Anonymous ID: b940e1 June 20, 2019, 12:54 a.m. No.6796678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6750

Beware of the subversive use of language to manipulate the unthinking masses.

It appears that Orwellian Newspeak has rewired people’s brains so that they have been brainwashed to believe that slavery is freedom, good is evil, intolerance is tolerance etc., etc.

Take, for example, the phrase “Women’s Reproductive Rights,” used as a euphemism for state sanctioned and state financed abortion which, ultimately, is a form of genocide. Consider how the term “reproductive” has been turned on its head to describe the very opposite of reproduction, i.e. abortion and non-reproduction. Yet, this upside down logic has convinced millions of women that their reproductive rights are being threatened by laws that respect the life of the unborn.

Now consider China where the one-child policy REALLY infringes women’s reproductive rights; where women who conceive a second child are forcibly dragged to an abortion clinic to have the baby aborted, even up to the moment of birth. That’s what infringement of reproductive rights looks like in reality.

But the elite care not how they deprive populations of the right to reproduce – whether by subversion or authoritarianism – it doesn’t matter to them. All they want is to prevent reproduction at any cost. The ability to reproduce is the most threatening human right to a governing elite; the masses, even the poorest of them, through reproduction will very quickly become a numerical threat to the minority elite if allowed to reproduce at a normal rate. The work of one adult male can feed six mouths – i.e. reproduction is the quickest way to escape from poverty and become an economic force to be reckoned with. 4000 years ago the Israelites threatened the Pharaohs in Egypt – they had grown from 70 people to an estimated 2 million when Moses led them out of Egypt. Population control is essential to minority ruling elites if they are to retain power.

A great swathe of American women has been brainwashed to believe that genocide (which is the end result of abortion on a mass scale) is a reproductive right; that the freedom to reproduce equates to enslavement, and that abortion and the resulting genocide represents freedom – the very opposite of the truth.

And that’s just one example of how the manipulation of language has been used to brainwash people to willingly rush headlong into the slave-prisons prepared for them by a vicious and psychopathic elite. Turkeys voting for Christmas doesn’t even begin to describe such mass indoctrination and idiocy.