Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.6775255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5472

Trump Administration to Permanently Cut Aid to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala


The State Department’s Morgan Ortagus announced on Monday the US will halt foreign aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, “until [they] are satisfied that the Northern Triangle governments are taking concrete actions to reduce the number of illegal migrants coming to the US border.”


It’s about time.


According to the AP, roughly $400 million worth of aid already approved for projects in 2017 and 2018 in those countries will continue.

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.6775289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5291 >>5486 >>5609 >>5756 >>5880 >>5961 >>5980

Narrative Management = Reality Management


The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal has published the first part of an investigative series on how so-called non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are being used to manipulate the narrative about what’s going on in Syria by posing as impartial investigative bodies and circulating pro-imperialist disinformation to the western political/media class as objective fact.


Part one is titled “Behind the Syrian Network for Human Rights: How an opposition front group became Western media’s go-to monitor”, and it documents a mountain of evidence that one of these “NGOs” is in fact very much state-funded and highly biased in favor of anti-Assad forces, yet still gets cited as an independent source by western mass media outlets in a way that just so happens to help make the case for western interventionism in Syria.


“Citing the Syrian Network for Human Rights as an independent and credible source is the journalistic equivalent of sourcing statistics on head trauma to a research front created by the National Football League, or turning to tobacco industry lobbyists for information on the connection between smoking and lung cancer. And yet this has been standard practice among correspondents covering the Syrian conflict,” Blumenthal writes. “Indeed, Western press has engaged for years in an insidious sleight of hand, basing reams of shock journalism around claims by a single, highly suspect source that is deeply embedded within the Syrian opposition  -  and hoped that no one would notice.”



Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.6775291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5486 >>5609 >>5756 >>5818 >>5880 >>5961 >>5980


What happens when you can control people’s experience of reality? Well, in a world of social creatures who build their society based on dominant consensuses about circumstances and events, you can to an extent control reality itself. You can create a reality where all resources are funneled toward you, your allies and your lackeys. You can create a reality where war and economic sanctions are inflicted upon any government which acts against your interests. You can create a reality where you are functionally a king, without the inconvenience of having the unwashed masses realize that that’s what you are.


The media-owning plutocratic class and its allies in opaque and unaccountable government agencies are in this way able to control reality, both in the way we experience it in our minds and in the way it expresses concretely. The ability to reach into people’s minds on a mass scale and interfere with their ability to understand what’s happening on their own planet and in their own society is a power so immense it’s hard to appreciate, and so staggeringly creepy it’s hard to comprehend. It’s a violation of a part of us that is so intimate and so sacred it could almost be said to border on the metaphysical.


If we could truly see what grave intercessions into every human’s mental sovereignty these manipulators are getting away with, it would look not unlike the British Empire of old as it slaughtered, stole, raped and enslaved its way across the planet. These same colonialist actions are occurring today, largely from the descendants of these same groups of people, but stories are being fed to us day after day to keep it hidden from us.



Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:20 p.m. No.6775317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5329 >>5352 >>5500 >>5679

Vatican comes out in condemnation of LGBTQP, says transgenderism is an attempt to “annihilate nature”


The modern Roman Catholic Church is finally taking a definitive stand in support of natural biology, having recently released a 31-page document entitled, “Male and Female: He Created Them” that basically condemns the Cult of LGBTQP, and specifically transgenderism, for trying to “annihilate nature.”


Describing the current climate of gender and sexual confusion as an “educational crisis,” the primer by the Congregation for Catholic Education explains how the LGBTQP agenda aims to eliminate the God-ordained human binary of male and female, and replace it with cultural “disorientation” whereby feelings and emotions “cancel out the differences between men and women, presenting them instead as merely the product of historical and cultural conditioning.”


According to the document, which was published as an aid for Catholic schoolteachers and parents to address this onslaught of gender insanity, the true motive of people who identify as transgender isn’t to embrace their “true selves.” Instead, it’s about creating a “provocative display” to attract attention and controversy.


