Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.6790000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0119

>>6789901 (pb)

Very good point. Some is more obvious than others.

Any sauce in the US about a shake up at The Navy?

I'll take that with sauce about that those ships are really where you say they are.

and then, if they were, a more plausible explanation would be to aid in the removal of various Caribean criminal governments, such as in Caracus or Havana or even Guatemalla or other corrupt Rothshield regimes.


But I don't know either, and I'm making it up.

When I write my narratives I always know that real Russians are always on the correct side of History.


that's just a rule that I learned from observational awareness and . . . experience in the real world.

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.6790054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0086


Was anyone ever conclusive about what 'MAP' stands for?

I've seen stuff like "military application plan' or . . .

oh, ya, the 'we have the MAP' and there is a great informative graphic that is only a very small reveal, it was shopped around for months and months, and seems missing now . . . but old-school anon know what i'm talking about. It got colored. It's got names of orgs, and how they interrelate . . . names of charities . . . pension funds . . . dot-orgs, and other various fraternities . . . etc


Everyone was calling that 'the map' but is that really 'the MAP'?


I thought MAP was 'Military Application Plan' but I never was able to say that I knew that for sure.


ah, a one post wonder division trying to say what Q posts are and if they are still useful.


why don't you publish something in the MSM about that. That is where the audience is for that.

We kind-of love Q here and even if it's just bullshti about thundercats we still like to here from him/her/them.


and we sort of know who he is too, or do we?

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 9:45 a.m. No.6790146   🗄️.is 🔗kun



other wise?


I mean that the general consensus is that Russians are abolishionists who support Human Freedom. And so the 'sane' policy when it's 'sane' Russians is always to support that. I don't say that there can't be criminals who were Russians. But that their society, as a whole, is always on the side of the right and the just. It is only when there were fooled or . . . enslaved by communists, that their policies became . . . let us say . . . awkward.


the Russian boys who showed up in Prauge in , was it 1968? in tanks were shocked that they were seen as villains.


Interesting times.

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 9:47 a.m. No.6790163   🗄️.is 🔗kun


why is it stupd?

If this were not Q research then name fagging is normal.

why wouldn't a person be able to delete a post?

why is my post stupid?


you're just being a bully. YOu don't care about how stupid my posts are. You only want to cause a reaction.

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.6790186   🗄️.is 🔗kun


could this book, quoted, be a smear piece against Catholics?

The FBI reporting from a book doesn't say that anyone in the FBI thought the things that the book is quoting. The provide it to their agents as a reference, not as a direction.

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 9:55 a.m. No.6790222   🗄️.is 🔗kun


even if he were villainously involved in theft of assets as a clown, he doesn't deserve to be drugged and stripped of his memory.

The tcp/ip 'back doors' exist at the chip levels as well. Is there any evidence he was involved in that?


IP/Ver 6 is the real deal now. the V4 stuff is a 'facade' what they call a 'wrapper'.


if you live in a v4 view that's fine. It all works.


McAfee is clearly a canary in a coal mine.

If he 'goes missing' that's a major signal to all of the other canaries.

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 10:06 a.m. No.6790287   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the image is a rare meme still of Gorillian-zilla-ime attacking, no, just standing near a Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles, created recently during an outgassing event near by labeled a 'gas explosion' by the local papers there.


The hotel is of a STANDARD variety.

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.6790328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0344


During that event this place was a rallying point for those concerned with what clearly was a non-stanarad happening. Q research has always been about protecting the innocent and the establishment of lawful Justice. Issac was involved in ongoing well known activities of great interest to many who lurk here. Do you just filter everyone who you don't agree with so you can't see that?

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.6790367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0694


that sucks.

oh well.

I didn't realize he was that hated?

so there was no chance he confessed to said scum-bagness at an end of life event and found . . . something holy? and redeemed himself?


no chance of that?


that's sad. But I watched it on a video.

so that was an act?

I suppose it could have been.

I maintain that he jumped into the back of a hay filled flat bed box truck, like a dump truck, and lived, and I just made that up in my head on the day it happened.

In any case it was important news.

and you hatred of him doesn't make it less important nor that he was a real guy stuck, like glue, on the flytrap of hollywood fame, like a June bug who gets caught in a trap for flies, and is a causulty in a senseless way . ..


but he was a real guy.

and that makes him important even if you don't care about him.


so whatever, you hated him enough to post some lame attack on him weeks after he's out of the picture forever and passed on into History.

how heroic. And all for the integrity of the board?



Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 10:35 a.m. No.6790449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0483 >>0514


how insulting!

why would I, if i were them, post that picture in the bread to try and remind us all of what this place often involves, in order to snap some of the lurking shills from their fantasies about Eygpt and anime and porn, etc.


I'm trying to . . . cultivate awareness . . . looks like I did.

Did I not, as well, post what some had shopped out as an 'evolving map'? somewhere earlier in the bread?

I get no credit.

I even maybe posted a blind cat memes with toy soldiers and old electric trains?


anyway, whatever.

you need to air the moldy hateful laundry of your ideation about what is wrong, I say go for it.


But I'm not that.

The first time I got to LA I freaked out because I could feel it pulsing with a bad energy.

I wigged out. I made myself go back after driving far away.

I convinced myself 'oh, no, it's OK' and even planned a subsequent vacation there, a mistake!

Don't do it!


anyway, no, not anyone from there.


But I know a lot because I read about it.

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 11:03 a.m. No.6790630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0654


fairly elaborate lie.

lies like that shouldn't be repeated.

but you're just explaining that is what it says on the internet so that's OK

I would say it's far fetched that Sean is evil like that.

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.6790686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0698


"like that"

after I wrote that I said 'that was imprecise'.

then I thought, well it IS idiomatically correct even though I don't believe that people are ever evil, but they get seduced to do evil.

so I thought 'shoudl I correct it?' and said 'na, how pedantic'.

but now that you said something, and took me to say something that I didn't mean, of course Sean is as enthralled with vain and evil things as many are, and especially of his clan.

but that doesn't mean that he is involved with the fatal sin of murdering people.

so my quote needs 'like that' at the end of it.


Let me just rephrase it: 'I don't think sean is a murderous like that.'


and I don't.

He's a hot headed jerk, and a quick flip to anger, but is he really a murderer?

if there is evidence, I will reconsider.

Anonymous ID: a87dd3 June 19, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.6790709   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He's gone, even if he were a 'scumbag' at times, if he was murdered there must be Justice

they hate him. I post his handsome face to draw them out.