Anonymous ID: 23c9a4 June 17, 2019, 4:50 p.m. No.6775040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Colorado is gunna get fucked.


This state has a thing called TABOR, taxpayers bill of rights, which prevents any statewide tax increases without a referendum approval from voters. The CO supreme court just ruled that on the 2020 ballot, we can have a question to REPEAL this taxpayer bill of rights. The consequence of repeal? The state gov can increase taxes without voter approval


So the voters should hate this, correct? Losing a democratic right? Relinquishing their power to vote on what the government can tax and how much? This vote will easily be rejected next year, correct? I'm not so sure.


Reading twitter threads on this news is fucking defeating as fuck. People arguing that without TABOR, gov doesn't have to deal with 'unnecessary budget restraints' and the like.