gone/empty, and the unroll about it has been flagged unsafe by twitter, and @threadreaderapp's account (that did the unroll) was locked for hate speech, and the images of @Zaikiro's posts are unavailable now in the unroll.
>>6726445 (pb)
>>6738473 (pb)
>>6720385 (pb)