Anonymous ID: 36a38f June 17, 2019, 4:38 p.m. No.6774910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5265

Not only did Trump just sign the Frankenfood Executive Order, his administration halted this


Scientists say there is no acceptable dose to avoid brain damage.


Its use is banned in several European countries. Yet its residues are found in fruit baskets, on dinner plates, and in human urine samples from all over Europe. Now producers are pushing for a renewed EU approval – perhaps in vain.


The name is chlorpyrifos. Here is why the chemical and its risks are almost unknown to the public.


The EPA had moved to ban chlorpyrifos under Obama, but the Trump administration reversed that effort. Court decides in July 2019.


A recent study in California connect autism and early brain damage in children with prenatal and infant exposure of chlorpyrifos.



Studies starting shortly after the insecticide was introduced indicated that close proximity to it was dangerous for people. Home use of chlorpyrifos was banned in the U.S. in 2000, when Dow withdrew it from the market voluntarily, though it is still found in insect baits. Golf courses still combat pests with it, and it’s still used by farmers on nearly 50 crops—many of which we consume, like oranges—and in cattle ear tags.


Chlorpyrifos is pretty nasty: It belongs to the same class of chemicals as sarin gas, a class called organophosphates. Chlorpyrifos is essentially a nerve agent, attacking chemical pathways and causing a breakdown in the ability of nerves to communicate. You can be exposed to it by inhaling it, eating it, or getting it on your skin.


The effects of the insecticide on animals and humans has been widely studied since the 1970s. According to the studies, chlorpyrifos affects living things to various degrees: It's very toxic to birds and insects, including bees, quite toxic to fish, and moderately toxic to humans. However, more recent studies of small children have found a link between chlorpyrifos and lower IQ and developmental problems, according to the Pesticide Action Network.


A child's risk of brain damage increases if its mother had been exposed to the pesticide by living nearby sprayed fields, the study found.


The Californian study published in March 2019 has triggered a ban of chlorpyrifos in the US's largest agricultural state. Five other US states; Hawaii, Oregon, New York, Connecticut and New Jersey have announced or decided similar bans.


On a federal level a ban on chlorpyrifos has been blocked by the Trump administration since 2017.


In April 2019, a court ordered the US Environmental Protection Agency to decide by mid-July if it will permanently ban the chemical.


It belongs to the same class of chemicals as sarin gas, a class called organophosphates. Chlorpyrifos is essentially a nerve agent, attacking chemical pathways and causing a breakdown in the ability of nerves to communicate.


YAY SPRAY. Thanks Trump…


OH, and Israel has over 300 UNINSPECTED nuclear weapons. They are the only nuclear state that denies having them AND refuses any inspections. Their station has been leaking radiation for years (YAY leak more, leak faster KILL that parasite state)…


AND it is ILLEGAL for the US to give FOREIGN AID to nuclear powers that do not sign the non-proliferation treaty, yet the US gives Israel 3 billion every year and Israel gets to have all the nukes they want uninspected and unregulated.


Why is it that ^^^^THIS shit never makes notables? WHY can't Iran have nukes? If they had them as well as everyone else the entire area would stabilize overnight. If it didn't they would all kaboom and who literally gives a fuck? I am sitting in my home watching this entire country and the world get fucked up even further—because of Israel.


Speaking of foreign aid, Trump says no to aid to South American countries, the State Department says "hold my beer" and gives it to them anyway. Trump is a fucking lame duck.

Anonymous ID: 36a38f June 17, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.6774939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5015

OH and the reason the South African Jews are pushing for more violence towards whites is AGAIN the fucking COME HOME policy. They make laws / policies that are so insane and dangerous to the local jewish population that the Jews will flee to israel. If you do not know anything about COME HOME, research it. FUCKINA that is what WWII and Hitler shit was all about. Getting Jews to go to Israel to justify the zionist land grabs that are still going on to this day.


WHY does nothing critical of trump get past the meh stage? FUCK they just spread Congo ILLEGAL ALIENS all around the nation and not one person asked how is it possible that these poor poor people found the money for that expensive trip? NOW they are sitting in US sucking down OUR tax money and I sure as hell cannot afford a damn flight to Congo.


AMERICA FIRST? Suck my dick. I am getting more and more disbelieving that Trump is on our side. I think he just is better at sounding like he's on our side.


I remember the night Obama won, and I thought, surely a black man who knows the struggle will do right by our country. I was SO excited…I did not vote for him the second time. Neither did I whine and cry for four more years. I just avoided paying the illegal fee for not being able to afford health insurance and waited it out.


Flash forward to 2016 election. FINALLY I thought, finally a president who gives a fuck about us….nope. Once again…


I wish every day Ron Paul had Trump's money…what I think we need is an assassination squad that has the damn balls to take out the people who continually get away with horrific crimes because they are rich and well-connected. Look at pedo rapist Bryan Singer as an example…nothing is ever going to be done about it. NOTHING. How is it possible that with all the damage George Soros has done to the world that someone somewhere has not popped that bastard's head off? Why do we continue to tolerate this, why do we continue to feed on the fucking HOPE they feed us? HA Obama ran on hope and change. I voted for hope and got short changed. 2020? FUCKINGA Trump will finish us off..Obama brought us to the edge, Trump is going to slam the knife home. You know how I know this? ELECTION FRAUD…not one single thing has been done to deal with that. NOTHING. Not a single thing and our border is kindly allowing millions this year alone ILLEGAL aliens, this is illegal it is already against the law…and Trump et al do nothing about it. INCLUDING that ONE THING he could to do make it unattractive for illegals to come here, cut the damn jobs off and start FINING HIS WEALTHY DONORS for hiring illegal aliens, something that is ALREADY THE LAW that he refuses to enforce.


That is how I know is is not serious at all about illegal immigration. He could enforce the law, and cut the jobs off…but he will not because not only do HIS companies hire illegal aliens, most of his wealthy donors do too. FUCKING DO SOMETHING. Fix election laws so illegals cannot vote, or enforce the damn employment laws and make it fucking STING for hiring an illegal. The cost to citizens is horrific. NO ILLEGAL ALIEN kids should be in schools. NOT FUCKING ONE. and yet they crowd our schools, our health services AND our welfare services.


He is not doing a damn thing that he COULD actually do that would actually make a difference. WHY? And why are not one of you asking this? NPCs. fuckers.


OH HAI FBI glowniggers, that last paragraph was a LARP.