Anonymous ID: d0bb26 June 17, 2019, 4:02 a.m. No.6770106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0111

I thought this was interesting. A French fake "documentary" is being used to teach school children to think critically.


Frankly, I would believe that the C-A introduced AIDS to Cuba, however.

Anonymous ID: d0bb26 June 17, 2019, 4:18 a.m. No.6770149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0155 >>0160


Not related but why do people of a certain age put the dollar sign AFTER the amount? I'd guess you are about 20 both from your comment and the dollar sign oddity. $600


Continue…just my two cents (Cents sign goes AFTER, but I don't have that on my keyboard using standard options. Haha. My age is probably showing, too.

Anonymous ID: d0bb26 June 17, 2019, 4:29 a.m. No.6770180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0203


Not shilling. I thought the story was very relevant and had some lessons. The people trying to teach kids to recognize fake news created a fairly plausible fake documentary. However, what they did with the documentary made some sense. They showed the kids how to pull apart the images and verify things like location, and time. At the end of the story it was concluded that you don't fight "facts" with "facts" you teach children how to think critically.


If US citizens used this approach, instead of trusting "authorities", we could easily reject MSM "news" reporting. In this country we've been taught to trust the "outlet" or officially endorsed source, the French model encourages verifying all information for yourself. I think Q has done something similar here, in getting us to digg and discover truth ourselves.

Anonymous ID: d0bb26 June 17, 2019, 4:41 a.m. No.6770214   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Massive change is inevitable. However, HOW the change occurs could be relevant to how we live AFTER the change. I am a very conservative Christian (despite learning to "cuss" massively when I found out what has been happening to children). Jesus only got violent when cleansing His Father's house, which at that time, was a physical temple in Jerusalem. He took a whip of cords and drove out the money-changers. Today the "temple" is in living stones, "We the people" who love God through His Son Jesus. Our bodies and minds became a commodity to people who worship satan. Does deliverance involve PHYSICAL weapons, killing other people, even if it seems appropriate? I admit to thinking that when SOCIETY collectively determines that someone's crimes deserve death, that may be appropriate. However, "those who live by the sword" die by the sword. The "war" is spiritual, so are the weapons, I think. Keeping decent and godly people from taking up arms to fight a civil war seems a worthy objective. The great deliverance of history, like the people of God from Egypt, did not involve carnal weaponry. We are not only seeking the liberation of physical bodies, but mind and souls, too.

Anonymous ID: d0bb26 June 17, 2019, 6:22 a.m. No.6770527   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Today's WSJ has another propaganda piece about "muh measles" outbreak. The story "Measles Strains Local Resources" by Brianna Abbott (WSJ, June 17, 2019 pA3) contains this final quote "Measles outbreaks are a burden on government funding. California's 44 cases from January 1 to May 10 cost more than $400,000, according to a May 10 report by state Sen. Richard Pan."


Several points. Sen. Richard Pan is a pediatrician who has accepted pharmaceutical money. He was instrumental in getting SB276 passed in California which eliminated religious vaccine exemptions. Though constituents were assured of access to medical vaccine exemptions, Dr. Pan decided to go after physicians who were giving the exemptions. SB277 is another bill which Dr. Pan supports which eliminates physician decision making for their patients. SB277 would allow a state agency to review patients private medical records and allow unelected bureaucrats to decide the legitimacy of any medical exemption. A parent who watched autistic regression in one child after vaccines would be unable to exclude their child from further vaccines nor prevent their other children from getting vaccinated for school attendance. Merck's MMR is the only 'measles' vaccine in the US. The mumps component has been alleged by two Merck virologists to have been approved using fraudulent data, plus the MMR has been associated with many thousands of parental reports of autistic regression. The MMR is the subject of the documentary "Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe" in which is is alleged that CDC scientists destroyed data and covered up the results of their research which showed a statistically significant relationship between early MMR vaccination and the development of autism.


Merck and Dr. Pan profit from MMR vaccines. Neither they nor the state should be involved in mandating injection of profit generating products into the bodies of children or adults.


In addition, comparing the (unnecessary) state expenditure of $400,000 on 44 cases of measles over a period of about 4 months is a pittance compared with the care of a single child with autism


Pictures related.

Anonymous ID: d0bb26 June 17, 2019, 6:33 a.m. No.6770596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0635


I rejected FB before they rejected me, but not before falling victim many of their privacy invasions and manipulation. The current crop of "platforms" which are surveillance tools and heavily permeated with mind manipulating programing and AI needs to be fully dismantled, imo. I post here almost exclusively and may ditch my "smart" phone at some point.