Anonymous ID: 01d0a3 June 18, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.6781948   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS vs China


I’m not sure China CAN wait out till 2020.


Because the only economic #’s we get are from CCP, and they lie and cheat, everyone starts by assuming their #’s are ‘cooked’, and all guestimate how much they are cooked.


So, even B.T. (Before Trump, Before Tariffs) their #’s were “off”. Of COARSE they are going to jigger them even more, A.T.


I am thinking its possible they are projecting out, 1 1/2 years, and seeing their position as untenable, and unrecoverable at that point.


In other words, even if DJT were to lose in 2020, wouldn’t matter, cause their economy and rule will have disintegrated by then.


The exodus of manufacturing jobs, bankrupting of their reserves to try to prop up the economy, adverse effects of devalueing currency, housing bubble burst and food shortages is simply too much, in too short a time.


They were so consumed with the long term, the ‘long game’ 100 year plan, that they didn’t pay enough attemtion to PDJT’s “2 year plan”, and so confident muh Russia weisman/mueller would save them, that they put all their survival eggs, in that one very leaky basket.


Just saying its possible they are in much worse shape than prognostications think, in which case Xi isn’t negotiating to save “face”; he is negotiating for SURVIVAL.


Additional way to view it; millions of government run companies, each cooking the books, to make their CCP managers look good, to those higher up. Major downturn, obviously they are going to minimise it initially, hoping its temporary. At some point they have to square the circle, to ‘reconcile’ the #’s, and the full depth of the hole they are in becomes apperent.