Anonymous ID: 02c0bb NOTICE ALL THE FAKE BAKED BREAD? WHEN IS EVEN 1 LOAF GOING TO BE OFFERED? NOTICE THAT? June 18, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.6781992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2005 >>2027 >>2034 >>2040 >>2046 >>2090 >>2118

In 3 years, funny that your "Cooking" and "Oven" NOT ONE LOAF EVER WAS "BAKED"? WHY?


Because this is a Bush State Deep State Controlled Board!


But don't worry as you sit on your couch pretending to be a animal like a good little brainwashed actor.


Notice you never ever once talked about Bush's 911 involvement an being looked at or charges being looked at?


How about his GW's daddy, GHW, who was involved in JFK's murder? Funny you never exposed the GHW Bush was "detained" in the room right next to Oswald, minutes after his assination? Then J Edgar Hoover called Dallas PD to stop questioning him and let him go!? Funny hey? Then a few years later, just a flook, GW Bush headed the CIA as their director hey?


Then what about GHW's grandpa? One Prescott Bush. Wasn't he charged and found guilty in 1933 by a Congressional DC Highest court of a Attempted Coup and overthrow of America and our President at the time?


What are the odds' that 3 Bush family members, in 80 years, were involved in 3 Presidental Attempts to Coup America?


1 - Prescott in 1933 and found guilty.

2 - GHW who was in Dallas, and Detained in the room next to Oswald, in JFKs Murder?

3 - GW ordering the 911 towers to come down and now Bush being right up their in their Bush Deep State, along side HRC Deep State to remove Trump and Coup America once again.


How many times before its impossible to not see the crime family?


Remember one George Soros? Funny that he was involved with Prescott Bush to steal all the wealth Hitler stolen, and sent it all to Prescott, who sold it in the US and sent their cut of the profits back to one George Soros and Hilter?


Doesn't that explain why George Soros is never ever charged or looked at on all the Coup organization he funds? Just he's rich and connected to one Bush Deep State, whom you all just happen to ignore on these boards….


So name 1 loaf ever cooked? You can't because you are a DEEP STATE LIE, to misdirect the masses from the Bush Deep State, and cover up all the crimes.


Guess GW murdering all the 911 towers deaths is less important then the money HRC and few murders she ordered to hid her crimes? Funny 3,000+ deaths in the 911 towers coming down is less important to you here then HRC crimes, with only money.

Anonymous ID: 02c0bb June 18, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6782092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2118



So you are covering the Bush Deep State hey?


Funny snowflake needs to run to their Bush Deep State Safespace and Triggered on exposing Truth to you….




Another Bush DS Antifa snowflake exposed, who don't want you to remember the Bush Deep State….


So you weren't triggered when GHW took his thumb at Trumps National convention and shown to cut Trumps throat? Funny from the guy who was detained moments after JFK murder by Dallas PD, and questioned next to Oswald interview room…?


And his Grandpa, Prescott fround 100% guilty in a Actual Congressional Court in DC of his attempted Coup of America for Hitler…


Why do the Bush family have German Passports under the their real name GEORG SHERRIF? If anypone searches Georg Sherrif Hitler, guess they'll be exposed, but you are suppose to keep that lie hidden.




Triggered Snowflake who hates Truth to be known… Hard to swallow hey? Watch in amazement as this little boy at Truth…


See how they want to silence the HRC DS, yet protect the Bush DS, so they can once again survive, and continue their criminal takeover of america?

Anonymous ID: 02c0bb June 18, 2019, 1:55 p.m. No.6782150   🗄️.is 🔗kun



How funny…. You say "NO ONE CARES" of the 911 deaths and destruction…


yet you call yourself a QAnon or Patriot?


See how you do not care because it links back to the Bush Family Generational Deep State and YOU PROTECTING THEM AT ALL COSTS INCLUDING NOT CARING OF THE 911 DEATHS?


Triggered at Truth? So how can any American be happy with 911 and not care Bush ordered it, and then appointed one ROBERT MUELLER days after the collapse to HIDE HIS NAME TO IT?


NO ONE CARES HEY? See how these boards are only to attack HRC and Not the Bush Deep State Crimes?



Anonymous ID: 02c0bb June 18, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.6782169   🗄️.is 🔗kun





People - SEE HOW THESE BOARDS ARE 100% CONTROLLED BY Bush DS to hide their crimes?


So no one wants to care about 911… So how many Americans DO NOT CARE ABOUT 911 and turn their backs to holding those who brought them down to justice? Its because GW BUSH ORDERED IT!