Anonymous ID: 11dd3f June 17, 2019, 5:32 p.m. No.6775400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5542 >>5565 >>5594 >>5601 >>5607 >>5612 >>5645

We Are On That Ship


Never before have we sailed this close to the shores of Victory


Though Doubters, Shills & the Woefully Impatient may have jumped Ship;


The Faithful Anons can now see the beautiful winds of JUSTICE billowing the Sails Beautifully


What an incredible Time To be alive!



Anonymous ID: 11dd3f June 17, 2019, 5:53 p.m. No.6775560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5609 >>5756 >>5880 >>5961 >>5980



New national populist EU group ‘Identity and Democracy’ takes shape


The new name for a formal national populist alliance in the European Parliament has been revealed. In an announcement made on social media, National Rally MEP Thierry Mariani declared, “Identity and Democracy (ID) will be the name of our group in the European Parliament for these five years.”


The newly formed alliance – the successor of the Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF) group which had 36 seats in the previous parliament – now comprises 73 members of the European Parliament (MEPs).


The group draws from nine of the European Union’s 28 member countries, and includes Italy’s Lega, France’s National Rally, Alternative for Germany, Austria’s Freedom Party, the True Finns Party, the Czech Republic’s Freedom and Direct Democracy, the Danish People’s Party, Estonia’s Conservative People’s Party, and Belgium’s Flemish Interest.


Although Identity and Democracy (ID) itself comprises 10 percent of MEPs in the new European Parliament, it’s actually part of a wider and more informal ‘sovereignist bloc of more-or-less 200’ MEPs who are populists, conservatives, and eurosceptics, according to France’s Marine Le Pen.


Le Pen has noted that those 200 votes will be drawn from parties in other groups like Hungary’s Fidesz party, Spain’s right-wing populist Vox party, and Poland’s Law and Justice party who all maintain similar positions on mass migration.


ID will be led by Marco Zanni, an MEP from Italy’s League party, and largest single party in the alliance with 28 lawmakers.


As things currently stand, Nigel Farage and his Brexit Party have refrained from joining the group. Farage – who’s had difficulty finding allies – seems to be banking on the resurrection of another populist, eurosceptic group, the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD), which would allow him to keep his coveted speaking position in EU parliamentary debates.


During ID’s press launch on Thursday in Brussels, Marco Zanni, who met with Farage earlier in the month, mentioned that his group’s door would remain open to the Brexit party and other similar populist-nationalist, eurosceptic parties.


In the same press launch, the co-leader of Alternative for Germany Jörg Meuthen stated that group’s goals were to stop globalists from inside the EU from seizing more power from member states, and to block what he described as “the undermining of the nation-state.”


France’s Marine Le Pen, who was also one of the nine speakers at the group’s press launch, declared, “Things must change, because voters demand it… The time of hidden maneuvers behind the backs of the people is over.”

Anonymous ID: 11dd3f June 17, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.6775608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5732 >>5756 >>5880 >>5961 >>5980



Loyal, awesome Patriot Trump supporters line up 42 hours early for Orlando campaign rally at Amway Center!


Trump is launching his re-election campaign on Tuesday in Orlando. 20,000 people are excepted to pack Orlando’s Amway Center, while thousands more will watch the rally from outside. But the mainstream (fake) media tells us that Trump is down by double digits to Biden, Sanders, Warren and the rest of the anti-American radicals from the Democrat Party. #TRUMP2020!


By Caroline Glenn, Orlando Centennial, June 17, 2019:


With tents, sleeping bags and coolers of water in tow, Donald Trump supporters began lining up for Tuesday’s campaign rally in Orlando, nearly two full days before the event.


Outside the Amway Center, where President Trump will officially kick off his 2020 re-election bid at 8 p.m. Tuesday, about two dozen people and counting had staked out a spot along Division Street as of Monday morning.


“This is the big one,” said Jennifer Petito, 54, of Melbourne. “This is the mother of all rallies.”


Petitio, who was wearing a pink “Women for Trump” hat and a red-and-white striped fanny pack, was second in line. She said she got there around 2 a.m. — 42 hours before the rally’s start.


