Anonymous ID: 66b22d June 17, 2019, 1:56 a.m. No.6769841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9847 >>9851 >>9858 >>9871

I am going to connect the CHILD PORN that was FOUND on Alex Jones Computer


I believe this is totally worth digging. It's regarding Alex Jones, Megyn Kelly, Nixon, HRC, and Roger Stone.


So lets recap a series of events. Because FUTURE PROVES PAST.


Roger Stone was fired from the Trump campaign. He later joined infowars. Then the Podesta emails started leaking. Thus PIZZAGATE was BORN.


Roger Stone stated that he actually QUIT because of the way Trump handled the Megyn Kelly feud he had during the debate after the Rosie O'Donnell fat pig comment.


Roger Stone was then parading around on every news network he could trolling the shit out of these people in every inverview he gave. Then got banned off all major news networks because they all claimed he is "Unhinged just like Trump and he used to work for Nixon". So more mind control to play into the narrative to take down Trump for the sheeple.


So Infowars was covering Pizzagate pretty regularly thanks to Joe Biggs. Then all of a sudden Alex fliped out and told them to stop covering everything because it was a set-up. He even stated something like "this is a set up to frame Infowars…they will have a guy that watches Inforwars shoot up a place or something".

Well well well, what do you know. A dude shot at Ping Pong Pizza and just so happened to be an Infowars viewer and shot through the wall into a server that he had no clue where it could have been. Of course the server was destroyed.


I know many know this…but we have a lot of NEWFAGS here.


So Joe Biggs quit and Megyn Kelly interviewed James Alefantus (Ping Pong Owner) about the FF.


Then Megyn Kelly asked Jones if she could interview him for a show where they created the crazy hit piece where all they wanted to talk about was Sandy Hook.


Of course that brought that back into the news and created a lawsuit from the victims parents. Thus CENSORSHIP 2.0 occured. Anyone that was a real TRUTHER was purged from the internet.

In the meantime there was that fued between Megyn Kelly and Alex Jones began.


What was also happening in the meantime and afterward was Roger Stone was being accused of talking to Wikileaks. That he was a Russian agent and blah blah blah.


What else was stange is his contact with GUCCIFER 2.0 (the fake Podesta e-mail hacker). Seems very staged.


Then the Las Vegas shooting occured and Qanon was born. I remember Infowars was totally misleading people on that. Of course due to the Megyn Kelly and Alex Jones circus…it caused more people to watch Infowars and an uptick with online censorhip. So any true truth telling about Las Vegas was suppressed. Again that's the beginning of Q.


As time progressed Roger Stone was asked by Mueller team to be interviewed. He then made a public apearance and released a written testimonty that "John Podesta is a pedo".


Then for a year we have Roger Stone (Now the media has welcomed with open arms) to talk about Wikileaks, Guccifer 2.0, Infowars and his time with Nixon.

Anonymous ID: 66b22d June 17, 2019, 2 a.m. No.6769851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9858 >>9885


During this time Q had been making waves with their posts where they seemed to be predicting the future in the news in conjunction with all the Trump proofs.


So Jerome Corsi then joins in trying to decode Q drops trying to maintain their audience for Infowars. Of course we all know how that went, so I will spare you.


Q team then called out Infowars as being some sort of controlled opposition by sharing a Serialbrain2 post on Reddit.


Here is the sauce:


In the meantime Corsi gets in trouble by Mueller team.


Alex Jones got divorced from his wife in 2015. Then they stated a custody battle over there children.


Alex Jones stated in March of 2019 when giving his testimony about Sandy Hook that he was in a "Psychosis". He has also stated that he was an "Actor" back in 2019. I have done some digging into the custody battle….But it is a shit show. For real. I can't dig more than I have I will lose brain cells. I did see a where the wife accused Jones of is like a Cult Leader and recruits his children a foot soldiers. She even talks about him paying off 27 therapists regarding the case. It is really bizarre.

Anonymous ID: 66b22d June 17, 2019, 2:03 a.m. No.6769858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9871




Well duing that research I had found that Jones ex-wife was wanting to use Avenatti as her lawyer.


But then it gets even weirder. I found connections to Jones using a lawyer that represents the NXVIM cult. Even his business is using the lawyers address for his corporation?


So then I remembered to FOLLOW THE WIVES and started to dig on Jones new wife.

Jones had reportedly claimed on his show that his new wife- Erika Wulf was Russian. I could not find anything that indicated she was Russian. She was from Seattle and in a band called "Drive it like you stole it". So obvious disinfo to push the Russia narrative.


Well I stumbled upon there "Myspace" page and she is friends with Juliett Lewis's band. It's called "Juliett and the Licks' …the avid Anti-Trumper that was involved in the tirade at the woman's march. The one where Madonna indicated that she wanted to blow up the white house. That one. She is also a scientologist.


Now back to Roger Stone. You may have heard about he is a body builder with a tattoo of Nixon on his back. Also that he is a swinger and attend S&M parties. He is also connected to NXVIM.


Of course we know about his dramatic arrest and after his weird press conference he even did the Nixon peace sign to the camera.

Anonymous ID: 66b22d June 17, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.6769871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9885




Now once again we all know that Roger worked for Nixon. I am not sure how many people know this. But there is a really dark side about Nixon and that is one of the most bizarre satanic ritual abuse and pedophilia.

Her name was Fiona Barnett.


Her story is wild. As a child she was taken underground to a Disney park to have sex with Nixon. She has drawings of what the park looks like and the Satanic Ritual Abuse. She claims that after she went public she was able to expose Nicole Kidman's (the actress) father as a mind control handler and he committed suicide. Nixon also attended Bohemian Grove.,6918


Fiona Barnett aslo states that the reason for the break-in at the Watergate hotel had to do with obtaining information on these types of events. If you look up the reason the hotel was broken into, NO ONE KNOWS. Well that is the mainstream story.


Then you have Hillary Clinton who was on the Watergate commision and was later fired. Fiona Barnett stated that Clinton got a hold of all that damning evidence and that was the start of her control.


So fast forward to this week. Child Porn was found on Alex Jones computer after death threats and the FBI is looking into this.


Is that the Alex Jones connection connection to Bohemian Grove?


Was Roger Stone was one of the plants in the Trump campaign? Because Stone claims he tried to get Trump to run for decades. I also thought it was stange that the deep state is really trying to keep adding Watergate to everything. I know it is because of the spying. But I am wondering if tt's deeper.


Is Megyn Kelly part of the sex cult? Researching her husband and other family members might be where we need to look. I did find that her husband was a CEO of an Internet Security company. That could play a role in security for those that are exchanging incriminating things online.


Also we know that Megyn Kelly and Alex Jones bullshit was totally set up. Probably because she is NXVIM and he is as well.


Is the reason Alex Jones has his server at the FBI because he is using the address of the lawyer that is connected to NXVIM?

Did Alex Jones start to play the insanity card on the record during his custody battle in case he is arrested?


Alex Jones is connected to Hillary Clinton because of Roger Stone's connections to the pedos/Nixon. Jones has been in movies and has never been killed over what he exposes. So he was an installation of the deep state.


We can go on and on. I think all of this Alex Jones/Infowars people being investigated might be deeper than we can imagine.

Anonymous ID: 66b22d June 17, 2019, 2:09 a.m. No.6769885   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Ever since the captcha….to hard to add everthing sometimes.




I got sauce: