Wow. I like.
Yes indeed!
We talked about it a lot in the LB.
Now we need more sauce.
Go back one bread & read what anons said.
They are still trying to acquire more formerly-left audiences. Talk that's too extreme/scary will be counterproductive. Over the long run they are gradually, slowly, redpilling the public. The shift of the overton window has to be gradual, or else listeners will disbelieve and turn away. It's a delicate balancing act.
Nice graphics, capped 2 new ones.
When the difficult truths are revealed, it will be done in a compelling manner to avoid a divide. That's what Q said and I believe it. I believe /ourguys/ have the timing down and you don't need to be a concernfag.
>>6766419 Just stop being so fucking condescending. No anon is above another.
WWG1WGA You don't even realize how condescending your habitual tone is.
Anons know.
How come the one I got asks for a specific dollar amount to become a Presidential Founder? It doesn't say I can contribute any amount.