Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.6789268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9284


the use of '™' is a shitpost is patented and you can't use it like that here without . . .


ohh . . . just getting me riled for stealing my idea ™


in any case, ya, that larp don't hunt, and your words do not bark with snark.


Bark with snark, chan wog, or give up the larp!

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 7:19 a.m. No.6789286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9304


It's more like this:


they kill things and drink blood and it's horrible and discusting and they call it holy.

We drink wine, pretend it's blood, don't kill things in the name of . . . . and say 'Christ was holiest of all' so you do not need to try and reproduce what He did.


this thing that human hands created is now God.


that's a lot better way to see it than your cock-eyed crap explanation.

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 7:29 a.m. No.6789358   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what evil act?

the old ritual was an abomination, so much blood in the temple.

the new one? take bread and wine and share it. tell the people the temple thing is over. you don't need to kill a pigeon, or slaughter a calf on an alter ever ever again.

So the Christians were examples of those who 'moved on' from abberant practices, like turning a mountain top into a flowing river of animal blood for fat-blow-tard frauds who cucked a culture.


Jesus said he wouldn't go back to the temple once he left it the last time.

When New Jerusalem comes down as a gift, the 'temple mount' will finally be seen as just yet another stupid knoll that shallow people warred over.


not really that holy anymore on account of the behavior of millions over a fetish property.


Poooue Poooue


no insult to you if you really believe something, just describing a point of view that I read in a book that was printed in the 1890s.

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 7:36 a.m. No.6789410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9463


ah the semantics about 'execution' verse 'murder'.

years and years ago I was at some page, and said something about how the Czar and his family, was it 100 years ago sometime this year?, were 'murdered'.


someone respoinded back and took great offense to the word I used, telling me that the person who did the 'execution' eventually became a Christian and calling it 'murder' is wrong because that would put their relative into the class of 'villain' and they were 'following orders' that they thought were 'just' at the time, later realizing that, of course, murder is wrong. . . . no wait, but it was an execution so they should have not guilt?


it all seemed very strange to me.

but there it was, the semantics of 'murder' vs 'execution'


I hear that at a firing squad they'll be a whole of of shooters, but only some have bullets. that way no one is ever sure who was the one that killed the . . . 'victim?' . . . 'prisoner'? . . . 'traitor'?


oh, semantics.


but ya if someone has to perform executions , say for traitors, we won't think of the executioner as a 'murderer'


so in the case of the czar and his family, it was those who put out the warrent for execution, the leaders of that faction, who would get the stain of being called 'murderers'.


It's complicated.

It makes a strange moral alegebra.

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 7:40 a.m. No.6789435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9442


Rumi tells a story of three great mystics. Each was so great that they reached enlightment. Each of them were so awesome that religions were created using their names.

the story takes a twist there, a rather hard little punch in the gut kind of reveal:


none of the adherents of any of the subsequent religions ever reached enlightment.


of course it's just a story and the punchline is a zinger.

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 7:48 a.m. No.6789483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9793


I like that one because it isnt' telling people not be part of something if they want to be, but that it's not then guaranteed that it will actually lead them to anything real.


It presupposes that the person believes in this thing called 'Enlightenment'.


My view of it now is more like the various 'rooms' of it, or fields of it, are behind a kind lf lourverred blind, that shows one reality and then, when the little knob is turned, we can see through ti. Or we could jsut pull up the shade of it.

It would be like the 'reality' is the inside of an opaque chinese hanging paper lantern, and it get removed or pulled up, and then we get something completely different.


how many of these paper lantern universes do each of us have around us?


ah, but it's just a way of imagining. the real world is configured as it is. Our words are toys in some sense, that we setup on streams and hope to hit the mark of an explanation with our flaming arrow of perceptive description.

the flaming arrow makes the mark onto the layers of multiple 'paper lantern shades' pulled over the 'seeker after truth', and the paper, from those paper-conceptions, bursts into flames, the whole facade of it is red-pilled into nothing.

and were are we then? what field of battle or plazza of peaceful interaction with fellows? what will it reveal?


fortunately all that is just a bullshit description in a shit post. your real world-view won't burst into flames wiht an arrow of flaming awareness, and your reality isn't really a stack of concentric chinese paper lanterns that you are stuck in side of, as a flame, I suppose.



Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 7:59 a.m. No.6789552   🗄️.is 🔗kun


why you being mean to him today?

He's here doing his thing, a curious little bug on a fully blooming flower.

but he's here everyday and it's best to just let him do his thing wihtout antagonizing him. I made a meme about him, but he doesn't get it. He's rather harmless and he does love Dan, so he's perceptive.

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 8:06 a.m. No.6789594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9610


he's going to burn one?

so you're telling people to smoke pot?

I hope so because the curses and sentences that you mouth for others are what is on the list for you should you ever go that low.


division fag, please be gone.

If anyone here is of your creed they would tell you that they were not just to test you and see how far you take it.

the idea that someone 'burns' because you find them distasteful in how they troll you?


come on!


and this is a place where people go into battle, mostly in mock, to see what kind of polemics the other shitposters have.

We can learn that way how to battle in the read world when dealing with liberals in the street: with words and memes and not swards or arrows.


grow up or get out!

