Anonymous ID: c23ef1 June 19, 2019, 10:40 a.m. No.6790474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0480 >>0532 >>0629 >>0652

Sen. Josh Hawley Introduces ‘Ending Support for Internet Censorship Act’ to Stop Big Tech Bias


Republican Senator Josh Hawley has introduced a bill aimed at stopping censorship on social media platforms based on political ideologies.


The ‘Ending Support for Internet Censorship Act‘ seeks to remove protections granted by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act if platforms are not acting neutral in regards to political views. Currently, platforms cannot be held responsible for user-posted content, as they are not considered publishers. As these companies become more political — and take an editorial stance, many have called for these protections to be stripped.


Sen. Hawley’s bill would require platforms to follow the First Amendment when it comes to free and legal speech, if they want to keep their liability waiver.


“With Section 230, tech companies get a sweetheart deal that no other industry enjoys: complete exemption from traditional publisher liability in exchange for providing a forum free of political censorship,” Hawley explained. “Unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, big tech has failed to hold up its end of the bargain.”


The bill would only be aimed at platforms with 30 million monthly users or more than $500 million in global annual revenue — so small message boards and overly specific forums would not be effected. Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube would be.


“There’s a growing list of evidence that shows big tech companies making editorial decisions to censor viewpoints they disagree with. Even worse, the entire process is shrouded in secrecy because these companies refuse to make their protocols public. This legislation simply states that if the tech giants want to keep their government-granted immunity, they must bring transparency and accountability to their editorial processes and prove that they don’t discriminate,” Hawley wrote.


If Hawley’s legislation is successful, tech giants will have to submit to an audit every two years to prove to the Federal Trade Commission that they are acting neutrally.


Google and Facebook’s lobbying group, The Internet Association, has come out swinging at the bill.


“This bill forces platforms to make an impossible choice: either host reprehensible, but First Amendment protected speech, or lose legal protections that allow them to moderate illegal content like human trafficking and violent extremism. That shouldn’t be a tradeoff,” Michael Beckerman, president and CEO of the Internet Association, said in a statement.


Beckerman’s statement conveniently ignores that Hawley’s bill is only seeking to protect free and legal speech — which obviously would not include human trafficking.

Anonymous ID: c23ef1 June 19, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.6790489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0497 >>0537 >>0561

Corrupt Clinton Foundation Foreign Policy Director Amitabh Desai Appears to Have Vanished


A major corrupt player at the Clinton Foundation player has vanished. Amitabh Desai is nowhere to be found!


Over the past decade the Clinton Foundation’s Amitabh Desai was very active capturing money for the Foundation. The far left New York Times even commented on this when Desai was involved in a transaction with Russia:


But this was not Desai’s first clandestine transaction for the Foundation. In 2011 it was reported that –


Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) CEO Ira Magaziner sent an email to Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, Clinton Foundation foreign policy director Amitabh Desai, Douglas Band (an aide to former US President Bill Clinton), and two others, regarding Saudi Arabian and Ethiopian billionaire Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-‘Amoud [above].


Magaziner writes: “CHAI would like to request that President Clinton call Sheikh Mohammed to thank him for offering his plane to the conference in Ethiopia and expressing regrets that President Clinton’s schedule does not permit him to attend the conference.”


Desai replies, “Unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check, this sounds crazy to do.“


Band then comments, “If he doesn’t do it CHAI will say he didn’t give the money [because] of wjc [Bill Clinton].”


Podesta writes, “I agree with Doug and this seems rather easy and harmless and not a big time sink.”(Wikileaks 10/12/16)


Thus it can be seen Sheikh Mohammed is giving some money to the foundation, though the amount is unknown. Also, the exchange shows Podesta, who has no position in the foundation, helping make foundation decisions.


This was still just the beginning for Desai –

Anonymous ID: c23ef1 June 19, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.6790504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0532 >>0629 >>0652

Lawmakers warn that new law giving driver's licenses to illegals could lead to massive voter fraud


One of the law's sponsors agreed


Critics of a new law allowing illegal immigrants in New York to get driver's licenses warned that the new policy could lead to voter fraud — and one of the bill's sponsors agreed.

What's the background?


On Monday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) signed a law that gives illegal immigrants the right to obtain driver's licenses in the state. Under this law, illegal immigrants can provide foreign documents as proof of identity instead of U.S. documents. In order to drive in the state, these new licensees would also be required to have auto insurance, just like every other driver.


The law passed the state legislature along party lines. It will take effect in 178 days.


However, multiple county clerks in the state have said that they will refuse to comply with the law. Erie County Clerk Michael "Mickey" Kearns told the Buffalo News that he planned to go one step further and file a legal challenge to the law in the U.S. District Court.

What happened now?


"[A] major concern is that many states, including New York, use their DMVs to enroll voters. Since New York does not have voter-identification laws like the majority of other states do, this bill increases the potential for voter fraud," state Senate ­Minority Leader John Flanagan (R) said, according to the New York Post.


