Do you knuckleheads really think that some insignificant bridge is part of some elaborate NWO plan that has to do with Q intrigue, and 75D chess?
You morons don't get it. BO can't ban anyone effectively. Use your fucking filter, you retarded slobs.
The chans are the very last place on the net that does not have censorship. Try posting anything you have posted here on wordpress, or similar, and see how long your blog lasts.
If Sessions is simply acting like an incompetent, do nothing, doddering fool, he should get the award for best fucking actor, ever.
I know. But thank you. Just trying to get retardanon to make an argument.
You stupid fucker really think that arresting a bunch of crooked politicians will be the end of the fucking world? What happened when the former Soviet union went belly up? Was there a world-wide catastrophe? What about when other countries do the same thing? You know Putin put a lot of bad apples in jail, and expelled a whole not more.