Furthermore, the all-you-can-eat buffet of gender and sexuality options presented by the LGBTQP mafia isn’t creating “freedom” or “love” for those who embrace it. Instead, it’s creating a situation whereby the family as an institution is being “destabilized,” especially when pre-pubescent children are being told that cutting off their genitalia is normal and “tolerant.”


What's the play? Fuckery afoot or have they been comped by white hats and forced to say this?

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:21 p.m. No.6775323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Endless Cycle of Corruption


QUESTION: I read your articles on Capital flows regularly and I appreciate how you interlace different concepts together.

Where is the money?


European rulers essentially drained the Asia/Africa of their resources in the last 400-500 years. With all of it piped into Europe, it should have sustained the population for way more time than what we see.


Did it get utilized or was it financially mismanaged or lost in wars? Was it a population mismanagement or an governance issue? If the Asia/Africa don’t have the resources…Europe doesn’t have it? Where is it?


– PR


ANSWER: It always seems to be mismanagement more than anything. The downside of a “representative” form of government (Republic) is that those who “represent” the people as their full-time career are subject to bribes. A Democracy is more direct insofar as the career people in government are the bureaucrats who are subject to review by the people. As long as they are not career politicians, then they will perform more of a check and balance against the corruption that always takes place in every type of political system. Career politicians accept money from lobbyists BECAUSE they continually need funds to run in the next election. It is an endless cycle of corruption

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:26 p.m. No.6775350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5363

Study: United States Uses 100 Pesticides and Herbicides Banned in Other Countries




The United States of America (USA), European Union (EU), Brazil and China are four of the largest agricultural producers and users of agricultural pesticides in the world.


Comparing the inclination and ability of different regulatory agencies to ban or eliminate pesticides that have the most potential for harm to humans and the environment can provide a glimpse into the effectiveness of each nation’s pesticide regulatory laws and oversight.



The approval status of more than 500 agricultural pesticides was identified in the USA, EU, Brazil and China and compared between nations. The amount of pesticides that were used in the USA and banned in these other nations was compiled and linear regression was used to identify trends in use.



There are 72, 17, and 11 pesticides approved for outdoor agricultural applications in the USA that are banned or in the process of complete phase out in the EU, Brazil, and China, respectively.


Of the pesticides used in USA agriculture in 2016, 322 million pounds were of pesticides banned in the EU, 26 million pounds were of pesticides banned in Brazil and 40 million pounds were of pesticides banned in China.


Pesticides banned in the EU account for more than a quarter of all agricultural pesticide use in the USA. The majority of pesticides banned in at least two of these three nations have not appreciably decreased in the USA over the last 25 years and almost all have stayed constant or increased over the last 10 years.

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:30 p.m. No.6775386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5465 >>5486 >>5509 >>5517 >>5609 >>5756 >>5880 >>5961 >>5980

Massive Embezzlement Scandal Threatens Juan Guaido’s Political Future


The big event that was supposed to be Guaido’s watershed moment has instead turned out to be a public-relations failure far worse than his quickly quelled attempted military coup.

by Alexander Rubinstein


The political party of Juan Guaido — Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) — was never all that popular to begin with. The sixth largest political party in Venezuela, Popular Will is heavily financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Now, a recently exposed embezzlement scandal in Colombia risks to further alienate the party from the Venezuelan people.


What was supposed to be Guaido’s watershed moment has instead turned out to be a public-relations failure far worse than his quickly quelled attempted military coup, which MintPress News reported caused even the New York Times to describe Guaido as “deflated.”


What happened in Colombia appears to be so damning that not only is the Colombian intelligence service leaking documents exposing wrongdoing by Popular Will representatives appointed by Guaido, but the Organization of American States (OAS) — which is typically just as pro-opposition as the Colombian government — has called for an investigation.


In a tweet issued June 14 at 10:47 p.m. Venezuela time, Guaido called on his ambassador to Colombia — whom he had shut out of the aid event — to formally request an investigation by Colombian authorities, whose already-existing investigation is the reason the story came out in the first place. That was more than four hours after Secretary General of the OAS Luis Almagro called for an investigation that would clarify the “serious charges,” identify those responsible and effectuate accountability.


