Yeah how this board is even allowed to operate after all the crazy deep state shit that goes on here is beyond me.
They have posted cp, baby gore, made death threats on a daily basis, and somehow this shit is still up.
It's clear Trump is a cabal POS & it's clear he assembled a team of shills to operate here. Which is crazy as fuck.
There's no way our MILITARY branches don't know what's going. Which is another crazy reality to swallow. If we assume they know that Trump is cabal, and they don't do shit about it- what's the fucking point of the military?
The entire system has it's back turned on real American patriots. Which imo makes them all traitors to the American people..
All I know is if justice was a real thing, and the EPSTEIN case got unsealed; and if whatever was on WEINER's laptop turns into incriminating evidence- Trump will go down as the biggest criminal President in history.
The way I see it, the biggest criminals of America are in the White house.