Anonymous ID: 2aea73 June 19, 2019, 8:16 a.m. No.6789642   🗄️.is đź”—kun


i do respect your opinion/desire to keep a distance from unnecessary trauma.

however i am under the firm belief that the only way to get the public to awaken from their slumber is to be exposed to that evil that has been going on for decades, right in our face as they distract us with the bread and circuses.

satanic ritual abuse and those who practice it must be brought to light.

the proliferation of child abuse/sex slavery must be brought into the public domain to stir the anger within us so they it can never happen again.

i've said this since the beginning… if these evils are not exposed and broadcast for the world to see, this mission will fail.

transparency is the only way forward.

>the choice to know will be yours