Anonymous ID: 060987 June 19, 2019, 9:26 p.m. No.6795527   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was digging earlier on a guy thought to be the link between NXIVM and the Clintons

Clare Bronfman was on the board of Clinton Global Initiatives

But there was a guy named Mays who looked more likely

I gotta go to bed now :(

It's been a great day here :)

Anonymous ID: 060987 June 19, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.6795692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5756

Dig on Richard L. Mays

All of following is copy pasted from Qrsch search


"Longtime Clinton friend and fundraiser Richard Mays, an Arkansas lawyer, was active with the New York sex cult that reportedly hacked emails sent and received by Hillary Clinton."




  • TIES TO Mays (who Clinton appointed to Ark supreme court for ONE decision only .. obviously so that that decision would go the way Clinton wanted it to go)


  • info on more of the branches of this cult.


A couple of days ago, the Post broke the news that Roger Stone - a former state GOP functionary who resigned after allegedly threatening Eliot Spitzer's family - was procuring money for Joe Bruno and pals from his other employer, a cultlike organization called NXIVM.

Why should we pay attention to this psycho factory? Because it has well-placed, well-heeled members and appears to be actively pursuing an entrée into political fund-raising. Stone, paid by NXIVM, had funneled at least $20,000 to the state GOP; the heirs to Seagram's fortune are devotees; and, per the Post, Richard Mays - a Clinton friend and one of Hillary's top fund-raisers - is an "Espian" as well, having taken so-called intensive classes with Raniere. The Aleksey Vayner type who preaches that suicide can be good (if you're a counter-constructive person, removing yourself from the planet is a constructive act) becomes just a little less hilarious when you realize he's got the ear of people with actual policy decisions to make.


Hillary pal BUSTED in sex trafficking cult link

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's close friend and top fundraiser has been exposed for his shady connections to a bizarre sex cult that branded young women that allegedly engaged in human trafficking.

Richard L. Mays is a top Democratic insider that was so close to the Clinton family, Bill appointed him as a Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court while governor of the state in 1979. Mays is also directly connected to a secretive group called Nxivm, whose founder Keith Raniere was just arrested in Mexico on federal charges.

He's a high ranking member of the organization that reportedly "brainwashes" young women and engaged in sex trafficking. While involved in that supposed cult, New York Magazine also said Mays was acting as a close "Clinton friend" and adviser, and was also one of their "top fundraisers." At the same time, Raniere and his organization were reportedly spying on a billionaire's secret email corespondents with Hillary and other world leaders. Top executives in the suspected cult gave tens of thousands of dollars to Hillary's presidential election fund as well, according to Big League Politics.




This is the guy…

The Arkansas State police launched a half-hearted investigation into allegations that HMA was awarded a renewal of its contract after bribing members of the state prison board. The investigation soon focused an attorney named Richard Mays, a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Mays was given at least $25,000 by HMA to act as an "ombudsman" for the company, a position that had no job description and no apparent responsibilities.


Mays, who served as a vice-president for finance at the DNC, has been at the heart of several Clinton scandals. In 1996, he was credited with securing Little Rock restauranteur Charlie Trie's $100,000 contribution to the Democratic Party's coffers. He also appears in the Whitewater probe, where he tried to stave off the federal prosecution of David Hale. Mays and his week have been frequent visitors to the White House, including an overnight stay in the vaunted Lincoln bedroom. Dunn claims that Mays was recommended to him by Clinton and prison board chairman and Clinton intimate, Woodson Walker.

Anonymous ID: 060987 June 19, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.6795756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5897


Okay, so one of Richard Mays' daughters was in NXIVM along with him.

And they were doing some strong pushing and shoving in the Albany County NY in the DA's office, trying to force him to prosecute an ex-NXIVM individual.


In an interview last week, Albany County District Attorney David Soares said his office's experience with officials of NXIVM, who went to him with a story of being victimized five years ago, was an "extraordinary" time during which the group repeatedly pushed him to use his powers of prosecution against a former NXIVM consultant.


Soares said that he received "tremendous pressure" from NXIVM's representatives and lawyers. He said he eventually resisted their urging that he continue to pursue charges against Joseph J. O'Hara.


Soares, seeking re-election this year, said he allowed a NXIVM legal aide to spend time — Soares estimated weeks — in the district attorney's office to work on a case against O'Hara. Soares said that arrangement is not uncommon when his office prepares financial crimes cases. The NXIVM case involving O'Hara, an Albany-area entrepreneur, has recently drawn attention after revelations that Soares allowed Kristin Keeffe, a top aide to NXIVM founder Keith Raniere, to operate within his office as a sort of victim's advocate.


An Albany County grand jury indicted O'Hara in 2007 for grand larceny after NXIVM officials and lawyers working on behalf of NXIVM and its key financial backers, Clare and Sara Bronfman, called on Soares to investigate O'Hara, Soares said. Three months later, a state judge dismissed the case. Soares said he then resisted numerous pleas from NXIVM lawyers and the Bronfmans to try to re-indict O'Hara. Soares said he was also approached by former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger and former Arkansas Supreme Court Justice Richard Mays, also a former prosecutor.


They showed up in person to persuade him to go after O'Hara, Soares said. Harshbarger has not returned calls for comment. Mays said he could not discuss "client business," although he did say he and one of his daughters were NXIVM students years ago.


"I think the individuals in this case had more access to resources, so there were always personal visits," Soares said. He said NXIVM President Nancy Salzman, Clare Bronfman, Keeffe and various lawyers insisted he meet with them for unscheduled visits. "When we were told they were coming it was almost as if we had to drop everything," he said.


He said he came to believe that NXIVM, or the Bronfmans, wanted to use the district attorney's office as "leverage" in separate "legal matters" involving O'Hara.


