Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 1:05 p.m. No.6791515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nearly Everything is Mind Control


"You don't know the power of your own mind. It might not be under your control and the thoughts you have may not be your thoughts. You can take control of your own mind once you realize what is being done to you through mind control."


by Chris Kitze


The world is a giant psychological operation (psyop) designed to destroy humanity by controlling your mind, thoughts and ultimately, your actions.


Mind control is pervasive. Its purpose is to turn you away from your true nature and your Creator.


You are pushed away from good and down a path of destruction. Modern society is controlled through Religion, Money and Knowledge using technology and psychology to target and manipulating your mind. Most people are not even aware this is happening.


The evil goal of is your destruction. Salvation can only be achieved by understanding this mind control, changing your way of thinking, improving your morality, and returning to your original, true nature.


In history, Jesus, Shakyamuni (the Buddha) and Lao Zi among others pointed this out and showed "The Way" to elevate your realm of mind and escape this matrix. Organized religions played this role in the past, but now they have been corrupted to the point where they are now part of the mind control system. You are on your own.




The human mind is easily influenced and controlled in very subtle ways.


Suggestion, priming (where you are shown something that affects your later decision on a seemingly unrelated matter), projection, addiction and other techniques are used to alter and direct your thoughts away from Truth.


Monopoly capitalism and communism, virtually the same both under central bank control, use social media, legal systems, money, food and medicine. The psychology has been extensively studied and weaponized for the final assault on your mind – it works and works well. In particular these techniques are used to dumb down, confuse and distract you from your salvation. They are literally leading people to Hell.


Social media has become pervasive and there is no escape if you are online. Google and Facebook are expected to control almost 80% of online advertising within five years ( Their plug ins and trackers are ubiquitous and your actions are recorded even if you don't have any account with them.


They have become an electronic birth certificate. You can never quit and the information goes into a permanent file owned by Facebook, but accessed by various security agencies, governments and other organizations.


Three years after terminating my Facebook account, I received an email that someone had logged into my closed account from Siberian Russia. To terminate this account, Facebook wanted a government issued ID. This could only be required to positively identify the account for future legal purposes.

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 1:11 p.m. No.6791560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1567 >>1880 >>2003 >>2196

Idlib and the War of Terror Against the Syrian People. Ambassador Jaafari’s Statement at UN Security Council


English translation transcript of the Dr. Jaafari’s statement:


Thank you, Mr. President,


This meeting comes in a timely manner, in order to allow us and a number of other countries to put the Security Council in the picture of terrorist attacks by armed terrorist groups from Idlib against the neighboring towns and villages of Aleppo, Northern Hama, and the northern Latakia countrysides.


When I talk about the attacks, I would like to point out that the last of these attacks was the massacre carried out by these groups two days ago in the village of al-Wadihi in the southern countryside of Aleppo, a crime that resulted in the killing of 12 civilians and injuring more than 16 others while participating in a wedding in the village.


The lives of the inhabitants of this village, which was safe and lead a normal life, were transformed into a state of terror that can hardly be described by the fall of missiles launched by the terrorists of Nusra Front, who are supported by Erdogan’s Turkish regime… The bodies of the martyrs and the wounded, mostly women and children, were scattered in the alleys of the village. They also caused extensive damage to homes, private and public property, including the health center and the village mosque.


This barbaric crime comes as part of a series of crimes committed by these terrorist groups led by the HTS terrorist organization, which is Nusra Front organization, which is on the Security Council’s list of terrorist organizations and entities, being Al-Qaeda Organization in Syria, these crimes must be clearly and inexplicably condemned by the Security Council.


Mr president,


Here are some of the crimes that led to the death of dozens and injuring hundreds of innocent civilians, including many women and children, I will limit the talk here about the civilian victims and will not mention the military victims:


The targeting of the town of al-Sakilibiya and the town of Ein al-Krum and the village of Bilhsein on May 25 with dozens of shells.

The targeting of the cities of Silhib and al-Siklibiya on 26 May with more than 30 rockets.

Targeting the town of Qamhani on 29 and 31 of May with a number of rockets.

Targeting the towns of the Qalaat Al-Madiq, Karakat, and Shat-ha in the northern and northwest of Hama countryside with dozens of shells and missiles.

