>I personally don’t need daycare, coaches, or believe children cant be taught in the home.
>And since pedophiles infiltrate every organization of people, hell lets just do away with the whole thing.
>See what I did there.
No. You talk about personal need. I talk about societal needs.
Again. What need does the church serve?
>Hint any time 2.2 billion people think something is necessary it is needed.
Another appeal to popularity.
Why? why do they need it? What would happen if they didn't have it?
A lot of heroin addicts think they need heroin…
>You are welcome to try to convince them otherwise tho faggot.
I'm not trying to convince them. I'm trying to understand how you can be this cognitive dissonant.
>I promise you fren. You may never walk into a church
You are correct there. But that hos nothing to do with god or the people who worship.
I just get very sick from the accustics inside churches.
>but you will have an experience in your life, before you die where you will believe.
What kind of experience? I've had lots of experiences.
No matter what happens how would that convince me that it is the Christian God and not some lying demon or ghost or whatever?