Declass!! Other countries involved
President Trump tells Hannity he's not a patriot but he has ratings.
Hannity got the message. He's no patriot, Pres. Trump is only on his show because he has ratings. Hannity's shut up. He tried one interjection and Pres. Trump steamrolled over him.
Hannity tells Pres. Trump that AOC is running the House. Pres. Trump told Hannidy is full of shit. Pelosi knows what she's doing.
Then Hannity says something else, Pres. Trump disagrees. BOOM.
Minor correction. President did tell Hannity he is not a patriot but he said: you GOT the ratings.
President Trump telling Hannity TRUTH. President Trump goes on Hannity, not because Hannity is a patriot, but because that's where the ratings are.
Love my President.
Nope. Cut him off like any other lower person who comes on her show. Laura didn't miss a beat, went on telling us how smart & important she is.
There was just a change in Laura Ingrahan's voice, she's getting excited and shrill. Anon believes it just hit her. She came to the realization that she hung up on President Trump. She knows she, Hannity & FOX aren't the chosen ones.
On commercial break. Let's see if Laura can regain her composure.
Ingraham back on. She's got Derskovich (sp) on. They both seem subdued. Like they spoke to each other during the 3-min break.
They don't know what to do.