Targeting multiple areas in the province of Aleppo and its countryside frequently with dozens of rockets and missiles.

Targeting the city of Jablah with several missiles.

The targeting of the city of Mhardeh frequently, and the most recent was the dawn of this day with dozens of rockets.


This is in addition to the continuous targeting of the positions of the Syrian Arab Army and the locations of the allied Russian forces, especially the Hmeimim airport, with rockets and booby-trapped drones.


As some like to ask questions, a good question arises for you and for all of us: Who provides these terrorists with all these weapons? Where do these weapons come from? By parachutes? from another planet? Or from member states of this Council and outside it? Who provides terrorists with rockets, tanks, missiles, and mines? Where does all this momentum of weapons and terrorists come from? Did not we get 100,000 foreign terrorists through our border with Turkey? How many times have we mentioned this in this Council and outside it? A subcommittee of the Security Council confirmed the validity of our statement that 101 Member States of this Organization are exporting pure terrorism to Syria.

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 1:15 p.m. No.6791585   🗄️.is 🔗kun

America’s War against Iran: The Insidious Role of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) Terrorist Entity


In 2015, the United States, several other nations and the European Union signed an agreement with the government of Iran that limited Iran’s nuclear development program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions against Iran. During the final years of the Obama presidency, and the first year of the bizarre and erratic administration of Donald Trump, all parties were in compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). This was attested to by the United Nation International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which inspected Iran’s nuclear sites regularly, and the fact that many nations were now freely and profitably trading with Iran.


But as Trump attempted to undo everything his popular predecessor had accomplished, he violated the JCPOA by withdrawing from it completely. He reissued sanctions, and threatened the other signatories, including some of the U.S.’s oldest and closest allies, with sanctions if they continued trading with Iran. The deal collapsed, with all the parties except Iran in violation of it.


The U.S. violation was condemned around the world, by nearly every nation on the planet except apartheid Israel, whose racist prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, had addressed the U.S. Congress before that body voted, urging its members to defeat the agreement; despite his efforts, Congress agreed to support the JCPOA.


Wanting out of the deal, Trump sought some rationale that he felt would pass muster with the public, to enable him to violate both domestic and international law. His minions located an article by one Heshmat Alavi, saying that the deal allowed Iran to increase its military budget, something to which the U.S. objected.


There are a few things worth exploring a bit more deeply in this. First, since the United States has a bloated military budget that is equal to the military budgets of the next eight countries with the largest such budgets, it is a bit disingenuous for the U.S. to criticize any other country’s military budget. And since Iran is surrounded by U.S. military bases, it is completely understandable for that nation to want to be sure it has what it needs to protect its people from U.S. aggression.


Next, let us look at the ‘journalist’ who wrote the article Trump cited, one Heshmat Alavi. His purported work has appeared in a wide variety of journals over the years. However, on closer scrutiny, we learn that Mr. Alavi simply doesn’t exist! He is a creation of the political wing of the terrorist organization known as Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), which exists for the sole purpose of overthrowing the government of Iran. From 1997 to 2012, the MEK was officially designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States.


Despite that fact that many articles have appeared under the name Heshmat Alavi, and there are active Faceook and Twitter accounts under that name, a Google search of that name today exposes the fact that there is no such person. Yet the MEK has successfully fooled many journals; for example, at least sixty-one articles under that name appear in Forbes magazine from April of 2017 to April of 2018.

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 1:19 p.m. No.6791603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1621 >>1880 >>2003 >>2098 >>2196

Connecticut judge sanctions InfoWars host Alex Jones for claiming lawyers for families of Sandy Hook victims suing him for defamation tried to frame him with child pornography


InfoWars host Alex Jones was sanctioned by a Connecticut judge on Tuesday

He claimed during his show on Friday that lawyers for families of Sandy Hook victims tried to frame him with child pornography

The lawyers had disclosed that child pornography was found in electronic files sent by him as part of the discovery process in the ongoing defamation suit

Jones was sanctioned after the lawyers told the judge they believed Jones was making threats against them

The judge ordered Jones to pay the legal costs of the families in their defamation suit against him


InfoWars host Alex Jones has been sanctioned by a judge for claiming the lawyers for families of Sandy Hook victims currently suing him for defamation tried to frame him with child pornography.