But Guaido had already been well aware of the charges, having dismissed his appointees who appear to be ringleaders of the embezzlement scheme. According to the report, he was contacted by the journalist who exposed the scandal 30 days before the story was published.


What happened in Cúcuta isn’t staying in Cúcuta


There’s barely a peep about the scandal in the Western press. A Google News search for “Juan Guaido scandal” and “Popular Will scandal” turned up nothing of relevance at the time of this article’s writing. But on Latin America social media, everyone is buzzing about it. American journalist Dan Cohen appears to be the first to highlight the scandal to an English-speaking audience.


It started with a request from Juan Guaido to billionaire investor and regime-change enthusiast Richard Branson.


Associates of Venezuelan coup frontman Juan Guaidó embezzled funds raised in Cúcuta, Colombia for humanitarian aid and lavishly spent it on hotels, nightclubs and expensive clothes. This is a monumental scandal! Great work by @OrlvndoA.


— Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) June 15, 2019


The stated purpose of the concert was to help raise funds for humanitarian aid and spotlight the economic crisis. At least that’s how it was billed to Americans. To Venezuela’s upper class, it was touted as the “trendiest concert of the decade.”


Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:33 p.m. No.6775404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5419 >>5432 >>5486 >>5609 >>5756 >>5880 >>5919 >>5943 >>5961 >>5980

"The bombing will be massive": US planning a 'tactical assault' in Iran - UN officials


Is the US going to attack Iran soon?


Diplomatic sources at the UN headquarters in New York revealed to Maariv that they are assessing the United States' plans to carry out a tactical assault on Iran in response to the tanker attack in the Persian Gulf on Thursday.


According to the officials, since Friday, the White House has been holding incessant discussions involving senior military commanders, Pentagon representatives and advisers to President Donald Trump.


The military action under consideration would be an aerial bombardment of an Iranian facility linked to its nuclear program, the officials further claimed.


"The bombing will be massive but will be limited to a specific target," said a Western diplomat.


The decision to carry out military action against Iran was discussed in the White House before the latest report that Iran might increase the level of uranium enrichment.


The officials also noted that the United States plans to reinforce its military presence in the Middle East, and in the coming days will also send additional soldiers to the area.


The sources added that President Trump himself was not enthusiastic about a military move against Iran, but lost his patience on the matter and would grant Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is pushing for action, what he wants.


Pompeo has repeatedly made statements against Iran in recent days. He claimed that there is no doubt that the recent explosions in tankers in the Gulf were carried out by Iran.

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:35 p.m. No.6775418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5450

Paul Manafort Was Headed to Notorious and Dangerous Rikers Island Jail – Then AG Bill Barr’s Deputy Intervened


A couple weeks ago it was reported that former Trump 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort, 70, was to be transferred to Rikers Island jail complex where he would have likely lived in solitary confinement — until the Justice Department intervened.


Rikers Island, which is located between the Bronx and Queens in New York City, is known to be a very violent and dangerous facility with a chronic problem with gangs.


The notorious Rikers Island is full of hardened, violent inmates and the management is so poor that even inmates in protective custody aren’t safe.


Attorney General Bill Barr’s new Deputy Jeffrey Rosen, sent a letter to Manhattan prosecutors warning them he is monitoring where Paul Manafort would be held in New York, reported the New York Times.


Manhattan prosecutors were surprised to receive a letter from the second-highest law enforcement official in the country inquiring about Mr. Manafort’s case. The letter, from Jeffrey A. Rosen, Attorney General William P. Barr’s new top deputy, indicated that he was monitoring where Mr. Manafort would be held in New York.


And then, on Monday, federal prison officials weighed in, telling the Manhattan district attorney’s office that Mr. Manafort, 70, would not be going to Rikers.


