Anonymous ID: 626b4a June 17, 2019, 6:25 a.m. No.6770543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0561 >>0568 >>0571 >>0656

A lot of low-iq anons in here this morning. Think before you post here boomers. Re-read some q drops and you will answer 99% of your dumb questions. This isn’t a boomer fb group to pontificate on dumb theories. Seriously it’s getting old. Contribute or gtfo. Speculation/theorizing is fine, but ask yourself if what you’re posting is actually constructive speculation, not because you smoked a joint and had a thought. We are close to this board(or at least the info here) busting wide open to the masses. Normies need to look up to/trust us for the plan to fully work. That’s not gonna work to well when in addition to shills, we have an army of half retarded boomers trying to decode Laura Ingram segments looking for q clues. If you’re here you took the right steps to trying to inform yourselves and research for yourself,but MANY of you aren’t quite grasping a lot of the material covered here. Operations taking place are much much larger than HRC going to jail. This is a global take back of a 7000 year old satanic cult that has controlled us for just as long. The low iq that is starting to permeate in here is cringe inducing. Read, re-read,lurk,think. Repeat. Then you can post. If you wanna impress your boomer friends with your dumb theories take it to voat.