Jones made the comments that he had been framed during his show on Friday after lawyers for the families disclosed that child pornography was found in electronic files sent by him as part of the discovery process in the ongoing defamation suit.


The conspiracy theorist accused one of the family's attorneys of planting the porn and offered his viewers a $1 million reward for information on the emails.


His allegations came after the lawyers for the families notified the FBI on June 7 that child porn was found in the files sent to them by Jones and his attorneys.

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.6791613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democratic Mayor: ‘We Are Sick And Tired’ Of Government Inaction On Illegal Immigration


The Democratic mayor of a border town in Texas says more federal politicians need to journey to the U.S.-Mexico border to see just how bad the illegal immigration crisis has become.


Mayor Bruno Lozano of Del Rio, Texas told Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn’s office that “we are sick and tired of the deaf ears” that accounts of the border crisis seem to fall upon, Fox News reported Tuesday.


Lozano suggested that the federal government has left border towns hanging out to dry as they try to cope with the influx of illegal immigrants who apparently cross the border, are temporarily detained and then released. He said it’s easy to ignore the situation when politicians are isolated in Washington.


“They need to see firsthand what’s going on. They need to understand the frustrations that the commissioners, or that the city council, the school board, the hospital officials are managing [and] having to deal with,” Lozano said, according to Fox’s account of the meeting between the mayor and Cornyn’s staffers.


The mayor said the small towns can’t cope with large immigration problems because “it is not our purview; it is not our jurisdiction.”


“We’re frustrated. We’re extremely frustrated,” he continued. “Our priorities on the city council are our streets, are our parks, are the economy, are the drive of the community and the places of worship and the places to have leisure activities. It is not the priority to solve immigration.”


But he said Washington doesn’t seem to be listening. “It’s falling on deaf ears, and we are tired of it. We are sick and tired of the deaf ears.”


Lozano’s frustration comes at a time when border patrol agents are reporting being overwhelmed by the numbers of migrants illegally crossing the border. Before he was appointed acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), then-U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan said the situation at the border had reached a “breaking point” as he inspected the El Paso, Texas crossing, according to the El Paso Times.

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.6791622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1626 >>1635 >>1636 >>1826

University of Minnesota Food Service Worker Says 'Hello' in Japanese to Asian-American Student, Who Files a Bias Report


A University of Minnesota employee working at a restaurant in the student union building made the mistake of saying "hello" in Japanese to an Asian-American student. This confused the student, so the female service worker—whether or not she was Japanese is unknown—asked the student where they were from.

The student reported this brief exchange to the campus's bias response team, according to an eye-rolling report by The College Fix:


The student reported the cashier to the campus Bias Response and Referral Network, claiming "these type of microaggressions occur too often on campus" and "this implicit bias needs to be addressed."

The bias team then referred the incident to dining services and referred the complaining student to the campus "Ethical Advocate Program" in case they "want to talk further about the experience."

That according to a bias incident report recently obtained by The College Fix through a public records act request. In sum, a total of 51 total reports were filed with the university in the fall 2018 semester. The documents provided by the University of Minnesota have all personal identifying information redacted.


At least 17 of the 51 reports were generated in response to the activities of the College Republicans, who put up a display—with the administration's permission—that said things like "Trump 2020" and "Make the U Great Again."

It does not appear that punitive actions were taken against the food service worker, College Republicans, other students, and even professors who were accused of biased behavior in the 2018 school year. But perhaps Minnesota and the many other university campuses that provide activist students with this tool for monitoring and reporting trivial slights might consider eliminating it altogether.

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.6791630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1880 >>2003 >>2196

Trump’s Department of Interior Axing 7,500 Regs to Give Americans Access to Federal Land


Trump’s Cabinet is putting his America First policies into place, including at the Department of Interior, where Secretary David Bernhardt announced a plan to open up more than 1.4 million acres of federal land through the elimination of some 7,500 regulations.


The land, under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, includes 74 national wildlife refuges and 15 national fish hatcheries.


Bernhardt said:


President Trump is committed to expanding public access on public lands, and this proposal is executing on that directive by opening and increasing more access to hunting and fishing by the Fish and Wildlife Service at more stations and across more acres than ever before. Hunting and fishing are more than just traditional pastimes as they are also vital to the conservation of our lands and waters, our outdoor recreation economy, and our American way of life.


