Anonymous ID: 10d6e1 June 19, 2019, 3 p.m. No.6792395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2399 >>2414 >>2415


muh Q is not real shills

muh it’s the Joos shills

muh Q is dead shills

muh drunk single mom shills

muh boomer shills

muh slide shills

muh R shills


Let’s start by assuming all of your theories are correct. Copypasta shilling doesn’t make your theories any more correct. So we’re ready to collectively take the next step.


qresearch is an opportunity for Patriots WW to help expose the global communist conspiracy which effect us all to normies.


So instead of copy pasta bread after bread, help create ways to convey tangible information to normies.


Think global act local, just like UN’s slogan for The New World Order, Agenda 21. Every normie can see the changes happening locally if they’re pointed in the right direction.


Pointing at the actors behind the scenes screams “conspiracy theory” and normies will shut down.


Business licenses are not being issued outside of designated mega cities, and land use laws are changing rapidly in the local neighborhoods. People can feel it.


If you want to help save the world from the global communists, you’ll need to unite with your fellow citizens to educate the masses.


If you’re being paid by the global communists to shill qresearch than you will continue to shill.


If you’re not being paid to shill, you’re either an idiot or a bot. So either way, stop shilling and help defeat the global communist conspiracy, and use this forum as an opportunity to crush it once and for all.


Help point people to ICLEI in their local jurisdiction for starters and see what the UN has in mind for their own neighborhood.


Think global, act local.


Screen caps from millennium Paper issue 2


Link to document: