Anonymous ID: 85d6a1 June 19, 2019, 8:17 a.m. No.6789647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9673

Stumbled onto this wikileaks cable while digging Charles Rangel regarding a Haiti Congressional Delegation visiting Haiti after the earthquake. Some interesting names on the list and some interesting nuggets

  1. (SBU) SUMMARY: On February 12 Speaker of the House of

Representatives '''Nancy Pelosi, along with the 11 Senators and

members of Congress''', arrived in Port-au-Prince to observe U.S.

relief efforts and to discuss the status of those efforts with US

and GOH officials. President Preval told the Codel they are

rallying to address the monumental challenges confronting them, and

with a vision that looks beyond Haiti's immediate needs. Preval

stated that, in the short-term, Haiti needs help in addressing the

problems of displaced persons, a budget shortfall, stimulating the

economy, and holding elections. Preval also asked for assistance

in encouraging U.S. private investment, decentralizing foreign

investment, creating jobs, and building roads. Prime Minister

Bellerive supported the concept of '''establishing a trusteeship

comprised of the GOH and major donors to coordinate the

disbursement of financial aid.''' END SUMMARY.


CODEL Members and Participants


  1. (SBU) Members of the Senate:


  • Tom Harkin, Chairman Health Education and Labor (D-IA)

  • Bill Nelson, Budget, Finance and SASC (D-FL)

* Amy Klobuchar, Judiciary (D-MN)

  • Frank Lautenberg, Appropriations (D-NJ)

  • George LeMieux, SASC (R-FL)


Members of the House of Representatives:


* Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House (D-CA)

  • Charles Rangel, Chairman Ways and Means (D-NY)

  • John Conyers, Chairman Judiciary (D-Mich)

  • James Oberstar, Transportation and Infrastructure (D-MN)

  • Donna Christensen (D-V.I.)

* Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)

  • Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)


Also accompanying the CODEL were Assistant Secretary for

Legislative Affairs Rich Verma, seven members of the Senate and

House staff, and two representatives of the Senate and House UNMC

liaison offices.

  1. (SBU) (((Central Bank President Castel))) said, as a result of

destroyed businesses and loan defaults, 40 percent of Haiti's

banks' portfolios may have been lost. Those businesses can rebuild

(((only if credit is available,))) commenting "we need to extend credit

in order to create jobs," and added "we cannot raise revenue

without jobs." Castel urged the American legislators to include

funds to recapitalize the banks in any budget supplemental.

Senator Harkin mentioned that Congress will be considering a

supplemental appropriation bill, and requested a list of GOH needs

for the remainder of the fiscal year.


Coordination of Expenditures - Trusteeship Proposal


  1. (SBU) '''Senator Nelson suggested that the GOH establish a

trusteeship with authority to disburse funds contributed by donors.'''

Prime Minister Bellerive stated that he discussed the subject of a

trusteeship with Counselor Cheryl Mills, and that the GOH supports

the idea, provided the body would be (((transparent.))) Bellerive added

that the trusteeship should be governed by an '''"International Donor

Board" consisting of the largest donors, and co-chaired by the GOH.'''

He suggested the body should first adopt a plan and then vote to

disburse funds for projects consistent with the plan. Bellerive

said the GOH would propose this structure to the donors meeting in



Think Big and Outside of Port-au-Prince


  1. (SBU) Speaker Pelosi urged Preval to "think big." "We're

receptive" she added, "and we would like to hear that Haiti is

going toward a different place. If so, you would (((receive even more

support, and we see this as an opportunity to be even more

helpful."))) "You can teach the world how to respond to such a

disaster, and become a model." Pelosi stated that sometimes such a

tragedy can be a great opportunity, and suggested the examples of

San Francisco and Italy.