Flanagan called the law the "most radical, open-ended law in the entire nation."


John Conklin, a spokesman for the state's Board of Elections, also confirmed that prospective voters only need to show a driver's license as proof of ID.


Even supporters of the legislation, like bill sponsor Luis Sepúlveda (D) admitted that "theoretically" illegal immigrants who obtained these new driver's licenses "could have the ability to vote." But, he argued, this should not prevent illegal immigrants from getting driver's licenses, since there would always be ways to commit voter fraud, but that such instances were uncommon.


"A teenager could get a form" and commit voter fraud under the current system, he argued, adding "there's nothing that is 100 percent foolproof."

Anonymous ID: c23ef1 June 19, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.6790515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0532 >>0629 >>0652

Dutch-led investigators demand arrest of 4 people allegedly involved in MH17 downing


International investigators have accused three Russians and one Ukrainian of shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 in 2014, with the trial to start next year. Moscow has repeatedly criticized “inconsistencies” in the probe.


The report by Joint Investigation Team (JIT) on Wednesday said they collected enough evidence for murder charges to be presented to the Dutch court. The latter will decide whether the four suspects are responsible for the incident that claimed 298 lives. The plane was shot down by a Buk surface-to-air missile over eastern Ukraine amid an armed conflict between government and rebel forces. Most of the victims were Dutch passengers.


The JIT accused a rebel of shooting down the civilian plane. The top suspect is Igor Girkin, a Russian national, who was a senior commander under the nom de guerre Igor Strelkov at the time. The other suspects are fellow anti-Kiev fighters and Russian nationals Sergey Dubinsky and Oleg Pulatov as well as Leonid Kharchenko, a Ukrainian.

Anonymous ID: c23ef1 June 19, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.6790533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0543 >>0628 >>0629 >>0643 >>0652 >>0684 >>0726

Disgraced Vice President of Walt Disney Convicted of Child Rape, Gets 6 Years


The disgraced top executive at Disney has been convicted and sentenced to nearly seven years in prison on multiple counts of sexually abusing children.


Portland, OR — A former top level Walt Disney executive was sentenced to prison this month for nearly seven years for child rape. Michael Laney, 73, who was the Vice President of Walt Disney was found guilty of four counts of first-degree sexual abuse and sentenced to 81 months in prison.


After the sentencing, Laney’s attorneys pleaded with the judge to suspend the sentence, claiming that Laney’s wife would suffer if her husband goes to jail.


According to Oregon Live, Laney’s wife’s doctor, Blain Crandell, submitted a letter on Laney’s behalf, saying his wife “could be expected to suffer serious consequences to her health and well-being” without an in-home caregiver, a role her husband had been filling.


Thankfully, the judge and district attorney did not see it that way. In response to this request, Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Charles Mickley called the claims “peculiarly offensive and insulting.”


“Defendant wholly ignores the compelling evidence of his guilt presented at trial, including the evidence of his longstanding sexual interest in children,” Mickley wrote.


Laney will also have to serve an additional 120 months of probation after prison, pay a $4,000 fine, and register as a sex offender.


According to WTKR:


Evidence presented during trial showed that in March 2017, a young girl disclosed she had been sexually abused by the Laney. The disclosure was first reported to law enforcement in Washington state where the victim lived at the time of her disclosure.


The Portland Police Bureau assumed the investigation after it was determined that the abuse had occurred in Portland starting in approximately 2009 when the victim was about 7 years old, the attorney’s office said.


The court found sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Laney was guilty of repeated sexual abuse involving the girl.


While conducting their investigation into the first reported disclosure of rape and sexual abuse by the defendant, PPB detectives learned of other allegations of sexual abuse involving Laney.


While this news may seem shocking, the only really shocking aspect is the fact Laney is no longer with Disney and is actually going to jail. The media giant has been known to not only employ convicted child sex offenders, but also place them in situations where they have access to children.

Anonymous ID: c23ef1 June 19, 2019, 10:53 a.m. No.6790558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0629 >>0652

‘Self-Righteous’: Dem Staffer Headed To Prison As Prosecutors Look To Make Example Of Him For Politically-Motivated Crimes


A former Democratic congressional aide who doxxed Republican senators during a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will be sentenced to prison Wednesday.

Former computer administrator Jackson Cosko carried out what prosecutors said was the largest known data theft in Senate history and used it to blackmail a witness, to plot to extort a senator and to threaten others.

He left operational spy devices on the Senate network that went undetected by police even after he was arrested and his plot was discovered, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors are seeking to make an example of Cosko for criminally attacking people who disagreed with him politically, citing a rise in such incidents.


A former aide to Sen. Maggie Hassan and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is headed to prison Wednesday for what prosecutors said was the largest known data theft in Senate history.


