Anonymous ID: ccc486 June 19, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.6790283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0339 >>0368 >>0540


Many commenting here are deliberately being obtuse to try and be subversive.

There are two big narrative pushes that have been going.


First is that people who "believe in Q" are mentally unstable and a risk for violent behavior. That is why you see "concern shill" posting. Not all concern shills, but upward of 90% or more. Deliberately injected narrative.


Idea is simple - get some "crazy Q guy" to do something disruptive or violent at a POTUS event and then unload the screen shots on the public including all kinds of examples of "how destructive the culture of conspiracies is." If you don't believe this - look into the twitter post of "Q bros" that was shared around a bit. The secret service was confiscating Q-related items for the reason mentioned above - and the injection avoided using the #qanon in an attempt to dodge tracking based on the hash. They still wanted to inject the "Q cults at rallies" narrative, but had to be a bit more clever about it.


The second one is that this is a "christian" thing. Not only does this play into identity politics, the majority of us are from, at the very least, a Christian upbringing and faith basis. This one is more subversive than it first appears because the core dogma of Christianity has been that the time of the antichrist is coming, as opposed to having already been fulfilled and we are/were living under the beast (and the church worshipped it). This makes Christians' core dogmatic faith the black-pill. Many expect to be abused and persecuted for their faith, and taught to see it as honorable to die as pacifist martyrs.


Christians are effectively programmed to reject the notion of peace and happiness in this world as this is - again within the dogma - the first sign of the false prophet - the capacity to first bring peace and good things.


Don't misunderstand - many Christians are not bad people and do not rigidly adhere to dogma - but they still know the dogma and know the often-recited passages that have been structured to make them snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Anyway - this has a double effect of when the busts of the church trafficking rings comes down. Linking avid Q followers to pedophilia rings will be a circus for the media. Of course that is basically a "cut off your nose to spite your face" scenario - but they probably hope to leverage the prior goal. "The satanists run the government and are framing the churches, you are next" will be the tempo for a while.

Anonymous ID: ccc486 June 19, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.6790376   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, I never claimed to be good. Just to be the master of this land. I leave you all on vacation for 2000 years to go settle some politics on behalf of the estate and look what I come back to. For fuck's sake, guys. Not even a full long count.

I swear, you kids could tear up a neutron star in a voided universe.


Though, as for President Trump… You'll just have to wait and see. If your opponent doesn't believe they hold any cards over you, they aren't going to go all-in. It is in their nature to assume superiority where it can be rationalized at any and all cost. They must, even when told and warned of what is about to happen. To back down and fold when the possibility of their win still exists means an admission of inferiority - death - in their world.


They are still at the table, raising the wager over and over because they think they hold a winning hand.

They have Kushner, for example, and don't really understand how Trump can reverse that card on them. They think it affords them leverage and that President Trump can't truly begin to act. And even though some of them will read this, they must respond to it with mockery and the assumption that there is nothing that can invert the scenario.


They are scared because there is the possibility of loss… But they haven't yet lost hope on the possibility of a win. So much so that they will ignore the erosion of that probability - must - ignore that probability, even when made aware of it.



Anonymous ID: ccc486 June 19, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.6790517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0526 >>0560 >>0642


I can name a pile of shit "truth" and proclaim it to be the truth from a divine, golden bull to be enshrined and revered, too.


But you one should stop and consider your … Tongue of the slip? Is Q and "this movement" about accepting programming?

And… If they are "programmed," as you say, to follow "the truth" - then … Why is it you're here?


I don't have the meme saved… But something about shill HQ fucking up and sending retards. By the way, I'll be taking that name away from the imposter. The Charter of the Golden Bull is a blaspheme against my name and my land.


Fucking hamburgers….



That went off into the weeds pretty quick.


Here is the question: is the god you worship bigger than the god you are being sold by the clergy - and I don't mean "Yamanus sneezed and six universes imploded into fifty gagillion billion raised to the power of a sideways eight" arbitrary claims of greatness. I mean - does the god being sold to you require such justification?


You don't worship God because he's powerful or even because he is good. You are compelled to recognize that there is a force at play within the experience of life that drives you to seek a spiritual understanding of existence.

In short - you don't recognize God because the bible has a bunch of stories in it about how cool he is or how many orgasms he gave to a goat - or whatever - you recognize God because of your experiences in life and seek to understand them.


See the above about programming.

Anonymous ID: ccc486 June 19, 2019, 11:03 a.m. No.6790632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0640 >>0650


As I said, the human trafficking networks being run by the churches are about to be exposed. The coverups of pedophile networks and sex abuse, etc, etc.


True - it's coming for all religions (Yamanus by any other name is still Yamanus) - but there's a reason why the Church is the first that will be destroyed.

The wounded head of the beast.


How miraculous… The Christians being fed to the lions in Rome would come to be the state religion! And the new Church would headquarter itself in Rome, atop the Imperial Seat of Rome.

The religion that was being hunted and exterminated rose from below to become the seat of many nations!


Truly, a miracle only capable of those who believe in Yamanus!

(Or… Christianity was more or less destroyed and then reconstituted into a centralization of power within the Roman Empire and effectively succeeded both the Roman Imperial seat and the Roman State - but I have faith in Yamanus!)


I mean… Really, we put the book at the end because we saw what was coming, then - so we could refer to it, now. This is the time for the killing of the beast and the return of the Tree of Life. Not the time for antichrists to appear. That was then. This is now. Do you even symbolism?

Anonymous ID: ccc486 June 19, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.6790689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0699


Hey, I can run my own show, too.


Just because I choose to conscript a shill to run him in a circle for illustration purposes does not mean I'm losing sight of things.

Not like you're using all six rings of this circus at the moment, anyway. Let me run the monkey around a bit.

… Wait… Who is the monkey?