Anonymous ID: 97e138 June 18, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.6781856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1872


omfg you fags are out of touch, obama didnt do the shhh gestrue, he kissed the fingers and dropped the mic . its like a peace god gesture nigs use in the culture . stop trying to force fake shit to mold your agenda, especially when you have no idea what thiese mean . you old out of touch faggot

Anonymous ID: 97e138 June 18, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.6782034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2169


>In 3 years, funny that your "Cooking" and "Oven" NOT ONE LOAF EVER WAS "BAKED"? WHY?


>Because this is a Bush State Deep State Controlled Board!


>But don't worry as you sit on your couch pretending to be a animal like a good little brainwashed actor.


>Notice you never ever once talked about Bush's 911 involvement an being looked at or charges being looked at?


>How about his GW's daddy, GHW, who was involved in JFK's murder? Funny you never exposed the GHW Bush was "detained" in the room right next to Oswald, minutes after his assination? Then J Edgar Hoover called Dallas PD to stop questioning him and let him go!? Funny hey? Then a few years later, just a flook, GW Bush headed the CIA as their director hey?


>Then what about GHW's grandpa? One Prescott Bush. Wasn't he charged and found guilty in 1933 by a Congressional DC Highest court of a Attempted Coup and overthrow of America and our President at the time?


this board was not created to get to the bottom of 9/11 . take that shit to the conspiracy sub on reddit faggot . This is about saving america not your lame bush fetish . fuck off