The former aide, Jackson Cosko, pleaded guilty in April to crimes related to an unparalleled effort to ransack a Senate office, extorting a Democratic senator, illegally harming Republicans for their political views, and blackmailing a witness.


Prosecutors asked for nearly five years in prison for Cosko, a onetime congressional IT aide to Hassan. Cosko admitted he stole the New Hampshire Democrat’s data out of revenge for being fired, then used it to doxx Republicans during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.


“The government believes that a significant sentence would help to make clear that difference of political opinion do not entitle people to engage in politically motivated, criminal attacks threatening elected officials with whom he disagrees, and would thereby encourage respect for the law, and deter future criminal conduct,” prosecutors wrote.


New details emerged in their sentencing memo that made the case of Cosko — the Bernie Sanders-supporting son of a millionaire San Francisco developer with ties to California Sen. Dianne Feinstein and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — even more shocking.


A second Hassan staffer who was friends with Cosko served as his accomplice in exchange for rent money helped him physically break into the office at night and pilfer internal emails even after he was fired, prosecutors’ sentencing memo shows.


The Daily Caller News Foundation first reported that the accomplice, who has since been fired, is Samantha DeForest-Davis. Hassan’s office subsequently confirmed her identity, yet DeForest-Davis has not been charged with any crime.


Even after Cosko was arrested and a computer was quarantined, Capitol Police and Senate employees did not realize that keylogger devices were plugged in to many of the office’s computers, according to prosecutors. The devices continued to beam every keystroke — including passwords to personal and business accounts — over a WiFi signal that could be accessed from the public hallway.


The Senate later realized that it was still being spied on only because Cosko informed government agents of the devices, the memo says. Police still have been unable to detect the devices’s WiFi signals, making it impossible to rule out that they aren’t plugged in elsewhere in Congress.

Anonymous ID: c23ef1 June 19, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.6790578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0592

Mexico to Deploy 6500 National Guard, Will Deport 2500 Migrants Daily


Mexican officials announced plans this week to deploy approximately 6,500 of its national guard troops at 12 checkpoints near the country’s southern border. The move comes in response to nearly 400,000 Central American and other migrants who entered the nation in the last three months on journeys to the U.S. Mexico City also discussed plans to deport approximately 2,500 migrants per day.


“We are going to establish a regular, orderly, and secure migration with human rights and human protection,” National Institute of Migration (INM) Commissioner Francisco Garduño Yáñez said during an interview with Mexico’s official news agency, Notimex. The commissioner stated that Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrand is coordinating the operation.


Garduño Yáñez told the Mexican news agency that nearly 400,000 migrants from Central America and other countries entered the country in the past three months. The officials said this “cannot continue to be allowed.”


The report from Notimex states that in addition to Central American migrants, they have also seen a rise in migrants from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.


Garduño Yáñez said one of the goals is to stop the crossings from Guatemala into Mexico via rafts or boats. He said there will be no more massive and anarchic border crossings as seen in the recent past. He pledged that those who are currently in camps and wish to be returned to their home country will be assisted by the Mexican government.


For those who do not wish to return home, the commissioner said, “We will see what conditions they are in and see if the law allows them to stay. Otherwise, they will be deported.”


Earlier this week, Breitbart News reported that Central American migrants began returning home in the midst of the government’s increased emphasis on border security and immigration.


“What they’re doing is having an effect because they’re detaining a lot of people, but it’s not going to stop,” Tomas Leyva, a Salvadoran migrant told the Associated Press. “[In El Salvador] they say ‘better killed by the gringos than by the gangsters.’”


The interviewed migrant was preparing to leave on a raft to Guatemala with the intent to return later, once enforcement slowed down. The increased enforcement effort by Mexico followed President Donald Trump’s stated plans to place tariffs on Mexican imports into the U.S.


The INM commissioner said Mexico will also send about 2,000 national guard members to the northern border with the U.S. where camps of migrants await any opportunity to enter the U.S. He said the guardsmen will “invite the migrants to return to their countries of origin with assistance from the government.”


Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced plans to restrict bus travel in his country to people with proper identity documentation, Proceso reported. The president solicited the assistance of the public and transportation companies.


“And in this, [we’re] also asking for the cooperation of the transportation companies and the cooperation … of the citizens because we will be needing — I hope for everyone’s understanding — to ask for identification for the purchase of bus tickets,” the president said during a news conference on Wednesday. “Then … for the people to show their ID so that there is more control — because they used that as an excuse for the threats of imposing tariffs among other things.”


AMLO also announced a shakeup of the INM and Customs. He said there were irregularities at the INM and “acts of corruption” in Customs. “We are cleaning institutions that were very spoiled. One of these institutions is Migration; the other, Customs,” the president stated.


Commissioner Garduño Yáñez expanded on this during his interview with Notimex, stating that immigration agents reported for corruption have been arrested and are being made available to appropriate law enforcement.