I hear about the "refugees" from Ebola stricken DRC (Democratic Repblic of Congo) coming across the southern border … and I wonder if anyone has found sauce discussing what part of Congo these refugees are coming from?
Congo is a huge country. The area with Ebola is on the eastern edge of the country. If refugees are coming from the western side, yes it's from the same country, but it's nowhere near the Ebola zone. If refugees are coming from the east, that's bad news indeed.
Could be important for two reasons:
(1) greater clarity about the actual level of risk involved in these news stories
(2) greater insight into possible motives
For example, if cabal wants to bring Ebola to US, they'll preferentially be aiming for the infected zones … if it's random actual refugees, whether genuine or imported for more mundane political reasons, other parts of Congo are more likely points of origin
But I haven't seen any sauce that gets more detailed than "Congo" or "DRC" as if that's all there is to say about the point of origin. Hoping anons have seen more …