Anonymous ID: 16dae8 June 17, 2019, 12:24 a.m. No.6769628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9637 >>9646 >>9824 >>9889

>>6763323 (pb)

>>6768632 (pb)



— Argentina

— Paraguay

— Uruguay

— Chile

— Brazil


Isn't it odd...  3 entire countries had their power mysteriously knocked out?  Isn't it odd that these just happen to be the three main countries that the Nazis evacuated to ("Hunting Hitler" goes into this in great depth) and continued their operations with the re-formed 4th Reich?  Isn't it odd that Paraguay is where the Bush crime family owns a bazillion acres of land, and where their operation is no doubt run from?  Isn't it odd that three entire Nazi-infested countries (to include parts of Nazi-infested Chile and Brazil) with untold numbers of sub-stations all seemed to lose power simultaneously?  What are the odds?  And what are the odds that they'd have the power back to all three countries (entire countries) in about 8 hours? 


We know the Nazi factions have infiltrated our nation for 70 years now. Communists, Nazis, Fascists -- they're all the same creature.  It's the Nazis from South America who set this US coup up after WWII at the hands of the Dulles Brothers, the Bushes, the Majestic 12 bunch, and so on.  It started with Operation Paperclip, they were embedded into the entire government, managed a full coup with the murder of JFK, escalated control with the ousting of Nixon, and it's been a slow drip to fascism ever since.  The Clinton’s used the 90s to infiltrate and capture the entire government infrastructure, 9/11 made the whole plan go hot, and Obama/Hilldawg were sent in to be the demolition crew. That's the Bush/Clinton/Obama crime family NWO plan in action.  Where are the Bushes centered?


This was a surgical strike.  Guaranteed.  It is 100% impossible that 3 entire countries and large sections of two others had a power outage simultaneously that lasted only 8 hours before it was miraculously restored.  This had to be a military operation for some kind of clean-up or extraction op in South America, and a very effective beta test for what is coming to America if the communist factions push forward their Trump coup very much more. We might soon expect a full-fledged country-wide grid down in the United States which will miraculously come back online in about 8 hours.  They may have this so streamlined that the only disruption anyone will suffer in the snatching up of the crooks in one fell swoop will be a few hours without power or communications.  


This could get very interesting very fast.