Anonymous ID: f48c06 June 19, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.6796063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6082 >>6094


>Water is Crystal Clean and Air, our air it's the best it ever was" Has this been dug on already?


I have noticed significantly less chem trails in the skies over my area. Also, I've noticed that a number of various animals, who had seemed to vanish for awhile, suddenly returning. Like moar owls. Which is great because the neighborhood was becoming over-populated with rodents and skunks, whose numbers are now being maintained to reasonable levels.


I really don't know about the water. But hopefully that's getting better. Because many of the rivers and lakes in my state have gone to complete shit. It wasn't even safe to swim in many of them, let alone drink them. And our natural aquifers were being raped dry by the bottled water companies. Causing possibly tens of thousands of citizens to have to re-drill wells 2-3 times deeper before reaching the water source.


That's what you get from centuries of corporations raping our natural resources so a few wealthy individuals can profit, while we slave away at minimum wage to try to survive by destroying someone else's chance to live before they ever were born.


Sure the heck hope it's getting better. . . We'll see, I guess.