Representatives of NXIVM, the Bronfmans, Raniere, Salzman and Keeffe have declined to talk to the Times Union.


The Bronfmans sued O'Hara over $2 million in loans to him for personal or private investments. At the time O'Hara had been working for NXIVM as a consultant. The sisters, heiresses to the Seagram's fortune, have been major underwriters of NXIVM. They have resumed litigation against O'Hara recently. He is also under indictment in Texas for allegedly bribing a public official, which he denies.


Assistant District Attorney Chris Baynes said he was Keeffe's chief contact in the office. She was not an intern, Soares said. She did not have authorization to use district attorney resources, Baynes said.


Baaaaahahahaha, look at this bio on Mays!!

Anonymous ID: 060987 June 19, 2019, 10:13 p.m. No.6795897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5907



Arkansas to indict enemies of Raniere," Parlato said.


#1962587 at 2018-06-30 00:43:41 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #2474: "It must happen" Edition


Interview: Leader of Clinton-Connected Sex Cult 'Believes Himself To Be Lucifer'


A former top employee of the NXIVM sex cult tells Big League Politics that Democrat senator Kirsten Gillibrand's stepmother was an active member of the cult while Gillibrand's father actually worked for the cult.


NXIVM leaders Keith Raniere and Allison Mack are standing trial on human-trafficking and child sex trafficking charges. The cult's benefactors donated lavishly to Hillary Clinton and even hacked Hillary Clinton's non-secure emails. The Clintons' longtime lawyer friend from Arkansas, Richard Mays (who interviewed with Raniere in a video segment) was tasked with carrying out legal hit jobs on Raniere's enemies, according to the former employee.


Frank Parlato, former NXIVM publicist who has exposed the fact that Raniere was branding women, told Big League Politics that the cult is nothing less than a Satanic organization with ties to major Democratic politicians and an extremely disturbing record with children.


The Clintons' longtime lawyer friend from Arkansas, Richard Mays was tasked with carrying out legal hit jobs on Raniere's enemies



Anonymous ID: 060987 June 19, 2019, 10:14 p.m. No.6795907   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Backing up and looking at this again:

"Mays worked full time for Bill Clinton in his 1992 campaign for president, raising more than a million dollars. He joined a lobbying and business-development firm in Washington DC for the eight years of the Clinton administration. He also did extensive business development in Africa."


Oh MAN starting to get somewhere now. This article is a diamond mine of Mays' dirty past:


"According to a 1999 article in Counterpunch, entitled “Blood Suckers,” when Clinton became governor of Arkansas, the Arkansas state prison board rewarded a lucrative contract to Health Management Associates or HMA. The company was paid $3 million to run prison medical services. HMA started a business on the side: blood mining. Arkansas prisoners at that time, were among the few in the country not paid for their labor, as minimal and oppressive as those wage relations are in prisons. This created an opportunity for prisoners to sell their blood for $7 a pint and HMA sold it on the market for $50 a pint. The blood largely came from prisoners in Cummin Unit in Grady, Arkansas. This scandalous exploitation happened from 1983-1986.


Prison guards took kick-backs to continue the blood trade after the FDA sounded the alarm. Many prisoners who donated blood were compensated with drugs. HMA also traded in poor Haitians blood. The front-man for this blood business in crisis was Richard L Mays, long-time trustee of Arkansas Baptist College. The Arkansas State police launched a half-hearted investigation into allegations that HMA was awarded a renewal of its contract after bribing members of the state prison board. The investigation soon focused on Mays. He was paid by HMA to act as an “ombudsman” for the company, a position that had no clear job responsibilities. An ombudsman, in theory, investigates ethics violations, especially those of a public official. In fact, Mays functioned as a Black face in a high place who could justify the crime of exploiting Black people."


HOLY COW, that entire piece is mindblowing, the most dirt we've ever gotten on the Clintons' past in Arkansas, all gathered up in a tidy package.


This NYT archive piece looks promising, but paywall.


More from Bloomberg, including info on his lobbyist history:,%20Inc.


Mr. Richard L. Mays Sr., is a Senior and founding Partner of Mays, Byrd & Associates, P.A. Mr. Mays served as Senior Vice President of Cassidy & Associates from 1993 to 1995. From 1995 to 2003, Mr. Mays served as a consultant in West Africa to CMS Energy of Jackson, Michigan in connection with the expansion and development of a 330 Megawatt Power Plant in Takoradi, Ghana. Mr. Mays served as a Director of Solar Acquisition Corp. since October 2010. Mr. Mays is a former Arkansas Supreme Court Justice appointed by President Clinton during his first term as Governor of Arkansas. In 1990, Mr. Mays was appointed to the Arkansas Ethics Commission by then Governor Clinton and served as its first chairman. He serves as Co-Chair of Arkansas Claims Commission. He served as Chairman of Soul of the South TV since January 11, 2017. During the 1992 presidential campaign, Mr. Mays served as a member of the Clinton-Gore National Finance Committee and later as a National Co-Chairman of the Inaugural Committee. In 1993, Mr. Mays was appointed as Deputy Treasurer of the Democratic National Finance Committee. Mr. Mays worked at the United States Justice Department in Washington, D.C. under the Attorney General’s Honor Graduate Program and eventually returned to Arkansas to serves as Pulaski County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Thereafter, Mr. Mays entered the private practice of law and while practicing law was also elected to the Arkansas General Assembly in 1972, becoming the first African American elected to that body in the 20th Century. He has been a Director of Atlan Media, Inc. since January 11, 2017. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree, Phi Beta Kappa, from Howard University and received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Arkansas School of Law, where he served on the Law Review.



Was his "extensive business development" with the Clintons in Africa blood mining, too?

Maybe something a little more complicated, like organs?