Instead, he will await his trial at a federal lockup in Manhattan or at the Pennsylvania federal prison where he is serving a seven-and-a-half-year sentence for wide-ranging financial schemes, according to people with knowledge of the matter.


This move by Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen was described as “unusual” by Department of Justice officials.


Todd Blanche, a lawyer for Paul Manafort said the DOJ intervening is unusual, however , he argued that Manafort shouldn’t be facing state charges for the same ‘crimes’ he was already charged with on a federal level.


“You’ll find no example of someone like Mr. Manafort being prosecuted by the feds and then by the district attorney for exactly the same conduct,” Mr. Blanche said.


According to the New York Times, Manafort is to be arraigned next week on new state fraud charges.


Mueller and his thug Weissmann hunted down Manafort and charged him with crimes that have NOTHING to do with Russian collusion during the 2016 election.


In September, Manafort pleaded guilty to federal charges but in March, the crooked Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance announced an indictment charging Paul Manafort with 16 state felonies such as tax evasion and mortgage fraud.


Manafort was sentenced to 7 1/2 years for his federal charges and is pending separate charges from the state of New York.


Although President Trump can pardon Manafort, he does not have the authority to pardon him from state crimes — which is why the Communists in the SDNY hit Manafort with separate charges.

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:38 p.m. No.6775444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5467 >>5484


I think it's a bluff, was leaked by WH staffer a few days ago.


Forced two outcomes

  1. Outed a WH rat

  2. Forced the Iranian military to shut down the C_A clandestine black site in Iran.


Look who is complaining about the leak UN = Cabal and every other cabal shitbag

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.6775466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5486 >>5501 >>5528 >>5609 >>5646 >>5756 >>5880 >>5961 >>5980



France: Iran nuclear deal can still be saved


France says there is a window of opportunity between now and July 8 – when Iran has warned it could be forced to suspend more of its nuclear obligations – to save the nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic and world countries.


“We will do all we can with our partners to dissuade Iran and find a path to a possible path for dialogue," Emanuel Macron said in Paris on Monday during a press conference alongside his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Reuters reported.


The agreement was made between the P5+1 group of states – the United States, the UK, France, Russia, and China plus Germany – and Iran in Vienna in July 2015.


However, the US left the deal last May. Bowing under Washington’s pressure, Europe too has been throwing only verbal support behind the agreement ever since.


Last month, Iran announced that it would suspend the implementation of some of its commitments under the deal. It warned that in 60 days it would resume refining uranium to a higher fissile degree if Europe failed again to ensure Iran’s interests under the accord despite the US’s pressure.


Earlier on Monday, the spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said the country would surpass the uranium stockpile limit, set under the nuclear deal, from June 27.


"This is based on the Articles 26 and 36 of the (nuclear deal), and will be reversed once other parties live up to their commitments," Behrouz Kamalvandi added.

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:51 p.m. No.6775545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5862


Just trying to connect the dots, it seems the Obama cash to Iran was to fund this program and once DS lost power they kicked it into top gear.


I have further theories but don't want to express them just yet as I'll wait for further confirmations.

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.6775563   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Five Additional Broadcast Television Companies, Including One National Sales Representative Firm, In Ongoing Information Sharing Investigation


Proposed Settlement Preserves Competition in Broadcast Television Advertising Markets by Requiring Defendants to Terminate and Refrain from Sharing Revenue Pacing Information and Other Competitively Sensitive Information

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.6775586   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hillary Clinton: Trump Makes ‘Outlandish’ Claims About My Campaign and Russia


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused President Trump of making “outlandish” claims, after he pointed out in a recent interview that her presidential campaign paid an ex-British spy to produce a dossier based on Russian sources that claimed his campaign was colluding with Russia.


During an interview with ABC News, Trump referenced Clinton’s campaign paying former British spy Christopher Steele — who was previously stationed in Russia — to produce the infamous “pee dossier” that reportedly relied on Russian and other foreign sources.


