Anonymous ID: e9c1ed June 18, 2019, 3:46 p.m. No.6783053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3074


More I think about it, how do you give the power back to the people?


You give them local judges back, of course.


How do you hold a judge in NYC accountable? You can't. How do you hold a judge in your small town accountable? Through social pressure.


I really hope that this is the plan. But I posted this, anon: >>6782398


Super faggy, I know. Just trying to say I get the feeling of being freaked out.

Anonymous ID: e9c1ed June 18, 2019, 3:51 p.m. No.6783094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3107


IANAL, but my interpretation was that if the Feds prosecute you for murder and acquit you, your state can still prosecute you and convict you.


I don't think one can overturn another, they are additively punative. So say you get 2 years for murder by the Feds and are convicted, your state can come in and say "oh no 2 years not enough", but they can't say "ok you're free before your 2 years is up."


But it would be nice to get a lawyer.

Anonymous ID: e9c1ed June 18, 2019, 3:56 p.m. No.6783129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3145


I mean if the feds have you in custody, you're under their jurisdiction. When they release you back into the state's jurisdiction, the state can prosecute.


But if they're in federal jurisdiction the state can't just steal him away. The feds could probably take him away from a state, though. But if they were brought back to the state, or ever returned, the state would be well within they're rights to prosecute.


Think of it this way. MS13 member kills someone in NYC. Feds refuse to prosecute, New York prosecutes, convicts him. Feds come in take the guy away put him in GA. NY can ask GA for extradition, and GA can accept or refuse.


But you only have power over people in your jurisdiction. If, for instance, a man is accused of a crime who the community thinks is innocent, the local community is within their rights to defend that person from the feds if they feel the feds are being unjust.


Really I just think it's kinda a good thing. I'd like to live in that society more than the current one I think.