Trump pushes AI, 5G, Big Data, Chem trails, GMO, Crypto, spd4, spacex – even more (Under the radar of public) <ISAgogeWhy did he sign EMP EO? Nothing is for YOUR benefit.
AI, 5G, Chem dispersals, GMO, crypto/arpanet (who really created this tech?), blockchain, BIG data (all with a bigger purpose) You are all far from being awake! You are the answer to their means and you are blind to it.
You are witnessing a power struggle. Why were letters really handed out at 41st state funeral? What was the real message? A big event is coming and time is running out. Fail to do anything and you and your families are ill-fated.
I warned you of previous events but it had fallen on deaf ears.
Next week. Their PUSH should open your eYes. Don’t continue to be deceived.
Keep looking to Qatar, India, Russia, Iran, China.
Leaders around the world are making way for their God.