Trump told anchor George Stephanopoulos:


Hillary Clinton conspired with Russia. She had somebody that came out of Russia. They got information from Russia. Excuse me. Hillary Clinton was totally involved with it. That’s the one — if you talk about collusion with Russia take a look at Christopher Steele, all his contacts with Russia which by the way she paid for, and turned out to be a phony deal, which everyone is now admitting that. No George, all I want is the truth. All I want is fairness.


He later said Clinton had “much more to do with Russia than anything having to do with our campaign.”


“We had nothing to do with Russia. Hillary Clinton had much more to do with Russia than anything having to do with our campaign. It said very specifically that not only that we didn’t have to do, but we rebuffed them. Now anything having to do with Russia had nothing to do with our campaign,” he said.


Clinton responded on Monday on Twitter.


“On the one hand, the president makes nonstop outlandish claims in his recent @ABC interview about my campaign and Russia. On the other hand: Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, and the entire Mueller report,” she tweeted Monday.

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.6775606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5659 >>5722 >>5737 >>5783 >>5801



PB all of these

15:16:49eb5a86 No.6773386>>6773472 >>6773491 >>6773504 >>6773511 >>6773513>>6773538 >>6773566 >>6773588 >>6773593 >>6773692


This is on Twitter, so people need to get onto this before Twitter shuts it down. It took me a while to figure out what is going on with this, so I will say it clearly so people won't have to take a long time to figure it out -

Remember the synagogue shooting in New Zealand? As it turns out, the FBI was on 8 chan trying to entrap people and was posting their own stuff to 8 chan to prove 8 chan was violent and needed to be shut down and have their servers seized, and they proceeded with an affidavit and a lawsuit to accomplish that. PROBLEM: 8 chan puts "you" and your identifying number right into the script above whatever is posted, and that only shows for whoever posted it. And that "you" was there for every post the FBI itself made to "prove" 8 chan was a platform for plotting violence. And they were too stupid to redact the "you", which proves they themselves posted it. IT GETS BETTER:

So the "you" made it evident that the FBI was posting under user ID number 8f4812. did their "duty" and deleted everything for the FBI, so people could not do what ARCHIVE.IS MADE POSSIBLE: had everything the Chans ever had posted, archived. And people started going over those archives, looking for posts by user 8f4812 and found other threads where the FBI trolled, and the FBI got busted posting tons of crap about Russia doing Christchurch and more, once ONE innocuous post by an FBI agent got discovered for what it was because the FBI did not redact properly it allowed people a way to find the rest of what the FBI was doing, and folks it is not good, for however long this lasts the twitter thread on this is here take some time going through this to get a clear picture of what is going on, it proves SO MUCH, like:

  1. The FBI controls the Wayback machine (, and can have anything removed that they want, but they don't control

  2. The FBI is a primary instigator of violence on online forums.

  3. The FBI is TOTALLY leftist.

  4. The FBI will try to make people who are aware look like nutcases, by pretending to be "aware" and then acting crazy.

  5. The FBI will shitpost to frame forums and provide a "reason" to seize servers and shut them down, when in reality, no one who hit those forums to begin with did anything to cause it.

And I am sure, MUCH MUCH more.


Going through the 8chan affidavit. Not only did they print out and then re-scan screenshots of the /pol/ thread, but there are several (You)s in the thread. God, our intelligence community has never been more incompetent.

— Gator (@TheGatorGamer) June 16, 2019


This is pretty weird. One of these feds was trying to pin the Christchurch shooting on Russia.

— 🌲 J-Mask {107}🦎 (@Jasperge107) June 16, 2019


Going through the 8chan affidavit. Not only did they print out and then re-scan screenshots of the /pol/ thread, but there are several (You)s in the thread. God, our intelligence community has never been more incompetent.

