Anonymous ID: 99ce15 June 19, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.6792828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2923

>>6791940 PB Education for the Scoffield bible muh Jew shill;

Lost Tribes not lost, and blood is thicker than water.


Most Christians don't even use the Scoffield bible. Most popular is King James. NISV, etc. Christians bookstores have a bible for every purpose… hundreds of different kinds.

And if Christians read the bible, they are well aware of the two types of Jews in the end times

(1) Real descendants of Judah from which we get the word Jew.

2) Satan worshiping child murdering child sacrificing people in the end times calling themselves Jews who would not be Jews from the tribe of Judah.


Christians have zero problem with people taking out number (2). Jesus did, and pointed to the banksters and Religious leaders of the day to give us all a big hint about where to find these fake Jews. A money changer is a Roman appointed Jewish Temple bankster. Many think now, possibly the same bloodlines as today.


Christians have problems with biblically illiterate people confusing bibles while they recommend hatred of all Jews.


Christians have had this "hate the jews" thing shoved on them too long, by every leader of the Catholic and other Christian churches, not to mention governments of every type throughout history….. in order to keep Christians from understanding who they really are… now record traceable descendants of the lost Hebrew tribes that were abducted from Northern Israel, placed as a war buffer east of Assyria, who then traveled through the pass of Israel in the Caucus mountains, while being recorded by Roman census records as the "Caucasians" (origin of the word Caucasian or white person these days).


They created the Parthian/Scythian empire, invented the military cavalry, and then moved west across Europe clear to Scotland where they show up in the ancient Scottish declaration of Independence. Google that one. It is in a museum in Scotland, and is one of their most prized possessions.


Much of the Tribe of Manasseh were the original settlers of America, the majority of which were in Germany and the UK. Since this tribe was the Cavalry, America has always had a military on horseback. Very interesting history.


Christians who read their bible know their history, and know that the apostle James KNEW EXACTLY where the other tribes were in the Roman Empire:


James 1:1 "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting."




  1. overseas, out of the country, beyond the sea, in foreign lands About 65 per cent of our sales come from abroad.


James, has their addresses, knows what towns they live in, writes to them, expects the letters to get there to them.


Christians can read Roman's 11, and know for themselves why all but one tribe of the Hebrews was allowed to accept Christ as the Messiah, and how God plans to help the part of the tribe that he intentionally blinded so that the writings, celebrations, dates, times and even the language of Hebrew would not be lost over 2000 years.

They will be grafted back in for what they have suffered. It is propheceid that the scales will fall off of their eyes before the return of Christ. What is a Messianic Jew?


In the meantime, the blood relationship and brotherhood between the tribes will remain as God had set it to begin with.


Why do American Christians, "Caucasians" many descendants of the tribes themselves not know who they are?


1) It would help if (((they))) did not take the tribal history out after the 11th volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica, and did not start calling them the "Lost Tribes",

2) It would have helped if the Catholic church did not burn people at the stake for attempting to translate then publish the bible to hide the fact that many Europeans were tribal brothers with the tribe of Judah, or "the Jews"… but alas, control must be had… at the expense of history. Romans 11 had to be hidden.

2) But even God pronounced upon Manasseh a name that means "forgetful".


Some history being recovered here and elsewhere