Anonymous ID: 09069c June 17, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.6777229   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7316


16You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and some of you will be put to death. 17And you will be hated by everyone because of My name. 18Yet not even a hair of your head will perish.…

Anonymous ID: 09069c June 17, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.6777377   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7407


Anons. Stay in the Light. Former US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida…the day after the election…posted on everywhere:


Marcos Daniel Jimenez

55 mins · Miami ·

How I see the election this morning:


A "stealth vote" driven by racism, xenophobia, fear, and anger defeated a

flawed candidate who had the experience to govern but didn't sufficiently

connect with people and allowed her opponent to convince workers that he

has their back despite a long history of stiffing them. Trump also got

lucky when momentum swung after Jim Comey's unprecedented letter (while

voting was already underway) and the announcement of skyrocketing

Obamacare premiums.


As the father of three daughters, I'm so glad I'm no longer a Republican

and voted against a man who has constantly demeaned women and boasted

about grabbing their genitals. As a Cuban-American whose family fled a

dictator, I'm so glad I voted against a man who denigrates Hispanics,

built his political standing through "birther" attacks on our nation's

first African-American president, and repeatedly pronounced that "he alone

can fix it." I remember a couple of bullies calling me a "Spic" when I was

a young Cuban refugee in an almost all-white elementary school. Trump has

always seemed like one of those bullies to me.


A white female friend who was born in Germany and now lives in Miami wrote

this to me recently: "Once- not so long ago someone thought Jews should be

behind walls too, somewhere other than Germany, that they should be

concentrated some place else - everyone thought this was a joke and that

he would do great things for the economy and that his hatred was

secondary- he meant it and when the people who voted for him realized that

it was neither secondary nor a joke it was too late. Before I came here no

one and I mean no one, except for the family, knew that I had a Jewish

great grandmother. I would not have dared to put this even in a text

message like this six years ago. It was inherited fear. It came from still

not feeling free. I felt free here [in the US] for the first time to just

say it. I hope it will stay like this."


Imagine the similar reactions of the millions of Hispanics, Muslims and

other minorities in this country today.


I now have the opportunity to fight the government as an independent

attorney with no attachment to a political party. I will stand against

racism, bigotry, misogyny and everything else that Trump and his kind

embody. America unfortunately has begun to bow to authoritarianism. But we

can and must resist it.

Anonymous ID: 09069c June 17, 2019, 10:02 p.m. No.6777490   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Oh "hey" do I need to shit post so some Federalies can come find me? I know two things about all chans:


  1. Hate of pedos

  2. Hate of animal abusers


Ummm that is something I agree with and always have. Please keep on Anons. I remember when 4Chan was picked up on the "wires" by Gawker for busting those who did the above. Many thanks.