I just had a thought about the "two tiered justice system". I watched an interview with Mark Taylor today and he said "Develop a stomach for justice." I agree with that statement.
Two-tiered justice means that justice is applied according to who someone is and not in accordance with the illegal act they committed. I don't believe it is okay to cry out for justice against satanically motivated pedovores in high places and not see that "more acceptable" criminals will not also face justice.
Some years ago I faced criminal consequences for some things I did, sincerely believing I was defending life. Although I believe one of the charges against me was false, I plead guilty and faced the consequences. Some day I might want a pardon, but often when I pray for justice. I ask that if my penalty of time in federal prison for what I did at Planned Parenthood was just, then I'd like proportional justice for those who used "federal" property to KILL unborn American children for money. See what I'm getting at? In a nation of laws penalties can be expected to be meted out in a consistent manner. Jury nullification is a way in which a person's PEERs indicate that a law is inappropriate, but someone in the US illegally has no legitimate community of peers from which to draw. Nor should people not subject to treatment as American citizens expect "equal" protection under laws they are breaking.
If we want "elite" lawbreakers to face justice, the regular ones will, too. Getting sent back to your home country is a lot better than rotting in GITMO or getting executed for treason.