>>6779874 (pb)
Your post made me think about this subject. Natural News (deplaformed by Go ogle and banned by FB!) did a recent story about statins and their apparent causal relationship with Lou Gehrig's disease. It seems to me that a common technique of the cabal/NWO/satanists is to give people a disease or create a dependency so that they are controllable by a created need or addiction. I think we see this everywhere! Welfare dependence, the vaccine agenda (vaccines deliberately cause "profitable" diseases), ALL of pharmaceutical "medicine", the opioid epidemic etc.
It was prophesied of Jesus that "by His stripes we are healed". He also freely healed everyone who came to Him in faith, believing.
Jesus only became angry enough to get violent and make a whip of cords to drive the money changers when people were trying to make money from business in His Father's house. All those who have the Spirit of God are living temples. I wonder how Jesus will treat those who tried to turn our bodies (and souls!) into commodities for sale and abuse for "profit"?