This faggot doesn't even know we don't use the term "mods" around here.
Idk, is that a term used on reddit?
This faggot doesn't even know we don't use the term "mods" around here.
Idk, is that a term used on reddit?
A legend in your own mind.
Hey BO!
You can stop this stupid captcha bullshit any time. We won't complain.
Many did leave, so that was a success for BO.
He can go fuck himself up the ass with rusty rebar for all I care.
Yes, s/he has. This captcha shit been going on for over a month. Qs been MIA for 2-3 weeks.
Fuck you. You BOs bitch?
Ok, just past 3 weeks. Q posted after the captcha bullshit was unleashed on us.
Kek. What a fucking sheep you are.
Retard shill.
Are you msm, too?
I'm surprised she didn't go down. Heat exhaustion sucks. Have had it before. No fun.
Hut, if it was humid and she had not enough water, it could lead to that. Heat exhaustion is the result of persperation stopping. Thus your body can no longer tolerate heat.
I'm just trying to rule it either in or out.