— Gator (@TheGatorGamer) June 16, 2019

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 6:18 p.m. No.6775760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Our Reality Can Beat Up Your Reality. Spreading False News Stories on Iran


Taxpayer-Funded Propaganda for Trolls, by Trolls


Twitter has declared victory over disinformation, deplatforming thousands of pro-Iranian Twitter accounts this week to coincide with US Secretary of State “Rapture Mike” Pompeo’s evidence-free declaration that Iran had attacked two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. But the mass deletion is merely an effort to distract from the implosion of two anti-Iran troll campaigns dedicated to smearing pro-peace Americans, both tacitly Twitter-approved. And there’s plenty more where those came from. As US media and politicians continues to hyperventilate about Russian bots, who’s the real troll-master?


Pompeo was out front with the blame hours after the attack, absent a shred of proof beyond unspecified “intelligence” and a few other dubious incidents in the Middle East that the US has previously pinned on Iran (also absent a shred of proof). But even mainstream media has initially been reluctant to take his word for it, mostly because the narrative is so improbable – Japan’s PM Shinzo Abe was in Tehran when it happened, promising to make the “utmost effort” to de-escalate tensions, when, as if on cue, one Japanese ship and another carrying Japanese cargo were hit? What are the odds?


When even CNN acknowledged that the attack “doesn’t appear to benefit any of the protagonists in the region,” and Bloomberg admitted “Iran has little to gain” from blowing up the ships of its esteemed guest, Pompeo clearly understood another route of influence was required. Who better to call in for reinforcements than Twitter, which has demonstrated time and again its willingness to serve the US’ preferred narrative with mass deplatformings? 4,779 accounts believed to be “associated or backed by Iran” were removed – less than an hour after Pompeo’s declaration of Iranian guilt – for nothing more than tweeting “global news content, often with an angle that benefited the diplomatic and geostrategic views of the Iranian state.” This was deemed “platform manipulation,” and therefore unacceptable.

Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 6:21 p.m. No.6775783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5791


FBI agent accidentally reveals own 8chan posts; attempts to redirect white supremacist rage against Russia


The unsealing of an application for a search warrant by the federal government on 8chan’s servers has unintentionally revealed that a federal agent has been trolling the site and attempting to redirect the users’ conspiracy theories against the Russian government instead of the CIA or Mossad.


The legal case stems from the April 27th shooting at a California synagogue by white supremacist and 8chan user John Earnest. The day of the shooting, Earnest is believed to have posted to 8chan a link to an anti-Semitic Pastebin manifesto and a not-so-cryptic suggestion that he was about to commit a murderous act of violence to back up his beliefs. In the accompanying affidavit to the search warrant application, FBI Special Agent Michael J. Rod requests the “IP address and metadata information about Earnest’s original posting and the postings of all of the individuals who responded to the subject posting and/or commented about it. Additionally, agents seek information about any other posting coming from the IP address used by Earnest to post the subject posting.”


In Appendix 1, Rod attaches a serious of screen caps from an 8chan thread that took place the day of the synagogue attack (it is not ultimately clear that Earnest took part in this thread). What is notable is that next to the “Anonymous” user label on some of the posts is a “(You)” marking:



Anonymous ID: 050c48 June 17, 2019, 6:28 p.m. No.6775834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5909

Was General Patton Assassinated by the US Government?


During the long Cold War many Russians grew sufficiently disenchanted with the lies and omissions of their own news outlets that they turned to Western radio for a glimpse of the truth.


The growth of the Internet has now provided Americans with a similar opportunity to click on a foreign website and discover the important stories that have somehow escaped the attention of their own leading journalists. Ironically, much of such “alternative media” coverage actually appears in the leading British newspapers, eminently respectable and published in our closest historic ally.


For example, three or four years ago I noticed a link on a prominent libertarian website suggesting that George S. Patton, one of America’s most renowned World War II military commanders, had been murdered by order of the U.S. government. Not being someone much drawn to conspiracy-mongering, the lurid claim seemed totally outlandish, but I decided to click my mouse and harmlessly examine a bit of Internet fringe-lunacy. However, the source turned out to be a lengthy article in Britain’s Sunday Telegraph, one of the world’s leading newspapers, describing a newly published book based on a decade of detailed research and interviews undertaken by an experienced American military affairs writer.

