Anonymous ID: fe64ee June 17, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.6770704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0731 >>0746 >>0760 >>0775 >>0822 >>0925 >>0928 >>0955 >>1006 >>1044 >>1097 >>1118

>>6770600 (pb)


A lot of what Trump does makes no sense when you are focused on the shortest path from A to B, but starts making perfect sense once you expand your thinking a bit.

I'll admit I've done my share of "are we there yet?", but now I can see how the enemy's position has been steadily weakened by all the detours from that straight line to the goal. Trump's patient strategy is working!

And what's more, I'm starting to realize that you can't just remove the rail tracks in front of a speeding train heading towards a chasm, you need to lay some new tracks in another direction.

Example: China was meant to be the base of the globalist NWO, after having ruined and destroyed the West. To stop these plans it's not enough to just throw a few traitors in jail, you also need to change the negative momentum that has built over quite some time. You need to somehow sabotage the runaway growth of the Chinese economy, while pushing the brakes on the accelerating decline of the West.

And that requires some thinking…

For instance, why not use tariffs and trade/migration deals to persuade manufacturers to move productions from China to somewhere else, like lets say Mexico? That way, you'll stop the Chinese from taking over the world, while simultaneously stopping the migrant invasion into the US, which gives some breathing room from the ongoing social collapse so you can attempt to revive the US economy.

A lot of stuff needs to be done to change from one timeline with a lot of momentum behind it to a better one. And Trump is doing a lot of stuff!

Maybe even the BAD stuff he is doing is because he has to, in order to turn the ship around. Let's say he doesn't support 5G and GMO to kill us all, but out of a desperate need to get some real economic growth going. It's actually possible he's not doing it out of stupidity you know…

Putting HRC and friends in jail is a super tiny part of what needs to be done here, and I'm happy wiser and more patient people than myself are running this show. I would have pulled the trigger long ago, and it would have been disastrous!

Anonymous ID: fe64ee June 17, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.6770754   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, but to free the Chinese from their communist dictatorship, you first need to make their regime FAIL economically, because no-one ever rises against a regime that provides economic growth, whether it's done fairly or otherwise.

Hence the attempt by Trump to actively sabotage China's economy.

It is clear his reason for tariffs is to DAMAGE them, not to bring them back to the negotiation table, because he has simultaneously trolled their pride so hard they can't get back to negotiations, since the loss of face would be impossible to bear for a Chinese.

Again, everything that's going on started making perfect sense to me when I made the thought experiment of assuming Trump actually knows what he's doing. ;-)

Anonymous ID: fe64ee June 17, 2019, 7:14 a.m. No.6770778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0782


The first thing Trump did after taking office, was killing TPP. He proved his sincerity right there, the rest of his campaign promises are in the works, it just takes TIME to deliver so much, against such fierce resistance.

You should watch the Trump speech Q keeps posting. Listen to it all, and realize Trump actually means every word he is saying.

Anonymous ID: fe64ee June 17, 2019, 7:35 a.m. No.6770899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0925


I didn't express myself clearly it seems.


Many point at Trump's endorsement of 5G and GMO's and say "look, he's just as bad as the rest!" That's why I pointed out that even if these things are as bad as some people say they are, it's not necessarily the case he is therefore trying to kill us all. He could just be trying to get the economy going by supporting new technology that will lead to future growth industries.


My personal opinion in whether these things are actually harmful or not was thus not relevant to the point I was trying to make.

But just to be 100 % clear, I do think they might be potentially harmful, but probably not half as bad as the alarmists say. But I haven't looked into it very deeply.

Anonymous ID: fe64ee June 17, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.6770980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1044


Please, if you're going to call yourself an anon and an autist you'll need to work on your reading comprehension!


I never claimed to know that 5G and GMO is bad, I simply pointed out that even if it is (which many claim), Trump might actually have good reason for endorsing them anyway. The entire push of my post was to promote the idea that Trump actually knows wtf he's doing, so the context should have made it clear enough.


Then I clarified this in a second post, in case the meaning of my statement still wasn't perfectly clear to everyone.


This is the last I'll say about it.