Anonymous ID: bea36d June 17, 2019, 4:15 p.m. No.6774696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4734

Yeah, I know, the businesses owned by pedophile central has been noted many times, but while looking at the pics closely for the unmpteenth time, it seems to show that pedophile central owns essentially all the companies that produce the most poisonous garbage the majority of North Americans have been consuming for at least the last 4 decades…especially all of the drug-filled, colorful, chemical-laden, sugar-as-a-major-component (a most addictive drug) non-food substances trafficked as suitable for consumption by our children. They control the manufacture of "household" products for cleaning and such, all filled with unknown to the public dangerous chemicals including products used to clean our children's clothes that leech into the body when worn and add to damage pedophile central is doing. pedophile central isn't even satisfied with abusing and killing our children…they poison our pets. Cancer is the number one cause of death for dogs over 10 years-old



And many other diseases effect our dogs:



So while pedophile central not only rapes and tortures our children, that isn't enough for them so they kill our children and our pets; turn our children into vacuous, narcisstic, uneducated, genetically-damaged, zombified puppets of whomever flatters and fauns over them and offers them the cushy lifestyle of doing nothing and getting "free stuff" and even money if they do nothing effective, effectively, except of course, provide power over them to whomever sucks up to them the most.


Why have the intellectual levels of so many North Americans declined so drastically in the last 40 years? Couldn't have anything to do with the garbage people have been - giving benefit of the doubt here, by adding "essentially unknowingly" - shoving into the gaping maws of their spawn, could it? Turning them into vacuous, self-involved, narcissists of the most disgusting degree especially when coupled with the zombifying effects of poorly understood (by most) technology. Being able to turn on a tablet or a computer and pushing colors around to find something isn't exactly rocket science. Hell, it isn't even airplane science and it certainly doesn't indicate a knowledge of "technology" but starting in the 2000's it became obvious that the chemical garbage that people were consuming on a daily basis was not only killing them as they got older after the gene-damage was already done, but the chemical garbage people were feeding to their kids was damaging them while still in the womb and the resulting dramatic increases in child obesity, child diabetes, child heart disease, child cancer, chemical-imbalances in the brain resulting in many different neurological problems and various other situations requiring - unsurprisingly - more drugs to deal with the problems that the drugs and garbage originally caused!


Hey, anybody who believes that if a mother or father were consumers of any of the things shown in the associated pic didn't pass the genetic damage they were doing to themselves on to their spawn, then it makes me wonder what they think when they hear about crack-babies or alky-babies? Everything that is taken in by the mother is taken in by her child but, then again "essentially unknowingly" as any mother who happens to not know this until they first hear about it cannot be blamed for their offspring being turned into near-zombies, easily manipulated by playing to their narcissism, providing them with technology that the parents can only explain in the most simple terms, leaving the child to explore the flashing images and wonderful promises of "free everything if you put the demonrats or the socialists in power" - explains a lot.


So no wonder so many of today's under 40's seem to have the intellectual capacity of a toaster oven. They have been poisoned from before they were breathing and thus have not had the benefits or opportunities of other generations. They think fascist-book, twaddle and other examples of places a preening narcissist can flaunt their intellectual vacuity are important when all it shows is that they do not have a life and to think the world is going to be surrendered to them in about 20 years or so, is very, very scary.


So I blame disney, good old pedophile central. Started by a pedo, run by pedos, owned by pedos, and now fully involved in uncalculable damage to 100's of millions of people over the last 40 years.


And yet people are still willing to feed their kids garbage and even take them to pedo-central and paying hundreds and even thousands just so pedo-central can make more money and laugh at society for being fools.

Anonymous ID: bea36d June 17, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.6774810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4830

Ya know what a crowd likes? A crowd.


Ya know what humans like? Other humans.


What helps people decide to what it is they gravitate? How many other people are already there.


How many people show up for a rally by President Trump? How many show up for "anybody else???"


I would be willing to wager that of the tiny groups of people that attend a voluntary rally by any of the demonrats…many of those people will, upon actually viewing a President Trump rally - which many haven't seen because I guess they felt it was a violation of the demonrat cult dogma - will begin to gravitate more and more towards the "Center of the Political Universe" and once they begin to hear truth, how you gonna keep them down in cali or nyack if they find out what the rest of the country is learning.





Anonymous ID: bea36d June 17, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.6774920   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was focusing more on what pedo-central does and I'm not sure if they are involved in the so-called "modern" vaccines which are, I agree, totally suspect and a cause of many neurological problems.


But, I only have the real sauce for what I wrote. Not one to just be bombastic for the sake of being…well, bombastic. But I do agree with the danger of vaccines but they do not even begin to explain the last 40 years.

Anonymous ID: bea36d June 17, 2019, 4:53 p.m. No.6775075   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just a terrible photoshop job - or maybe it was just Gimp since it does seem amateurish - some little kid trying to be somebody.


Hell, in the second pic you can even see the seam in the neck where they took off the real head to play a child's game.


What is the state of the world coming to when even low-quality shill-kids can't make an effective fake?


Deserves to be filtered.

Anonymous ID: bea36d June 17, 2019, 5:09 p.m. No.6775222   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, one can't have 10 days of darkness unless one can cause all to be in the dark for 10 days. Thus, the earlier experiments to make sure they could effectively take yt, fascist-book, twaddle and others and now bit dot ly (my, link sharing sites must be having a conniption fit).


Until they know that they can shut it all down at the same time it wont be done so the ongoing experimentation is a good sign.