“These refuges and hatcheries provide incredible opportunities for sportsmen and women and their families across the country to pass on a fishing and hunting heritage to future generations and connect with wildlife,” Bernhardt said.


The press release on the announcement said:


The proposal would increase the number of units in the Service’s National Wildlife Refuge System where the public may hunt from 377 to 382, and the number where fishing would be permitted would be increased from 312 to 316. The proposal would also formally open lands on 15 hatcheries of the National Fish Hatchery System to hunting or sport fishing for the first time.


The proposal also outlines a comprehensive revision and simplification of all refuge-specific hunting and fishing regulations in all 50 states to more closely match state regulations while continuing to ensure safe and compatible opportunities. The Service worked closely with the states in preparing the proposed rule.


Margaret Everson, service principal deputy director, said


Well managed hunting and fishing are the backbone of conservation in this country, but inconsistent or overly complex regulations can act as a disincentive. By aligning our refuge regulations with our state partners, we are reducing confusion and the regulatory burden on the American public, helping ensure the tradition and benefits of hunting and fishing can continue.


For the first time, hunters and fishers will have access to the Green Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Wisconsin and will have open access to the Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge in Wyoming for deer and elk hunting for the first time on federal land open for other hunting.

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.6791677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

JOHN SOLOMON: FBI Was Warned Several Times “Black Cash Ledger” on Manafort Might be Fake – Used it Anyway to Raid Manafort’s Home


It appears the FBI used another fake document to hunt down Trump’s former 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort.


According to a new bombshell report by award-winning investigative reporter John Solomon, the FBI used more than the junk, Hillary-funded Russia dossier to hunt down Trump and his associates.


The Steele dossier, which was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC was used by the FBI to obtain FOUR FISA warrants on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, but there is another fake dossier known as the “black cash ledger” that was used to take down Paul Manafort.


According to John Solomon, the “black cash ledger” which emerged in the Ukraine in the summer of 2016, was used to remove Manafort from Trump’s campaign and eventually used by the US government to prosecute Manafort — in fact, FBI agents mentioned this ledger in an affidavit supporting the July 2017 raid on Manafort’s home.


“On August 19, 2016, after public reports regarding connections between Manafort, Ukraine and Russia — including an alleged ‘black ledger’ of off-the-book payments from the Party of Regions to Manafort — Manafort left his post as chairman of the Trump Campaign,” the July 25, 2017, FBI agent’s affidavit stated.


According to documents, the FBI used the “black cash ledger” as a reason to rehash a criminal case against Paul Manafort that was previously dropped in 2014 — the FBI needed search warrants in 2017 to look through his bank records to prove Manafort worked for a Russian-backed political party in the Ukraine.


The kicker? The FBI received several early warnings that the “black cash ledger” was likely a fake, yet they used it anyway. Mueller’s office was also warned that the document was a fraud, according to John Solomon.


Mueller’s corrupt lawyers knew that if they used the Manafort document, it would require FBI agents to discuss their assessment of the evidence against Manafort, so they sneakily skirted this issue by using media reports that cited the “black cash ledger” — even worse, the feds assisted on one of those media reports as a source, John Solomon said.


The FBI and Mueller’s team knew the ledger was a fraud because they never even introduced it to jurors during Manafort’s trial last summer — rather, they just used it to hunt Manafort down, indict him and drag his name through the mud.

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.6791883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1910 >>2003 >>2014 >>2196

Pentagon: New US Troop Deployment to Middle East to Include Patriot Missiles, Drones


The Pentagon revealed Wednesday that the US' latest troop deployment to the Middle East will also include a Patriot Missile battalion, drones and manned surveillance aircraft.


Additionally, the Pentagon has indicated that it doesn't want war with Iran, but that it is "postured and ready to defend US forces and interests in the region," Reuters reported.


The latest development comes days after then acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan announced on Monday that the US would be sending an additional 1,000 troops to the Middle East to counter alleged Iranian aggression. In a statement released at the time, Shanahan stated that the servicemembers would be used "for defensive purposes to address air, naval and ground-based threats" in the region.


"The recent Iranian attacks validate the reliable, credible intelligence we have received on hostile behavior by Iranian forces and their proxy group that threaten United States personnel and interests across the region," the statement adds.


