Anonymous ID: c8a57a June 17, 2019, 2:31 a.m. No.6769942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9961


>I personally don’t need daycare, coaches, or believe children cant be taught in the home.

>And since pedophiles infiltrate every organization of people, hell lets just do away with the whole thing.

>See what I did there.

No. You talk about personal need. I talk about societal needs.

Again. What need does the church serve?


>Hint any time 2.2 billion people think something is necessary it is needed.

Another appeal to popularity.

Why? why do they need it? What would happen if they didn't have it?

A lot of heroin addicts think they need heroin…

>You are welcome to try to convince them otherwise tho faggot.

I'm not trying to convince them. I'm trying to understand how you can be this cognitive dissonant.


>I promise you fren. You may never walk into a church

You are correct there. But that hos nothing to do with god or the people who worship.

I just get very sick from the accustics inside churches.

>but you will have an experience in your life, before you die where you will believe.

What kind of experience? I've had lots of experiences.

No matter what happens how would that convince me that it is the Christian God and not some lying demon or ghost or whatever?

Anonymous ID: c8a57a June 17, 2019, 2:50 a.m. No.6769973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0079


>I am not an evangelist.

Yes you fucking are ! Our whole conversation started with you trying to convince us that the Catholic Church was "the one trrue church"

Isn't it un-christian to lie?


>You call it cognitive dissonance, I could say the same for you.

Except you have nothing but. 2.2 Billion people thinks so, so how can I be wrong.

Where as I provide actual thought out arguments…


>it’s as simple as people die and their energy and soul will continue.

How do you know? Can you prove it?


>The other (churches) serves the purposes of the soul.

Again. Prove a soul, and then prove that the church protects it.

Then you'd have an argument.


>And to many of them it is often more important than life or property.

I know. And it scares me.

Tell me, how can you be convinced that there is a grand conspiracy involving a small minority of inbred oligarcs yet at the same time be fully convinced that the book that has controlled your thoughts since birth must be 100% the word of God?


>If your goal is to destroy the church, I assure you, you will be met by forces you could never comprehend.

My goal is for people to think logically.

And the force, yeah i know. Brainwashed people are capable of attrocities I can't even imagine.


>Far more worthy adversaries have attempted it before and failed.


Anonymous ID: c8a57a June 17, 2019, 3:58 a.m. No.6770096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0142


>Because you seem like you'll take the bait…

Off to a good start…

Bait taken though. Kek.


>you seem to be the agressor here

Agressor? Does a conversation/disagreement need an agressor?

I challenged the assertion that the Catholic Church is the "one true church". If that is agression then yes, i'm the agressor.


>if 53% of people that took the pepsi challenge reported preferring the alternative guess what gets sent back for reformulation.

You can't compare the two.

Sure, but the company isn't going for the "one true Pepsi" they are going for the one most will buy.

If that is good enough for you to decide which God (if any) is real then your bar for "truth" is really low.

The one TRUE church != preference.

Preference is completely divorced from that.


>You only have time / money for one: pick.

Exactly. And I choose to go with what I can know is real. Instead of claiming something as real because it feels good, or because most other people think so too.

Anonymous ID: c8a57a June 17, 2019, 4:19 a.m. No.6770154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0162


>I could give a fuck what ya think about my true stance on <insert whatever>.

Fair. Then why did you interject?

I like challenging other peoples reasoning. That is how I challenge my own.

Anonymous ID: c8a57a June 17, 2019, 6:28 a.m. No.6770562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0569 >>0591


>If anons were not constant with their praying, this place would have devolved to far more toxic than it is already.

Says who? You? Any numbers to back up that stupid claim?



>It's like treading water, either do it or sink down and under.

Again. I'm not praying. And I'm doing quite well and found this place perfectly fine without it.


When you stop lying to yourself, then you can stop lying to us.

I'm not interested in anything you have to say until then.

Have a nice day.