Have you ever sneezed so hard your parents got a divorce?
Early that morning, a strangely clad man had ridden into Coushatta. He was wearing a long oilcloth coat, green eye goggles, a hat pulled down low over his face, and possibly false whiskers. He goes to the blacksmith's shop, and there he waits.
When I was 11 <snake eyesmy parents got divorced. Obviously I internalized the split to such a degree that I reckoned it was my wound to mend, if only I could escape the picture, taking all the ugliness with me. My work has been a story of self-sacrifice hoping to fix something I didn't break, but which my heart indicates I've perpetuated; and my psychotic displays of affection are matched only by my psychotic indifference.
Forgive me Mother. Forgive me Father.
I am at Peace, a Man, having put away childish things.
In that case…