Anonymous ID: 43ec13 June 17, 2019, 9:01 p.m. No.6777042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7060

Cusack twats a chan meme & apologizes, with shit like this, I think red pills are dispensed & that slowly the Normies that support Israel because of JudeoChristianValues have to wake the fuck up to the JQ, it is NOT Antisemitism to question why we can't criticize them even if it's " Not All Jews" that are Cabal.

Any other race or Religion is fair game unless you're in Canadistan where there is a law against Islamophobia. Why is it that these supposed enemies atrocities have to be foisted onto the rest of the world, whereby I mean socialist leaning democracies where white people are being replaced by the dirty sand niggers that Hillary and Petraeus made into Jihadist welfare-seeking refugees by their Banksters & Jewish/American Israel first Dualies that use the NDAA as a revenue stream, Military Industrial Complex fueled rogue ClownOps regime change proxy wars that destabilized the ME a shit ton more after Desert Storm to protect Kuwait & then the fruitless quest to find Saddam's non-existent WMD's?

Is the Iran drum war beating POTUS's plan to out the hidden benefactors who will out themselves when they cheer for another Mil incursion into SandNiggerLand, as they need their profits more than ever since their Child Sex Trafficking Ratlines have been drying up since America elected DJT?