Anonymous ID: f9a842 June 19, 2019, 4:58 p.m. No.6793168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3186 >>3214 >>3215 >>3276

If future proves past, July 4th coming, June 2018 drops around this time frame, 19th - 30th I did some correlation below, may be telling, based on current happenings, my very rough notes below for reference.


I started searching through these drops during this time frame for military, was interested in seeing any correlation to Trump mass deportation and military being activated, insurection act, in the US to assist, seeing if Q provided any proofs, which there is some correlation, but after going through all the drops, alot of other correlations as well. Many anons see this alot, maybe i'm just getting comfortable with it or it is nothing.


I'm no autist but try my best and there are too many coincidences here in these drops. I don't have a lot of time to spend on this getting pics of all the drops, cross referencing, etc, not very good at that, but if other anons who regularly go to the lengths needed for total proof and think it is worth further digging, please have at it.


Not in any specific order, rough notes, maybe hard to understand where i was going:


Military increased presence in middle east drop 1569, 1602 and 1604


Saudi Arabia stating will use force against Iran drop 1602 and 1604


Mass deportation of illegals and US military building tent cities for migrants drop 1603 and 1602 (Trump use of national guard and military, insurection act?)


NXIVM guilty and Vogue normalizing pedophilia and Alex Jones setup drop 1599, 1602 (Long Beach Port trafficking and China), 1616, 1619, 1623 (netflix normalizing pedofilia) and 1624


Military increased presence Middle East per Iran drop 1595 and 1604


Biden calling for riots, Annapolis Shooter drop 1585, 1589, 1600 and 1641


Trump talking about HRC emails, dead cat bounce, July truth drop 1595, 1626 and 1628


Trump accomplishments drop 1609 (just had rally making sure he reinforced all of them)


Constant bashing of Q, who is Q, and 8Chan by MSM drop 1594 and 1601 and 1617 and 1640 and 1643 and 1644


Peter Strzok in news recently drop 1605, 1613 and 1618 (is he the first major arrest target in June\July)


I'm sure there is more then what I drew some correlation with or need to be corrected on alot of it.


Is Q telling us we are on the brink of something big? NXIVM guilty is clearly a sign here that justice has begun to be served and opening up the door to the real evil behind it all. Do we need to be concerned for our safety, that is why I started to go through all of these drops. My first thought here is if Trump is not bluffing about mass deportation, and he brings in the military in some capacity (but it is just cover for mass arrests, Biden calling for riots), Q has made many references to this happening, military being deployed, drops support ths. If this does happen, that means the hammer is going to drop hard. I do my best promoting patience, maybe mine has run out and I did these beginning correlations for nothing, no problem, but I rather be as prepared as possible if the hammer drops then not.


As has been spoken about on the chans in length, and the quote so happens to be in drop 1595, July - the month the world discovered the TRUTH, are we at the top of that dead cat bounce where we are now at the top or coming over that last hump of the [D] con party last efforts? the beginning of the end? The signs seem to be lining up, hopefully true.