Anonymous ID: c03aaf June 18, 2019, 4 p.m. No.6783159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3177

RUSH: You see, folks, they just can't stop. They go on and on and on. The montage, we could continue to add to it. There's also a CBS News poll out there that shows Fauxcahontas taking the lead over Crazy Bernie, moving into second place behind Joe Bite Me. The election is how many days away? It's 500 days away.


And I will admit, once again, you look at my old buddy Matt Drudge's page today and you could be forgiven if you were to conclude the election is over. You look at the Drudge page, which is just a compilation of the news today, if you just headline search, you're gonna get the idea, you will come to the conclusion that the 2020 election is over, just like it was over at this point in 2015 for Hillary Clinton. She had already wrapped it up. It was gonna be in a landslide.


I'm gonna tell you something else. Donald Trump will trail in the polls until October of 2020. I don't care who the Democrats nominate. I don't care what happens with any of the external information, Trump will be trailing in the polls throughout the rest of this year and most of next year.


But let's do today what we did then. At the time that he they told us Hillary was gonna win in a landslide – look, these people are not, as I say, innovative or creative, they simply recycle stuff. They recycle stuff from the past, try to adapt the past to the present, add some goodies to it and tell themselves that it's new!