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 8:15 a.m. No.6789637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9649


no, I know that.

I was commenting on the idea of 'murder' and 'execution' being very different.

many will say it's the same, but the law is the way it is for a reason and it got that way through the bad behavior of non repentant people who should have known better.


If it gets there I'll be sad about it, and I'm not going to like it. But I'll understand because I've had to deal with the type that will get it blocking me my whole life, and doing horrible things to everyone around them, and getting away with it.


When I drive past where the Sams' club was I wonder 'were there tunnels under there? what is this all about, what was Hillary and them really planning.'


yes, I am not a fan of the death penalty, but in the case of anyone who gets it for treason, we know that they knew what the reasons were, and they were doing things willfully, within a context where they woudl have used that same method themselves.


The punishment they get is the one that they would give, or did give.


So I don't need to 'buckle up'

the execution of cretin traitors really isn't something to celebrate.

but will I say a word to say 'do not do this?'

I guess it depends on the indivdual case.

but if it's all done in secret?

the public needs to know.


the plans against humanity by the creeps at teh top, if true what we've been fed, those plans were major crimes.

and if treason is one of them, those criminals knew the law. Hell, most of them studied the law.


they have no excuse when I thnk of how many have been Arkancided . . .

I say follow the law.

I don't like the law, but that's rather the point of law: to get shit right even when people don't like it.


I say 'follow the law'. they knew the penalties for their behavior. Unless the law is changed . . . which I don't recommend.


so there it is: while I don't support execution, I do support the law. and the law needs to be followed in this case.

why? Because the ones who it will apply to scoffed at the law and kept getting worse and worse and . . . well I could go on.

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 8:23 a.m. No.6789676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9684


People really impose it on themselves.

Of course that isn't how we want it to go.

If they choose to keep doing what they do, and they never stop, and the law is what it is, and they knew all about it?

They set it all up so we'd get trapped in it?

they would do it to us?

and then you say 'oh no, let's keep not following the law'


so would I execute someone? no.

woudl I make a law to execute someone . no.


but how is it on me if the laws, having been set up in years past by well meaning peole living in the real world, are applied to those who would have done far worse to all of us?


Of course everyone is 'against' the death penalty in the sense that it's extreme.

but the law bing what it is, and those peole having been so wrong in what they did, crossed a line that resoable ancestors told us never to cross, were willful, didn't care, were haughty, didn't care.


They lived within that system, they followed that law, they scoffed at it.

Who am I to impose my will on this system at a time when we can finally purge it of these cretins?


now you might argue, oh the demons will feast on the fear and the loathing of it.


yes, I get that line of reasoning.


so let's see how it plays out. I'm on the side of being a 'treason' skeptic.


It's a very hard role to play in the case of some of the alledged traitors.

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 9 a.m. No.6789863   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no one believes that.

the people who say that prob don't believe in hell.

they only say it because they know it's hurtful.


most 'socially' or 'ethnically' jewish people have no animosity towards real Christians. And Christians don't have it for Jews either.

you know this, your responding to someone.


It's in the Nicene (SP) code that he went to hell to free those there and release them from their bondage.


It's a 'belief' of many Christians.


it might not show up in Scripture, but, according to many Christians, Christ is still alive amoung us. You just don't recognize his spirit living around you.

so maybe they got further information with in that 2000 years that supliments the Bible?


Ah, but Protetants don't even acknowledge the saints, as if all spiritual knowledge is 1900 years old.


Seriously it's a belief of Catholics: Jesus Christ went to hell to free those in hell from the bad law that had come before.


I don't understand it, but there it is.

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 9:08 a.m. No.6789908   🗄️.is 🔗kun


that is a third strike in my rule of 'though shalt not whore thyself out advertising poison on the chan'


but you get paid to do it, I know.

what if it comes out that it is really a kind of poison? Will you accept liability for promoting it here? if the sweeteners are also found to be poisonous? will you pay reparations to those who are perminantly damaged from your deceptive product?

Anonymous ID: 6b472d June 19, 2019, 9:16 a.m. No.6789960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you do understand that Eygpt goes back way farther than the records indicate?

I'm sure you've read Graham Cracker, I mean Hand-cock, and his 'NASA' (made up) narrative? Is it made up really?


anyway , ya ,ancient Eygpt, the cradle of civilization . . . at least from the point of view of Europeans.


And the place where this current movement started as a reaction to the excesses of communist MURSI who had a fatal incident. The date would be July 3, 2015: the start of our liberation.


If you look to google they call it a 'coup'. But that's because they always say that when it's communists who are outted as criminals and done away with by sane people who are following well known laws.


It takes longer here, but the same kinds of laws are followed here to remove communists from position of power after they have infiltrated.


the obcession with ancient Eygpt is understandable given the remarkible history of an extrodinarie place, and awesome set of many different people's who have made it their homes, and blessed us with themselves.

but remember: even in ancient Egypt, Egypt was already ancient.


the Spinix, the pyramids? they were already ancient in ancient times.


There is so much History that we can never know. Most of what is 'said' to be 'known' was speculation of Free Masons based in London and Paris (the same clan that concocted a lot of so called 'ancient' history).


So, ya, Egypt. It's a cool place.

Decked out to the nines . . .