The Monday reveal in addition to the previous deployment of a US aircraft carrier strike group earlier this year was prompted by the US' claims that Iran was to blame for the recent attacks on oil tanks within the Gulf of Oman. Iran has repeatedly rejected the notion that it had anything to do with the strikes.


Relations between the US and Iran have largely remained at a simmer since the US opted to pull out of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, an act which subsequently triggered the restart of a series of sanctions.—pentagon/

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 2 p.m. No.6791904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2003 >>2196

Trump administration rolls back Obama-era EPA plan that targeted coal plants


Some states are already planning to challenge


The Trump administration has officially finalized its rollback of an Obama-era policy that would have targeted coal plants and mandated strict reductions in carbon emissions.

What's the background?


In 2015, former President Barack Obama announced the Clean Power Plan, which proposed reducing carbon emissions by 32 percent under 2005 levels by 2030. Energy producers would be mandated to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. This would, the Democratic administration claimed, prevent 3,600 early deaths.


The Supreme Court blocked the plan the following year, pending the results of legal challenges to the regulations in the lower courts. Overall, the U.S. power sector has already cut its carbon emissions by 27 percent from what they were in 2005.


Obama previewed the sweeping changes that would come from his environmental policies in January 2008 when he told the San Francisco Chronicle that, after his energy policies were in place, "[i]f somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them." He also promised that "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."


At least one coal plan did end up shutting its doors after the implementation of the Clean Power Plan. In February, Alabama Power's Plant Gorgas announced that it would have to close after 100 years of business.

What happened now?


On Wednesday, the Trump administration announced that it would replace the Clean Power Plan with the Affordable Clean Energy rule or ACE.


According to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, "Unlike the CPP, the ACE rule adheres to the four corners of the Clean Air Act. EPA sets the best system of emission reductions and then states set the standards of performance."


This new plan benefits coal and other fossil fuel companies, which would have been subject to strict emissions standards under the Obama administration policy. The ACE will still seek to reduce carbon emissions, but by a smaller amount. It also leaves more of the decisions involved in implementing this plan up to the states.


Even with the regulations rolled back, some American energy companies, including Duke Energy and American Electric Power, have chosen to pledge to keep lowering their emissions anyway.

What's next?


Not everyone is happy with this move. New York Attorney General Letitia James promised to bring the EPA to court over what she called a "'Dirty Power' rule." She said she looked "forward to collaborating with other states and cities in taking action to protect all Americans from the increasingly disastrous impacts of climate change."

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 2:04 p.m. No.6791934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1996

Is Anyone Else Homo-Nauseous?


Editor note. This commentary was originally written in 2007. Last week I attended the homo parade in Columbus, Ohio and felt it was appropriate to republish it. These deviants are on the verge of ruling America.


Warning: Commentary is not politically correct.


I’m sick of it. I really am.


I’m not homo-phobic. I’m not homo-hateful. I’m not homo-latent. I’m homo-nauseous. I really couldn’t care less where a man desires to put his sexual appendage.


But I’m sick of hearing about it. I’m sick of talking about it. I’m sick of it being force fed to me on TV.


In all of my life I have never seen such deviancy so openly celebrated. They are deviant, you know? No matter how many names they will try and call me, no matter how many sensitivity classes they try and send me to, no matter how much tolerance they try and cram down my throat (sorry), the fact remains homosexuals are deviant.


Deviant–One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.


Homosexual behavior is a deviant lifestyle. Everyone knows that. So in order to make themselves look normal the homosexual movement is doing everything that it can to change social standards. They can’t feel good about themselves, so they must make sure WE feel good about them.


Well, I’m sick of it. I’m homo-nauseous. The homo-sexual movement is making me sick.


I understand what I am opening up myself to. It happens every time I take on this subject. My emails will be flooded by those who are concerned that I must secretly be battling homo-feelings, that I need to get-over my homo-phobia, and that Jesus would not be so judgmental. And that is just from the Christians. You couldn’t stomach what the sodomites say about me. Hey, I’m used to it. It comes with the turf.


But I thought the homosexuals were just like everyone else and that all they wanted was to be free to live their lives in peace. If that is the case, why won’t they stop identifying themselves by what they do in the privacy of their bedroom? Why are they so intent on making me accept their deviancy? Why are they trying to indoctrinate 6-year-olds into their perversion?


