Eat a bag of dicks, jerk. You ain't happy with things, GTFO.
No it was not. You really think QTeam would collapse bridges & kill innocent people as payback to anyone? You really don't belong here. Ugh, the stupid burns.
I already filtered a ton of the idiots. Gah, I think the stupid is contagious.
Pffffft. I'm not upset at all. I don't think the bridge collapse or water had anything to do with any Q crumbs either. It's a ridiculous supposition. I don't go over the cliff with the idiots. And I don't believe that Q is a larp. That's all. You think Q is a larp, leave mthr fukr.
It is probably true. It's all over the searches using duckduck. So what? They are human. Hopefully it will be "amicable" & no one badmouths the other. They have 5 children to do the right thing by.
That's why r/CBTS got shut down. One of many reasons, so STFU. When you start talking about "vigilante" justice, which you misspelled as "vigilant", that's a problem, NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK IT IS OR IS NOT.
I'm pretty sure it would take an amendment to the constitution to abolish the electoral college. My opinion is that it will never happen.
No he did not. You really think if they knew they (the white hats) would have actually let it happen & kill/injure a bunch of people? Please. I think it was a crappy structure to start with, & could even be b/c of really bad steel from China. QTeam does not plan for or allow people to be killed in ANY situation. JMHO.
Fuck you asshat. What have you ever done for your country, proxy war or not? People didn't have a choice in the Vietnam war b/c of a little thing called the draft. Eat a bag of dicks you ignorant idiot.
Thank you for your service & sacrifice, anon. The stupid is strong in here today.
If you think you can tell me to get the fuck outta here, you are wrong dusty shitbag. Haaahaaaahaaa we are all laughing at you.
I'm triggered? Haaahaaahaa microdick boy YOU are definitely triggered. Haaaahaaahaa.
https ://
Yes, & Flynn stood up for Robin Gritz, which is why McCabe hated him.
Stop it.
I don't think they are intelligent enough to know that the social security that they accuse us of "milking" is money that we have paid into OUR ENTIRE WORKING LIVES, ffs. Idiots. All I can say is they are in for a very rude awakenig on down the line. Now that just made me laugh out loudโฆheh heh!
Thank you. I just posted that fact as well.