>>6764960 (lb)
no matter how many times you write "anon(s)", no matter what name (JTRIG, CTR, MM, ShariaBlue, 8200, JIDF) …
say hi to your m8s on the bread
we are just about at the three year anniversary wiki-then-besta aren't we? yes. yes we are.
3 years. THREE.
five minutes after the drop…drop into Besta, read the yelp reviews (some poor soul ordered a greek pizza and complained about "black pubes" being baked into the crust - I do not lie. staff berated him for ordering the wrong thing / taking someone elses pizza) , check ownership, right into the Oval Orifice.
still no explanation about why the FBI mislead the court (with a judge we all know and despise) about the .22 adapted m16 but then again if they knew goat hill walsh used a .22 the story becomes not simply incredible, but impossible.
someone messing with my uranium dig?