The Amway has capacity for about 20,000 people. Trump tweeted Monday that there had been more than 100,000 requests for tickets. People in line said they had been told the first 100 people would get to sit in the front row.


City officials had previously said they expected people to start lining up Monday.


This rally will be amazing! can't wait!

Anonymous ID: 11dd3f June 17, 2019, 6:04 p.m. No.6775636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5640 >>5664



Video Showing Child Twerking at Gay Pride Parade Causes Outrage (So Sad.)


A video showing a young boy twerking at a gay pride parade while attendees encourage him has caused outrage.


The clip, posted on Twitter, shows a boy aged around 8-10 years old performing the provocative dance, in which the performer thrusts their hips back and shakes their buttocks while squatting.


“If I’m a “bigot” for opposing this evil, then so be it,” said Grant Palmer, who posted the original video, which now has over a million views.


Other respondents echoed his sentiments.


“This is pure evil being pushed by the left,” said Robby Starbuck. “They’re sexualizing kids & working to socially engineer a world where kids have no innocence. I don’t think they realize what a red line this is for many of us. We must fight this evil. This’ll never be okay.”

Anonymous ID: 11dd3f June 17, 2019, 6:11 p.m. No.6775687   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Here is’s list of space policy events for the week of June 16-22, 2019 and any insight we can offer about them. The House and Senate are in session this week.


During the Week


Lots of space-related floor action is on tap in Congress this week. The House will continue consideration of the first “minibus” of appropriations bills, which includes Defense, and then take up the second, which includes the Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) bill that funds NASA and NOAA and the Transportation-HUD bill that includes the FAA and its Office of Commercial Space Transportation. (The other three bills in the second minibus are Agriculture, Interior-Environment, and MilCon-VA).


House leadership wants to pass all 12 regular appropriations bills by the end of this month, but that will be a challenge under current circumstances. Republicans are requiring recorded votes instead of voice votes on every amendment. Voice votes are typically used for relatively non-controversial amendments because the goal is to get the bill passed as expeditiously as possible and roll call votes take time. One of the reasons it took the House Armed Services Committee 21 hours (from 10:00 am Wednesday to 6:54 am Thursday) to mark up the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is because it had to keep recessing to allow members to go to the floor to vote on amendments.


Speaking of the NDAA, the Senate Armed Services Committee completed its markup in May and last week released the texts of the bill and accompanying explanatory report (read about the Space Force provisions in our article posted on Thursday.) The Senate plans to take up the bill this week, probably starting on Wednesday.


While we haven’t heard of any space-related hearings, there are several interesting events that will take place on the Hill this week including a discussion hosted by the Potomac Institute of Policy Studies on Friday afternoon. Moderated by former NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden, the panel will discuss low Earth orbit commercialization — “The Next Space Industry.” Panelists are Mike Beavin from the National Space Council, Doug Comstock from NASA, Jeff Manber from Nanoracks, and Kerry Timmons from Lockheed Martin. RSVP is required.


Meanwhile, across the pond, the U.S. pavilion at the Paris Air Show will be showcasing American aerospace goods with a lot of focus on space, not just aviation. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine and others from government and industry held a press conference on June 6 at the National Press Club to call attention to the importance of aerospace exports and growing interest in commercial space. Bridenstine will hold a media availability at the Show on Tuesday at 8:30 am CEST (2:30 am EDT). The NASA press release did not indicate that there will be a webcast. Bridenstine said at the June 6 press conference he will be meeting with heads of other space agencies who will be at the Show to discuss potential cooperation in the Artemis Moon-by-2024 program. He wasn’t specific about who would be there, but, when asked, said it would not include Roscosmos General Director Dmitry Rogozin because he is under sanctions and not allowed to travel to Europe.


Those and other events we know about as of Sunday morning are shown below. Check back throughout the week for others we learn about later and add to our Calendar.