I’m sick of it. Take your behavior into your house and leave us alone.


They’re everywhere, these norm changers. They are perverted. (I’m sure that makes all of you nervous as well.) But interestingly enough, perverted shows up in the dictionary as a synonym for deviant.


Perversion–a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior.

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 2:11 p.m. No.6791989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2000 >>2003 >>2008 >>2196

Vatican Whistleblower Claims Rector of Washington, D.C. Basilica Is a Member of the 'Gay Mafia'


Vatican whistleblower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò claimed over the weekend that while he was the papal nuncio to the United States, he saw "documentation" alleging that the rector of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., sexually molested male students at the Catholic University of America.


"Monsignor [Walter] Rossi is, without a doubt, a member of the 'gay mafia,'" Viganò told Italian journalist Marco Tosatti on Saturday, bolstering George Neumayr's hair-raising reportage on the "Gay Mafioso" in the American Spectator. The former nuncio said the fact that Rossi's name was once proposed for a promotion to bishop "shows how the 'gay mafia' operates. "


Viganò went into hiding last August, in fear for his life, after accusing Pope Francis of covering up sexual misconduct in an eleven-page bombshell letter. Almost a year later, much of his powerful testimony has been vindicated.


The archbishop came out of hiding last week to give interviews to the Washington Post, Tosatti, and LifeSite News.


In a series of emails with the Post, he accused Pope Francis of lying in denying knowledge of the sexual abuse allegations against now-defrocked cardinal Theodore McCarrick and said Francis, as well as his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, must come clean about what they knew about the alleged abuse.


Viganò said it was "immensely sad" that Francis was "blatantly lying to the whole world to cover up his wicked deeds." He also reiterated his claim that a "corrupt gay mafia" is running the Church.


"[T]he 'gay mafia' among bishops is bound together not by shared sexual intimacy but by a shared interest in protecting and advancing one another professionally and sabotaging all efforts at reform," Viganò wrote.


"It is not pedophiles but gay priests preying on post-pubertal boys who have bankrupted the U.S. dioceses," Viganò, added, citing Fr. Paul Sullins' groundbreaking recent survey on homosexuality and clerical abuse.


According to the whistleblower, the weak actions taken against McCarrick thus far show that the Vatican is engaged in a cover-up to prevent the exposure of other churchmen.


In comments to Tosatti on Saturday, the former nuncio noted that disgraced Bishop Michael Bransfield is "a perfect example" of the network of corrupt gay prelates connected to McCarrick, Cardinal Donald Wuerl and others who have for decades been covering up sex scandals and sullying the reputation of the Catholic Church.


Bishop Bransfield and Msgr. Rossi are perfect examples of "how the gay mafia operates," Viganò said.


Via Church Militant:


Bransfield was suspended last fall after allegations of homosexual misconduct. A detailed Vatican investigation, obtained by the Washington Post, revealed that Bransfield harassed and assaulted seminarians and priests, and also misappropriated millions of dollars in diocesan funds for personal expenses, including thousands spent on alcohol, flowers, flying first class and sending cash gifts to fellow prelates.

Anonymous ID: a782b1 June 19, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.6792007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2039 >>2196

ICE Confirms Trump’s Claim That Millions Of Illegal Immigrants Will Be Deported


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed Tuesday what President Donald Trump claimed Monday: the agency will begin deporting millions of illegal immigrants.


Acting ICE director Mark Morgan said it isn’t feasible to send back all of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in one action, but he told The Hill that the massive job will be getting underway.


“Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They will be removed as fast as they come in,” Trump tweeted Monday.


Morgan said it is all a question of having the people available to complete the large task ahead. A Pew Research Center study released last week, indicated that there were 10.5 million illegal immigrants in the United States in 2017.


“So clearly, we don’t have the resources to deport, you know, 11 million people in a short period of time,” Morgan told The Hill. “But we have and we remove people every single year. And we’re going to continue to do that.”


Trump’s drive to reduce illegal immigration should also be helped by Mexico’s agreement to better monitor and police its border with the United States — a promise achieved after the president threatened to impose a 5% tariff on Mexican exports.