Anonymous ID: f521b8 June 16, 2019, 9:57 p.m. No.6769127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9141 >>9171 >>9332

>>6769112 might as well get used to it...


>>6764618 pb (NOT ME)

>>6764339 pb (NOT ME)




>People choose to come here and talk sense to you not out of fear, but out of wanting to free you from a dangerous cult.

why the fuck would you go to an anonymous message board, where you don't know anyone and try to 'free them' from a 'dangerous cult'?

how does asking questions using the Socratic Method constitute a 'danger'?

>Why do you believe that a man, trump, or a group of men, who have access to ulminited intelligence sources, law enforcememt, manpower, the largest and strongest military in the world and even the aid of other nations need the help of a bunch of nobodies on a shiposting chan board to take down a pedophile ring?

do you really think this is all about a take down of a pedophilia ring?

are we really nobodies?

are you really this stupid?

do you understand the power places like this have?

every intel agency in the world monitors these boards, and yes they find it fascinating that anonymous 'nobodies' have a tendency to unmask the truth (or as close to the truth) about certain events in history.

>You used to at least claim they were doing this to let you in on it so you could "educate the masses" once the arrests start. But they never started and now you don't even keep up the pretense of wanting to educate anybody.

the 'no arrests' meme is a favorite for those who wish to disrupt what's happening here.

logical thinking - what has to happen before arrests can be made?

what is the overton window?

how many ongoing investigations are there regarding the Clinton machine?

how many child trafficking arrests have happened since Trump took office?

has there ever been a complete purge of the upper echelons of the FBI, DOJ ever in our country's history?

the wheels of justice turn slow and all you can do is run around and scream 'look! nothing is being done! it's a larp!' … while the plan keeps moving forward.

>Why do you think that they would post delicate information about the op on a public board where they advertise all their moves to the world and anyone can find them out?

by the time (((they))) figured out that Q wasn't a larp it was already too late.

the moment Trump won the DS shit their collective pants and for the past 2.5 years we've seen the PANIC play out right before our eyes.

have you ever seen a President attacked so hard?

[who do you attack the most?]

>And as for the " disinformation" to keep those bad people from knowing what was real and what wasn't ,they could keep the enemy from finding out what they were doing by not posting it on a public board to begin with and taking them by surprise like every other military or civilian operation ever in the history of mankind.

if you had any appreciation for IC or the art of war you'd understand disinfo is necessary.

room temperature IQ's don't belong here.

anons don't have the full picture and Q's posts specifically say that the majority of what is happening will not be public. but there is enough that is public that we can see something is being done… a deep cleaning is taking place.

>Not only that you never know what you claim is real or what you claim is not so how do you know? He never tells you what's right and what's wrong.

nice word salad, faggot.

>This is all a troll. Not real.

if this is true and Q isn't 'real' then it's the greatest larp of all time, and i'm glad to be a part of it. the information gathered and shared on these boards will always be valuable regardless.

however, if it IS real then we are a small part of the greatest military op of all time that will free humanity from the clutches of evil that have suppressed us for centuries.

human beings have a power far greater than you can imagine. this operation literally could change the direction we go forever.

imagine a world without [manufactured] war.

imagine a world where the human spirit is cultivated and encouraged to be great, instead of convincing us we are all inferior 'nobodies' who should just consume cheap goods and watch sportsball entertainment.

fuck that clown world and fuck you for trying to perpetuate it.



Anonymous ID: f521b8 June 16, 2019, 9:59 p.m. No.6769137   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Oh my bad, must have been your momma then. Enjoy the silence.

my momma died two years ago you fuckin' queer.


are you bringin my beer or nah?

Anonymous ID: f521b8 June 16, 2019, 10:12 p.m. No.6769205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9221


>Nope. My name is pronounced in this song though. 🤷‍♂️

Why do even bother responding?


Because (((you))) are on the ropes, that's why.


You are losing…NIGLY…and you know it.


There's still time, though. Repent. Renounce your evil ways. We've all been there. Can you admit that you've been there, too, and want to turn back?


We love you. (not even CLOSE to being a joke)

Anonymous ID: f521b8 June 16, 2019, 10:28 p.m. No.6769288   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Satan hasn't forgotten what (((JEW))) did to him and neither has he forgotten that (((JEW))) are evil. But thanks for the recent reminder anyway. 😐


Therein lies the "good news"…no matter WHAT you've done to hurt others, there's STILL time to make it right.


We love you. KNOW THAT.

Anonymous ID: f521b8 June 17, 2019, 12:05 a.m. No.6769576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9602


>Can't trust her if she won't condemn her participation in the doxxing app that she was involved in creating.

>It shows a lack of judgement and ethics on her part.

muh intellectual purity…gets you a handjob before you go to sleep…by yo self.


ain't none of us pure here…don't pretend like it is.