When the Boss shows up again we're going to have two breads straight of welcome back messages. Kek.
Fuck Fuck Fuck!
I just noticed the importance of
There was a german arcticle (T-Online News) that connected Angela Merkels seizure with the ones that [HRC] has…
It's gone. And i have no proof.
Woke up. Took my phone. Saw the news.
Thought: "I'll post about it when i got up".
Went to my Laptop.
Story altered!
Thats the link (german) where they connected her seizure to [HRC]:
Thanks faggot
The web is full of reports of that.
But i saw a report that connected [Merkels] seizures to [HRC]s seizures.
But the original report was altered just before i managed to post about it.
I was too slow. My fault.
That burning Indian guy took it quite well to be engulfed in flames…
Maybe Angie was eating the pain….