Monday-Wednesday, June 17-19


11th IAA Symposium on The Future of Space Exploration: Moon, Mars and Beyond. Beconig an Interplanetary Civilization, Torino, Italy

Monday-Friday, June 17-21 (continued from June 12)


U.N. Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Vienna, Austria

Monday-Sunday, June 17-23


Paris Air Show, Le Bourget, near Paris, France

Tuesday, June 18


NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine Media Availability at the Paris Air Show, Le Bourget, France, 8:30 am CEST (2:30 am EDT)

MSBR Luncheon Featuring Gen. Les Lyles (Ret.), Martin’s Crossroads, Greenbelt, MD, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm ET

Wednesday, June 19


Exploring Space: the Future of Lunar Exploration, with NASA Chief Scientist Jim Green, National Air and Space Museum. Washington, D.C., 8:00 pm ET (webcast)

Thursday, June 20


Space Superiority, with Col. Steven Purdy (Mitchell Institute), Capitol Hill Club, 300 First Street. S.E., Washington, DC, 8:30 am ET

STA Event: Apollo to Artemis, 2325 Rayburn House Office Building, 1:30-2:30 pm ET (invitation only)

Friday, June 21


The Next Space Industry: Low Earth Orbit Commercialization (Potomac Institute), 2325 Rayburn House Office Building, 2:00-4:00 pm ET


And much more!

Anonymous ID: 11dd3f June 17, 2019, 6:17 p.m. No.6775744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5756 >>5880 >>5961 >>5980



Brave Innocent Navy SEAL's trial for war crimes begins in San Diego


SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - Jury selection began on Monday in the trial of a U.S. Navy SEAL platoon leader court-martialed on charges of murdering a wounded Iraqi prisoner and shooting unarmed civilians, a war crimes case that has drawn the attention of U.S. President Donald Trump.


Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, a career combat veteran, walked into a military courtroom at the U.S. Naval Base in San Diego wearing a Navy white uniform adorned with medals. He has denied all the charges but could face life in prison if convicted in the trial arising from his 2017 deployment to Mosul, Iraq.


Gallagher, 39, is charged with murdering a wounded, helpless Islamic State fighter in his custody by stabbing him in the neck, and with attempted murder in the wounding of two civilians - a schoolgirl and an elderly man - shot from a sniper’s perch in Iraq.


He maintains that fellow SEAL team members in his platoon, who turned him in and are testifying against him under grants of immunity, are disgruntled subordinates who fabricated allegations to force him from command.


Lawyers for the defense and prosecution will be selecting between 5 and 15 jurors from a pool, half of whom are officers and the other half enlisted men, Brian O’Rourke, Navy spokesman for U.S. Naval Base San Diego, told reporters on Monday.


Empanelling the jury is expected to take one or two days and the proceedings in a military courthouse at the San Diego base are due to last three weeks.


The prosecution’s case rests crucially on the SEAL team members’ testimony as there are no bodies or crime scenes from the Iraqi war zone. Names and other details about the alleged crimes were not disclosed.



The opening of the trial was postponed several times by a lengthy round of proceedings to deal with defense allegations of prosecutorial misconduct.


Gallagher’s lawyers sought dismissal of the charges after learning that Navy prosecutors had electronically tracked email communications of defense lawyers without a warrant, ostensibly to pinpoint the source of material leaked from sealed case files.


The presiding judge, a Navy captain, ultimately removed the lead prosecutor from the case and freed Gallagher from pre-trial confinement.


The judge also granted defense lawyers a potentially valuable edge in jury selection - the right to reject, with no reason given, two more potential jurors than they otherwise could exclude through the use of a peremptory challenge.


Before he was released from custody late last month, Gallagher had been ordered restricted to base at the nearby Naval Medical Center San Diego.


Trump said last month that he is considering pardons for a number of military service members accused of war crimes, and Gallagher’s case was believed to be one of those under review.


The prospect of presidential clemency seemed heightened by last month’s appointment to Gallagher’s defense team of Marc Mukasey, one of Trump’s personal lawyers. Gallagher’s lead civilian attorney, Timothy Parlatore, has said his client has not sought a pardon.


Please remember this brave warrior in your prayers anons….